Close up image of greyhound.
Bleeding Disorder Testing for Dogs
A WSU veterinarian discovered a genetic mutation associated with the condition and developed the first diagnostic test
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The Delayed Postoperative Hemorrhage Gene (DEPOHGEN®) test, offered by WSU is the first test capable of detecting if your dog has a genetic mutation associated with delayed postoperative hemorrhage (DEPOH), a potentially deadly bleeding disorder that can occur after a surgical procedure.

If your veterinarian is aware that your pet is positive for the mutation, your pet can be administered an antifibrinolytic drug, which prevents the breakdown of an important blood-clotting protein, prior to any surgical procedure.

Dr. Michael Court, a veterinarian and professor of pharmacology and genomics in WSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine and Program in Individualized Medicine, led the effort to identify a gene associated with the condition, and later developed the only genetic test (DEPOHGEN®) available to detect the mutation.

Deerhound in a field of pink wildflowers.

The DEPOHGEN® mutation is common in Scottish deerhounds, greyhounds, and Irish wolfhounds; and has been discovered in other sighthound dog breeds like basenjis, Italian greyhounds, whippets, salukis, and Borzois*.

Order the DEPOHGEN® test now

*Note: This mutation is also found in some other popular breeds, such as golden retrievers, border collies, English bulldogs, and Shetland sheepdogs. However, whether this results in an increased risk for DEPOH is currently under investigation.

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Get your results within two weeks after your sample is received.

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Expert advice

Our team can provide advice to owners and veterinarians on how to prevent and treat delayed postoperative hemorrhage. 

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Trusted research

WSU discovered the DEPOH gene mutation and developed the first diagnostic test.

What is delayed postoperative hemorrhage?

Delayed postoperative hemorrhage (DEPOH) is a potentially deadly disorder that causes excessive bleeding and bruising in the hours and days following surgical procedures. It typically occurs one to four days after major surgery when blood clots begin to break down too soon in a process called hyperfibrinolysis. The severity can range from minor bruising to life-threatening hemorrhaging.

A genetic mutation has been found that is associated with DEPOH in dogs. This gene encodes alpha-2 antiplasmin, which plays a key role in preventing the breakdown of blood clots. Dogs with this mutation have been observed to have reduced alpha-2 antiplasmin activity, which predisposes them to premature clot dissolution.

Fortunately, there are effective medications that can prevent and treat DEPOH in dogs that test positive with the DEPOHGEN® test. Further information for your veterinarian about preventing and treating DEPOH is provided here.

Dog researchers with 3 dogs, 2 Greyhounds and one Golden Retriever.

Dogs with the DEPOH mutation have a much higher risk than other dogs of developing this after undergoing surgery. The DEPOHGEN® test will allow us to prevent delayed postoperative hemorrhage by administering antifibrinolytic drugs to dogs that test positive for the gene before any surgery.

Dr. Michael Court, WSU veterinarian and professor of pharmacology and genomics who discovered the DEPOH gene mutation and developed the first diagnostic test (DEPOGEN®) to detect the mutation.