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Dr. Erin Thornton Dept. of Anthropology - Stable Isotope Lab


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Exploring the History of Turkey Domestication and Management

Peer-reviewed edited volume published by the French Natural History Museum, Paris (2022).

Camila Speller, Aurelie Manin, Erin Kennedy Thornton & Eduardo Corona (editors)

Thornton, Erin Kennedy, Tanya Peres, Kelly Ledford Chase, Brian M. Kemp, Ryan Frome, Aurelie Manin, Lauren Basnett, Krista McGrath, Camilla Speller, and Elizabeth J. Reitz (2021). Testing for Mississippian Period Turkey Management in the Archaeological Record of the Southeastern United States (USA). American Antiquity 86(4): 794-814. doi:10.1017/aaq.2021.58.

Sheets, Kimberly A., Andrew Duff, Erin Thornton, and E. Charles Adams (2021). Sourcing Bighorn Sheep from the Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster, Northeastern Arizona, through Strontium Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 37, 102986.

Cunningham-Smith, Petra, Ashely E. Sharpe, Arianne Boileau, Erin Kennedy Thornton, and Kitty F. Emery (2020). Food, Friend, or Offering: Exploring the Role of Maya Dogs in the Zooarchaeological Record. In Her Cup for Sweet Cacao: Food in Ancient Maya Society (edited by Traci Arden). University of Texas Press, Austin, pp. 161–187.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy and Kitty F. Emery
In press Los Orígenes de la Domesticación del Pavo en Mesoamérica: Una Revisión de la Evidencia Actual In: El Guajolote en Mesoamerica (volume edited by: A Ariel de Vidas, N. Latsanopoulos, and Perig Pitrou), Centre d’Etudes Mésoamércaines et Centraméricaines (CEMCA). Publication in Spanish.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy and Arthur A. Demarest (2019). At Water’s Edge: Ritual Maya Animal Use in Aquatic Contexts at Cancuen. Ancient Mesoamerica 30(3): 473–491.

Manin, Aurelie, Eduardo Corona, Michelle Alexander, Abigail Craig, Erin Kennedy Thornton, Dongya Y. Yang, Michael Richards and Camilla F. Speller (2018). Diversity of Management Strategies in Mesoamerican Turkeys: Archaeological, Isotopic and Genetic Evidence. Royal Society Open Science 5:171613.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy and Kitty F. Emery (2017). The Uncertain Origins of Mesoamerican Turkey Domestication. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 24: 328–351.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy (2016). Introduction to the Special Issue: Turkey Husbandry and Domestication: Recent Scientific Advances. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10: 514–519. Special Issue edited by Erin Kennedy Thornton, Kitty Emery and Eduardo Corona.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy, Kitty F. Emery and Camilla Speller (2016). Ancient Maya Turkey Husbandry: Testing Theories through Stable Isotope Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10: 584–595. S

Kitty F. Emery, Erin Kennedy Thornton, Ashley Sharpe, Petra Cunningham-Smith and Brandon McIntosh (2016). Testing Osteometric and Morphological Methods for Turkey Species Determination in Maya Assemblages. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10: 607–631.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy and Kitty F. Emery  (2016) Patterns of Ancient Maya Animal Use at El Mirador: Evidence for Subsistence, Ceremony and Exchange. Archaeofauna 25: 232–264.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy (2016) “Fauna” In Encyclopedia of the Ancient Maya (Walter Witschey, editor). AltaMira Press, pp. 153–157.

Emery, Kitty F. and Erin Kennedy Thornton
2014a Tracking Climate Change in the Ancient Maya World through Zooarchaeological Habitat Analysis. In The Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context (Gyles Iannone, editor). University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

2014b Using Animal Remains to Reconstruct Ancient Landscapes and Climate in the Central and Southern Maya Lowlands. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Council for Archaeozoology Conference, Paris, 23-28 August, 2010 (Christine Lefévre, editor). BAR International Series #2354: 203-225.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy and Olivia Ng
2013 Late 19th and Early 20th Century Animal Use at Holotunich, Belize. In Archaeology of Ancient Mesoamerican Animals (Christopher Götz and Kitty F. Emery, editors). Oxbow Press, David Brown Book Company, pp. 351-380.

Emery, Kitty F., Erin Kennedy Thornton, Nicole Cannarozzi, Stephen Houston and Hector Escobedo
2013  Ancient Animals of the Southern Maya Highlands: Zooarchaeology of Kaminaljuyu. In Archaeology of Ancient Mesoamerican Animals (Christopher Götz and Kitty F. Emery, editors). Oxbow Press, David Brown Book Company, pp. 381-416.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy, Kitty F. Emery, Camilla Speller, David Steadman, Ray Matheny, Dongya Yang
2012 Earliest Mexican Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in the Maya Region: Implications for pre-Hispanic Animal Trade and the Timing of Turkey Domestication. PLoS ONE 7(8):e42630.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042630

Thornton, Erin Kennedy
2012 Animal Resource Use and Exchange at an Inland Maya Port: Zooarchaeological Investigations at Trinidad de Nosotros. In Motul de San Jose: Politics, History, and Economy in a Maya Polity (Antonia E. Foias and Kitty F. Emery, editors). University of Florida Press: 326-356.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy
2011 Reconstructing Ancient Maya Animal Trade through Strontium Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 38: 3254-3263.

Thornton, Erin Kennedy, Susan D. deFrance, John Krigbaum, and Patrick Ryan Williams
2011 Isotopic Evidence for Middle Horizon to Sixteenth Century Camelid Herding in the Osmore Valley, Peru. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 21: 544-567.

Emery, Kitty F. and Erin Kennedy Thornton
2008a Zooarchaeological Habitat Analysis of Ancient Maya Landscape Changes. Journal of Ethnobiology 28(2): 154-178.

Emery, Kitty F. and Erin Kennedy Thornton
2008b A Regional Perspective on Biotic Change During the Classic Maya Occupation Using Zooarchaeological Isotopic Chemistry. Quaternary International 191: 131-143.