MEZAP Lab News!


Actively seeking postdoctoral researcher, flexibility in the specific projects with the overarching goal of leveraging -omics data to predict host-virus compatibility with the Verena team ( Our team is working primarily with bat-borne and vector-borne viruses. Expertise in bioinformatics required, expertise in machine learning and/or evolutionary biology/population genetics preferred. Position is intended to be computational including remote access to the WSU Kamiak HPC, but can also include lab-based research including BSL2 and BSL3 facilities if desired. Travel for workshops and conferences included, highly collaborative team across several institutions. Please reach out to Steph ( directly with a CV and short description of your research interests relating to the position! Start date is flexible for the right candidate.


Dr. David Simons has received a Fellows in Residence award through the NSF BII Viral Emergence Research Institute and will be working with the MEZAP lab to synthesize a database on host-pathogen associations with two important virus families, Hantaviridae and Arenaviridae. This database will include key metadata that will allow for downstream hypothesis-driven research to better understand virus evolution and ecology in these important groups. Welcome David! Find more about David’s work here:



NSF awards $12.5 million over five years to support research of the Biology Integration Institute: Viral Emergence Research Initiative with WSU Assistant Professor, Stephanie N. Seifert, as Co-PI. Work in the MEZAP lab will focus on decoding the rules of host-virus compatibility using -omics data. Find out more about the exciting work with the Verena Institute here: