
Please feel free to contact to request copies of publications.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

*indicates mentored co-author

  • So, C.J., LaVoy, E.C.P., Harmouch, S.*, & Alfano, C.A. (2023). Objective and subjective sleep patterns and biomarkers of stress among women with a history of sexual abuse in childhood. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication.
  • Miller, K.E., So, C.J., Brownlow, J.A., Gehrman, P.R., & Woodward, S.H. (2023). Neighborhood disadvantage is associated with sleep disturbance in a sample of trauma-exposed Veterans. Sleep Health, 9(5), 634-637.
  • So, C.J., Kim, J., Cifre, A.B., Gonzalez, R.D., Bower, J.L., & Alfano, C.A. (2022). Validation of the Mental Health Checklist (MHCL) during COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(1), 502-514.
  • So, C.J., Gallagher, M.W., Palmer, C.A., & Alfano, C.A. (2021). Prospective associations between pre-sleep electronics use and same-night sleep in healthy school-aged children. Children’s Health Care, 50(3), 293-310.
  • Alfano, C.A., Bower, J.L., Connaboy, C., Agha, N.H., Baker, F.L., Smith, K.A., So, C.J., & Simpson, R.J. (2021). Mental health, physical symptoms, and biomarkers of stress during prolonged exposure to Antarctica’s extreme environment. Acta Astronautica, 181, 405-413.
  • So, C.J., Meers, J.M., Alfano, C.A., Garey, L., & Zvolensky, M.J. (2021). Main and interactive effects of nicotine product type on sleep health among dual combustible and e-cigarette users. The American Journal on Addictions, 30(2), 147-155.
  • So, C.J., Palmer, C.A., Gonzalez, R.D., Bower, J.L., Lau, S., & Alfano, C.A. (2021). Which objective sleep elements predict children’s perceptions of good sleep quality? A preliminary investigation based on polysomnography and actigraphy. Sleep Health, 7(1), 65-71.
  • LaVoy, E.C., Palmer, C.A., So, C.J., & Alfano, C.A. (2020). Bidirectional relationships between sleep and biomarkers of stress and immunity in youth. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 158, 331-339.
  • Osgood, J.M., Finan, P.H., Hinman, S.J., So, C.J., & Quartana, P.J. (2018). Combat exposure, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and health-related behaviors: The role of sleep continuity and duration. Sleep, 42(3), zsy257.
  • Doty, T.J., So, C.J., Bergman, E.M., Trach, S.K., Ratcliffe, R.H., Yarnell, A.M., Capaldi, V.F., Moon, J.E., Balkin, T.J., & Quartana, P.J. (2017). Limited efficacy of caffeine and recovery costs during and following 5 days of chronic sleep restriction. Sleep, 40(12), zsx171.

Book Chapters & Invited Publications

  • So, C.J., Alfano, C.A., & Ivanenko, A. (in press). Sleep in psychiatric disorders. In S.H. Sheldon, D. Gozal, & M.H. Kryger (Eds.), Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine, 3rd ed. Elsevier.
  • So, C.J., Miller, K.E., & Gehrman, P.R. (2023). Sleep disturbances associated with posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatric Annals, 53(11), 491-495.
  • So, C.J., Gotfried, C.B., Higa-McMillan, C.K., Alfano, C.A., & Beidel, D.C. (2021). Biopsychosocial development of children and adolescents in military families. In B. Halpern-Felsher (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health. Elsevier.