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Outside Looking In Lobbyists' Views on Civil Discourse in U.S. State Legislature

This research site is the result of a collaborative effort involving the hard work of numerous individuals from across the U.S. Our wish is for the collaborative spirit that drove this project to continue.



Scholars interested in exploring the topic of legislative civility further will find the original survey instrument used to collect the extensive dataset. They will also find the actual dataset in SPSS, Stata, and Excel formats, along with searchable database for the written comments submitted by the state legislative lobbyists who participated in our survey. This website also contains information about the National Survey of State Legislative Lobbyists itself, the project that led to the creation of the dataset, the study’s primary findings, and links to research papers and published articles that grew from this collaborative research effort. We also include a discussion of our future research plans related to legislative civility and opportunities for others to join us in this work.



Practitioners will find presentation resources used by the authors, at several different places across the U.S., on our findings as they relate to legislative civility. For those interested in hosting a future presentation of their own, contact information is also included in the website.