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Dr. Yonas Demissie Hydroclimatology Lab



  1. Moges, E., Y. Demissie, H-Y. Li, 2020. Uncertainty Propagation in Coupled Hydrological Models using Winding Stairs and Null-Space Monte Carlo Methods, Journal of Hydrology,
  2. GebreEgziabher, M and Y. Demissie, 2020. Modeling Urban Flood Inundation and Recession Impacted by Manholes, Water, 12(4), 1160;
  3. Yigzaw, W., H-Y. Li, Y. Demissie, M.I. Hejazi, L.R. Leung, and N. Voisin, 2019. A Multi-layer Reservoir Thermal Stratification Module for Earth System Models, Journal of Advances in Modeling
    Earth Systems, DOI:
  4. Yigzaw, W., H-Y. Li, Y. Demissie, M.I. Hejazi, L.R. Leung, N. Voisin, and R. Payn, 2018. A New Global Reservoir Geometry Dataset for Representing Reservoirs in Land Surface and Earth System Models, Water Resources Research,
  5. Wan, W., J. Zhao, H-Y, Li, A. Mishra, M. Hejazi, H. Lu, Y. Demissie, and H. Wang, 2018. A Holistic View of Climate Change and Water Management Impacts on Future Droughts: A Global Multi-Model Analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1029/2017JD027825.
  6. Mortuza, R., E. Moges, Y. Demissie, and H. Li, 2018. Historical and Future Drought Risk in Bangladesh using Bivariate Regional Frequency Analysis, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI:
  7. Moges, E., A. Jared, Y. Demissie, E. Yan, R. Mortuza, and V. Mahat. 2018. Bayesian Augmented L-Moment Approach for Regional Frequency Analysis, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, DOI: 10.1061/9780784481417.016
  8. Demissie, Y., E. Yan, M. Wu. 2017. Hydrologic and water quality impacts of biofuel feedstock production in the Ohio River Basin, Global Change Biology Bioenergy, DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12466.
  9. Ye, S., H. Li, L.R. Leung, J. Guo, Q. Ran, Y. Demissie, and M. Sivapalan, 2017. Understanding flood seasonality and its temporal shifts within the contiguous United States, Journal of Hydrometeorology. DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0207.1.
  10. Wang, W., H. Li, L.R. Leung, Y. Demissie, and G. Blöschl, 2017. Nonlinear filtering effects of reservoirs on the flood frequency curves at the regional scale, Water Resources Research. DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020871.
  11. Wan, W., H. Li, J. Zhao, A. Mishra, L.R. Leung, M. Hejazi, W. Wang, H. Lu, Z. Deng , Y. Demissie, H. Wang, 2017. Hydrological Drought in the Anthropocene: Impacts of Local Water Extraction and Reservoir Regulation in the US, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. DOI: 10.1002/2017JD026899
  12. Moges, E., Y. Demissie, H. Li, 2016, Hierarchical mixture of experts and diagnostic modeling approach to reduce hydrologic model structural uncertainty, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2015WR018266. 
  13. Gebremichael, M., M. Bitew, V. Nourani, G. Senay, Y. Demissie, 2016. Impact of hydrologic model on satellite-rainfall based streamflow simulations of a large topographically-complex watershed, Water Resources Research (in press).
  14. Li S., L. Xiong, H. Li, L.R. Leung, Y. Demissie, 2015. Attributing runoff changes to climate variability and human activities: Uncertainty analysis using four monthly water balance models, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s00477-015-1083-8
  15. Ye S., H. Li, S. Li, L.R. Leung, Y.Demissie, Q. Ran, G. Blöschl, 2015. Vegetation regulates streamflow intra-annual variability by adapting to climate variations, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI:10.1002/2015GL066396.
  16. Senay, G.B., S. Bohms, N.M. Velpuri, Y. Demissie, M. Gebremichael, 2014. Understanding the hydrologic sources and sinks in the Nile Basin: Using multi-source climate and remote sensing datasets, Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR015231.
  17. Demissie, Y., A. Valocchi, X. Cai, N. Brozovic, M. Gebremichael, G. Senay, 2014. Parameter estimation of groundwater models under uncertain irrigation data, Groundwater, DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12235.
