Affymetrix GeneChip Data

The data files are in an Excel spreadsheet format and provide all data obtained from Microarray Suite (MAS) 5.0 (Affymetrix) analysis. Experiment information and description of MAS 5.0 results can be found by downloading PDF files available on this page. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, please follow this link to obtain it.

If you are a collaborator looking for our Microarray Sample Guidelines and Form, please follow this link. (Form updated March 2010. *Please be sure you are sending samples to our Biotech/Lifesciences address.)

Below are two links to PDF files published by Affymetrix describing the statistical analysis of the data obtained from their GeneChip system. You can also follow this link to Affymetrix’s website to gain further information about the company, Microarray Suite, and the GeneChip system.

Please email Michael Griswold if you have difficulty downloading files or have questions regarding the experiments.

Experiment List

Testis Development

Mouse Wild-Type Testis Development – Excel documents

Rat Sertoli Cell Data

Rat FSH-Treated Sertoli Cell – Excel documents

Embryonic Gonad Development (Supplementary)

Supplementary Data: Embryonic Development Male vs Female

Androgen Treated Prepuberetal Mouse Testis

  • TP-4H-Down-Regulated.xls
  • TP-4H-Up-Regulated.xls
  • TP-All-Regulated.xls
  • TP-8H-Up-Regulated.xls
  • Commonly-Regulated-Genes-By-TP.xls
  • TP-16H-UP-Regulated.xls

Androgen Effect on the Mouse Epididymis

  • Caput Wild-type, rep (2))
  • Cauda Wild-type, rep (2)
  • Corpus Wild-type, rep (2)
  • Caput Castrated+Oil (48h), rep (2)
  • Cauda Castrated+Oil (48h), rep (2)
  • Corpus Castrated+Oil (48h), rep (2)
  • Caput Castrated+DHT(48h), rep (2)
  • Cauda Castrated+DHT(48h), rep (2)
  • Corpus Castrated+DHT(48h), rep (2)
  • Androgen Effect on the Mouse Epididymis National Library of Medicine

MSC-1 Reference Sample

Embryonic Mouse Testis Development

Embryonic Mouse Ovary Development

Mouse Germ Cells Reference Samples

Postpartum Testis Development

Mouse Primary Myoid Cells Reference Sample

  • Myoid cells reference sample (U74AV2)
  • Myoid cells reference sample (U74BV2)
  • Myoid cells reference sample (U74CV2)

Mouse Primary Sertoli Cells Reference Sample


  • Sertoli cells reference sample (U74Av2)
  • Sertoli cells reference sample (U74Bv2)
  • Sertoli cells reference sample (U74Cv2)

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