José Marcial and materials art
john.mccloyJosé Marcial has won 2nd place in the Artistic Category for the Materials Research Society, WSU Chapter, micrograph contest for “dendritic nepheline in high-level nuclear waste glass.”
José Marcial has won 2nd place in the Artistic Category for the Materials Research Society, WSU Chapter, micrograph contest for “dendritic nepheline in high-level nuclear waste glass.”
Jamie has just received the Golding Family Fellowship in the Sciences from the College of Arts and Sciences at WSU. This award was established by the Golding family to provide support for deserving graduate women in the physical and life sciences. In WSU trivia, Cougar Gold cheese was named after Dr. Norman Golding, who was a dairy science professor in the College of Agriculture at WSU.
Joey and Muad received awards for this years’ Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) poster contest. Joey received a “Novice Researcher Award” for “Compositional Dependence of Crystallization in Nuclear Waste Form Glasses.” Muad received a “Gray” award for “Effects of Heat Treatment of Nuclear Steel on Magnetic Barkhausen Noise.” Congratulations guys! Both also competed in the University of Idaho – Washington State University ASM Annual Paper night.
José has been selected as one of the recipients for a fully paid grant to attend the Summer School in Glass Ceramics in São Paulo, Brazil, in August 2015. The Advanced School on Glasses and Glass-Ceramics (G&GC São Carlos) will take place in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, in August 1-9, 2015. The School is organized by the CeRTEV (Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials and will be funded by FAPESP (The São Paulo Research Foundation) and the Department of Materials Engineering of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).
Muad has been named the outstanding senior by the Materials Science & Engineering undergraduate program. Only one of these is selected per year. Congratulations Muad!
José has done it again. He has been awarded the one of the 2015 Roy G. Post Foundation Scholarships ( at the Graduate Student Level. He will be awarded the scholarship and travel reimbursement at the 2015 Waste Management Symposium ( in Phoenix, Arizona, in March 2015. At the meeting, he was also awarded the Longnecker & Associates scholarship.
José received one of the travel stipends from the Nuclear & Environmental Technology Division of The American Ceramic Society to attend MS&T14 in Pittsburgh. Congratulations Jose!
The Chairs of the 2014 MRS Fall Meeting have selected “Forest of Na-Re-O dendrites in ceramic matrix composite” image (taken by Jamie Weaver and Paul Gassman (PNNL) with a Horiba Raman Spectrometer equipped with a Nikon Eclipse microscope) as a finalist in the “Science as Art” competition. Chosen from among 150 artistic entries, the 60 finalists will compete in Boston for multiple $400 first-place and $200 second-place prizes.
Congratulations Muad, for being selected to participate in the WSU Harold Frank Entrepreneurship Program (! We expect great things.
Saehwa and José have been selected for graduate fellowships for the 2014-15 academic year in the GAANN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) program through the US Department of Education.