  18. Yan, E., Y. Demissie, M. Wigmasta, V. Tidwell, C. King, 2013. Potential drought impacts on electricity generation in Texas, ASME Proceedings, DOI:10.1115/POWER2013-98318.
  19. Demissie, Y., E. Yan, and M. Wu, 2012. Assessing Regional Hydrology and Water Quality Implications of Large-Scale Biofuel Feedstock Production in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es300769k. 
  20. Wu, M., Y. Demissie, and E. Yan, 2012. Simulate impacts of future biofuel production on water quality and water cycle dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Biomass and Bioenergy, DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.01.030.
  21. Demissie, Y., E. Yan, and M. Wu, 2012. Effects of biofuel productions in the Ohio River basin’s water resources and quality. In: Environmental Science and Technology, G. Sorial and J. Hong, Eds. American Science Press, Houston, USA, 2012, Vol. 2, p. 577-582. ISBN: 9780976885344. 
  22. Wu, M., Y. Chiu, and Y. Demissie, 2012. Quantifying the regional water footprint of biofuel using multiple analytical tools, Water Resources Research, DOI:10.1029/2011WR011809.
  23. Demissie, Y., A. Valocchi, B. Minsker, and B. Bailey, 2009. Integrating a calibrated groundwater flow model with error-correcting data-driven models to improve predictions, Journal of hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.11.007
  24. Demissie, Y., A. Valocchi, B. Minsker, and B. Bailey, 2008. Bias-corrected groundwater model prediction uncertainty analysis. In: J. Refsgaard (Editor), Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling: Credibility in Modeling, IAHS Publ. 320. ISBN: 9781901502497
  25. Moges, E., A. Jared, R. Mortuza, Y. Demissie, E. Yan, H-Y. Li, 2018. Improved Regional Frequency Analysis: Bayesian Augmented L-moment Approach with Multiple Diagnostic Performance Measures, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (in revision)


  1. Moges, E., A. Jared, Y. Demissie, E. Yan, R. Mortuza, and V. Mahat. 2017. Bayesian Augmented L-moment Approach for Regional Frequency Analysis, EWRI World Environmental & Water Resource Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21–25.
  2. Demissie, Y., A.Valocchi, X. Cai, N. Brozovic, 2012. Inverse Modeling for Estimating Parameters of Groundwater Models with Uncertain Forcing Data, Proceedings of CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17–21.
  3. Yoon, H., Y. Demissie, S. McKenna, A. Valocchi, C. Werth, 2012. Data worth and optimal sampling analyses to reduce model prediction uncertainty for groundwater transport, Proceedings of CMWR2012: XIX International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, University of Illinois, June 17–21.
  4. Valocchi, A., Demissie, Y., and Xu, T., 2011. Improving prediction of regional-scale groundwater flow models through exploratory data analysis and complementary modeling, In Proceedings of MODFLOW and More 2011: Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Conference, E. Poeter, R. Maxwell, M. Hill and C. Zheng (ed.), Golden, CO, June 5-8.


  1. Demissie, Y. E. Yan, 2017. Linked Rainfall and Runoff Intensity-Duration-Frequency in the Face of Climate Change and Uncertainty, Interim Report for SERDP
  2. Yan, E., A. Jared, V. Mahat, E. Moges, Demissie, J. Pierce, M. Picel, D. Verner, T.Wall, 2016. Extreme Precipitation and Runoff under Changing Climate in Southern Maine, ANL/EVS-17/1, Argonne National Laboratory. 
  3. Demissie, Y., R. Mortuza, 2016. Development and Update of Rainfall and Runoff Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Washington State Counties in Response to Observed and Anticipated Extreme Rainfall and Snow Events, State of Washington Water Research Center.
  4. Yan, E., Tidewell, V., King, C., Demissie, Y., Harto, C., & Wigmosta, M., 2013. Impact of Future Climate Variability on ERCOT Thermoelectric Power Generation: In Support of Interconnection-Wide Transmission Planning. Energy and Water in the Western and Texas Interconnects, ANL/EVS/R-13/2, Argonne National Laboratory.
