Brandon Hopkins, Ph.D.

Brandon Hopkins: he/him/his


Twitter: @WSUBeeGuy

I received my B.A.E. and M.S. from Eastern Washington University.  During my time at E.W.U, I worked on developing assistive reproductive techniques for captive breeding of endangered frog species. I worked part time as a high school science teacher while completing my Master’s degree focusing on cryopreservation.  The opportunity to work on cryopreservation of honey bee semen late in my Masters program instilled a strong interest in continuing work with the amazing species.  I continued to work on cryopreservation and other assistive reproductive techniques in honey bees during my PhD.  As part of that work I helped build the first germplam bank for honey bees.  Cryopreserving germplasm from 4 subspecies in their native ranges through Europe and western Asia.  The goal being to provide bee breeders tools to aid in bee breeders in selection and contribute the conservation of valuable genetic diversity.  While I continue to work in this area, I am also highly driven by the supportive community of beekeeping that have helped add various research areas and interests. The immediate needs for solutions to issues around Varroa control and improved management practices have inspired a large part of my research efforts.  I want to develop and deliver practical solutions to commercial beekeepers and the agricultural industries reliant on them for pollination services.  I like to take input from stakeholders and then collaborate to find solutions; working on interactions between genetics, environment, and management practices.

Brandon Hopkins’ Current CV