Brad Luff

In 2021 I completed my masters degree.  The title of my thesis was: ENSO signals within streamflow regimes. I code in R, Python, and Earth Engine to solve analysis problems related to large datasets. I am competent with GIS and use both ArcGIS and QGIS equally. I specialize in climate data with a passion for understanding climate change. I also model food web interactions, web scrape when I can, and seek to understand the future of food availability based off of our changing climate. Some of my past projects include classifying streams based off of their dominant discharge regime, creating packages that allow for food web modeling, calculating change in volume of fresh water reservoirs in the Volta Basin, creating an interactive map of crop percentage by county across the US, assessing minimum instream flow violations across the western US for law students, using drones and photogrammetry to define erosion and deposition rates along waterways, and programming drones to scan areas for creating NDVI maps. My bachelor’s degree is in Environmental and Ecosystem Science with a minor in Forestry from WSU.

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