  5. Demissie, Y., E. Yan, M. Wu, and Z. Zhang, 2012. Watershed Modeling of Potential Impacts of Biofuel Feedstock Production in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, ANL/EVS/AGEM/ TR-12-07, Argonne National Laboratory.
  6. Harto, C., Yan, E., Demissie, Y., Elcock, Tidwell, V., Hallet, K., Macknick, J., Wilgmosta, M., Tesfa, T., 2011. Analysis of drought impacts on electricity production in the Western and Texas interconnections of the United States, ANL/EVS/R-11/14, Argonne National Laboratory. 


  1. Demissie, Y., 2016, Statistics in Practice for Analysis of Climate Impacts, Adaptations, and Mitigations – Panel Session, 7th Annual Northwest Climate Conference, Stevenson, WA, November 14-16, 2016
  2. Demissie, Y. and E. Moges, 2015, Potential use of diagnostic and dynamic coupling of models for hydro-biochemistry, International Conference on Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes: Mechanisms, Coupling, and Impact, Wuhan, China, October 27-31.
  3. Demissie, Y. and E. Yan, 2015, Water quality under increased biofuel production and future climate change and uncertainty, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-15.
  4. Demissie, Y., 2013. The Water Footprint of Bioenergy: A watershed assessment for Mississippi River basins, Washington State University, Water Resources/Environmental Graduate Seminar, Washington, October 07.
  5. Demissie, Y., 2013. Modeling Hydrology under Uncertain and Limited Data, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington, April 30.
  6. Demissie, Y., 2012. Effect of Biofuel Productions on Water Resources and Quality, Washington State University Tri-city, Graduating Seminar, Washington, September 05.


  1. Demissie, Y., MR. Mortuza, E. Yan, A. Jared, 2018. Drainage system and flooding risk under nonstationary climate and storm conditions, SERDP/ESTCP Symposium, Washington DC, Nov. 28 – 30.
  2. Yan, E., A. Jared, Y. Demissie, E. Moges, and MR. Mortuza, 2018. Development of next-generation intensity-duration-frequency curves under changing climate. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10 – 14.
  3. Gebremichael, M., Y. Demissie, 2018. Urban Storm Water Management and Flooding under Extreme Precipitation Events in Seattle. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10 – 14.
  4. MR. Mortuza, Y. Demissie, 2018. New Drought Index to Characterize Droughts Within a Snowmelt and Reservoirs Dominated Watershed. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10 – 14.
  5. Demissie, Y., MR. Mortuza, E. Yan, A. Jared, 2018. Current IDF Values and Drainage Designs in a Non-stationary Climate, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10 – 14.
  6. Jared, A., E. Yan, Y. Demissie, MR. Mortuza, E. Moges, 2018. Development of New Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for a Changing Climate. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10 – 14.
  7. Yigzaw, W., H. Li, LR. Leung, X. Fang, N. Voisin, M. Hejazi, Y. Demissie, 2018. Reservoir Thermal Stratification Model Development and Validation over the Continental US. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10 – 14.
  8. Demissie, Y. 2017. Characterizing the changes in extreme storm and flood risk at military installations across the United States, SERDP/ESTCP Symposium, Washington DC, Nov. 28 – 30.
  9. Demissie, Y. M.R. Mortuza, H. Li, 2017. Comprehensive Characterization of Droughts to Assess the Effectiveness of a Basin-Wide Integrated Water Management in the Yakima River Basin, AGU Fall Meeting, LA, Dec. 11-15.
  10. Mortuza, M.R., E. Moges, Y. Demissie, E. Yan, H-Y. Li, 2017. The Complex Relationship between Heavy Storms and Floods: Implication on Stormwater Drainage design and Management, AGU Fall Meeting, LA, Dec. 11-15.
  11. Abeshu, G.W., H-Y. Li, E.N.J. Brookshire, X. Chen, J. Tang, and Y. Demissie, 2017. Catchment-scale water-carbon coupling across the contiguous United States: A data-based analysis, WaterSmart Innovation Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 4-6.
