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Dr. Rahul Panat's Advanced Manufacturing Lab

Congratulations Yeasir and Sadeq!

Sadeq won the first prize at the latest MRS Micrograph Contest. The title of his winning micrograph was “An Ice Cave in Micro-Scales”!

Yeasir won third prize at the WSU-wide poster competition held on May 1st. The poster was based upon the latest results in the area of stretchable electronics (the work has been submitted to APL). We have successfully achieved the highest linear stretch-ability for metallic conductors on a polymer by engineering the metal-polymer interface!


Workshop on Smart Goods Manufacturing

Dr. Panat recently received funding from the CMMI division of NSF to co-organize a workshop on Smart Goods Manufacturing for the IoT segment. The workshop will be held in Portland, OR on May 14/15 ( The workshop will bring together 20+ regional companies (including HP, Xerox, Intel, Mentor Graphics, Sharp, Boeing, Amazon, etc), 5 universities in the region, and PNNL. The effort is intended to hear industry research needs in the IoT area.

Invited Seminar at the University of Washington, Seattle

Dr. Panat delivered a seminar in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Washington, Seattle. The seminar was titled “On the Integration of Microelectronic Devices on Rigid and Flexible Platforms” and talked about the past work and recent advanced in the lab on rigid and flexible electronics, sensors, and 3-D antennas.

Welcome New Student

Sadeq Saleh joined the group to work on Li-ion batteries. He comes from the University of Tehran with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering. Welcome Sadeq!

Another Equipment Grant

The lab received a grant to purchase photonic curing equipment for sintering of nanopowders. This adds to the already powerful array of tools in the lab and takes the manufacturing capability to the next level!

Equipment Grant

The lab received an internal equipment grant – this will significantly strengthen the manufacturing capabilities of the lab!