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Alair Maclean's Research Site

Alair MacLean

Professor of Sociology


Phone: (360) 546-9177
Located in Multimedia (VMMC) MMC 202H
Support Staff: Jen Barnes


Curriculum Vitae

In my research, I address questions related to inequality in historical and cross-national context. Throughout my career, I have focused on unequal pathways through the transition to adulthood, first examining military service and, more recently, higher education. In this work, I examine the factors that shape the trajectories that people follow in their late teens and early twenties.
On sabbatical, 2020-2021.


Course numberTitleTimeLocationSemesterSyllabus
Soc. 415 GlobalizationTu,Th 12:05-1:20VMMC and Wilson-Short2023 SpringSyllabus
Soc. 497Capstone Research PracticumT, Th 10:35-11:50VMMC and Wilson-Short2022 FallSyllabus
Soc. 101Intro SociologyTu,Th 12:05-1:20VUB2022 FallSyllabus
Soc. 321Intro statsTu,Th 9:10-10:25VLIB2022 SpringSyllabus
Soc. 542Social StratificationWeds 2:50-5:20Wilson-Short2021 FallSyllabus

Select Publications

Alair MacLean and Meredith Kleykamp. 2021. “Generations of Veterans: Socioeconomic Attainment from World War II to the Contemporary Era.” Social Science History 45:83-110.

Alair MacLean. 2019. “Military service and the socioeconomic attainment of Frenchmen, 1940–1980.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 61:1-619.

Alair MacLean. 2018. “A Few Good Men and Women: Gender, Race, and Status in the Wartime Volunteer Military.” Population Research and Policy Review 37(4):591-613.

Alair MacLean and Ryan D. Edwards. 2017. “Military Service, Combat Exposure, and Health in Retirement.” Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 8(2):122-137.

Alair MacLean and Meredith Kleykamp. 2014. “Coming Home: Attitudes toward U.S. Veterans returning from Iraq.” Social Problems 61(1):131-154.

Alair MacLean. 2010. “The Things They Carry: Combat, Disability, and Unemployment among US Men.” American Sociological Review 75(4):563-585.

Alair MacLean and Glen H. Elder, Jr. 2007.“Military Service in the Life Course.” Annual Review of Sociology 33: 175-96.


  • PhD, University of Wisconsin – Madison, 2004