  12. Abeshu, G., H-Y Li, W. Yigzaw, M. Hejazi, J. Tang, and Y. Demissie, 2017. Reservoir-induced Alterations in Flood Seasonality: Patterns, Processes, and Implications, AGU Fall Meeting, LA, Dec. 11-15.
  13. Demissie, Y. M.R. Mortuza, E. Moges, and E. Yan, 2017. Vulnerability and Resiliency of Stormwater Infrastructures in US Military Installations for Changing Climate, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21–25.
  14. Moges, E., Y. Demissie, E. Yan, and A. Jared, 2017. Bayesian Augmented L-moment Approach for Regional Frequency Analysis, World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Sacramento, CA, May 21–25.
  15. Demissie, Y. M.R. Mortuza, and E. Yan, 2016. Readiness of Military Installations for Increasing Heavy Storms, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16.
  16. Mortuza, M.R. and Y. Demissie, and H. Li, 2016. Regional Bivariate Drought Risk in Bangladesh, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16.
  17. Wan, W., H. Li, A. Mishra; H. Mohamad, L.R. Leung, and Y. Demissie, 2016. Impacts of Climate and Human-induced Changes on Hydrological Drought in the United States: a modeling study, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16.
  18. Wang, W., Li , H., Ruby , L.L., Blöschl, ., Demissie, Y., & Lu, H. (2016). Reservoirs’ Nonlinear Filtering Effects on Flood Frequency Curves. American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12-16.
  19. Demissie, Y. and E. Moges, 2015, Potential use of diagnostic and dynamic coupling of models for hydro-biochemistry, International Conference on Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes: Mechanisms, Coupling, and Impact, Wuhan, China, October 27-31.
  20. Demissie, Y. and M.R. Mortuza, 2015, Updated and Forward-Looking Rainfall and Runoff Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Washington State, 6th Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, November 3-5, 2015.
  21. Demissie, Y. and E. Yan, 2015, Water quality under increased biofuel production and future climate change and uncertainty, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-15.
  22. Mortuza, M.R. and Y. Demissie, 2015, A multivariate and probabilistic assessment of drought in the Pacific Northwest under historical and future climate change, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-15.
  23. Demissie, Y. and M.R. Mortuza, 2015, Runoff Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Washington State considering the change and uncertainty of observed and anticipated extreme rainfall and snow events, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14-15.
  24. Mortuza, M.R. and Y. Demissie, 2015, A multivariate drought assessment of the Yakima River Basin under historical and future climate change, 6th Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, November 3-5, 2015.
  25. Mortuza, M.R. and Y. Demissie, 2014, Multivariate probabilistic assessment of meteorological drought under climate change using copula-based regional frequency approach, 5th Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Seattle, WA, September 9-10.
  26. Moges, E., Y. Demissie, and H. Li, 2014, Hierarchical mixture of experts and diagnostic modeling approach to reduce hydrologic model structural uncertainty, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19.
  27. Mortuza, M.R., Y. Demissie, and H. Li, 2014, Regional frequency and uncertainty analysis of extreme precipitation in Bangladesh, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19.
  28. Li, S., H. Li, S. Ye, L. R. Leung, L. Xiong, and Y. Demissie, 2014, Relating Variations in Streamflow to Variations in Climate in Catchments across the Contiguous United States, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19.
  29. Senay, G., N.M. Velpuri, S. Bohms, Y. Demissie, 2014, and M. Gebremichael, 2014, New insights into hydrologic sources and sinks in the Nile Basin: A multi-source satellite data analysis, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19.
  30. Lin, J., Y. Demissie, E. Yan, J. Bohlke, and N. Sturchio, 2014, Nitrate Sources and Transport in the Upper Illinois River Basin Evaluated with Stable Isotope Ratios and SWAT Modeling, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 15-19.
  31. Moges, E., H.Li, Y. Demissie, and L. R. Leung, 2014, Anthropogenic influence on stream temperature dynamics, Bioearth Meeting, Pullman, WA, October 6-7.
  32. Mortuza, M.R. and Y. Demissie, 2014, Copula-Based Bivariate Drought Risk Assessment in Bangladesh, Bioearth Meeting, Pullman, WA, October 6-7