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Beese Research Research Activities

One Health Washington Conference

Today I presented the preliminary findings from my 7-month pilot to test the feasibility of Master Gardener volunteers identifying and addressing signs of emotional strain in community garden settings. For this study, we trained, mentored, and certified self-identified volunteers in the evidence-based QPR (suicide prevention) method. This study was fun (Master Gardeners are the best), challenging, and a joyful way for me to practice my craft as an emerging implementation scientist.

Presentation dates: August 16, 2023

Presentation location: Ellensburg, Washington

Washington State Food Security Survey: Supplemental briefs

One of my greatest privileges this year has been getting to work with a team from the University of Washington on the fourth wave of their ongoing Washington State Food Security Survey. It has been such a unique opportunity for me to see how a larger scale research program functions, complete with senior and junior faculty investigators, graduate students, and an extraordinary coordinator who keeps multiple projects on target. Through working on this project, I have learned a ton about effective data visualization and how to concisely tell the data story. I am so grateful, that Dr. Pablo Monsivais connected me with this project!

Environmental Health Research Institute for Nurse and Clinician Scientists (EHRI-NCS) 2023 Workshop

In 2022, I was fortunate to be part of the inaugural cohort for the Environmental Health Research Institute for Nurse and Clinician Scientists (EHRI-NCS). The fellowship was an invaluable experience for me as I was in my transition year of wrapping up my PhD studies and moving into my faculty position. One comment I received after my “job talk” during my faculty interview was that they seldom see an early career candidate who has given so much deep thought to the ten-year trajectory of their research program. That comment was a direct byproduct of the career cartography work we did as fellows of EHRI-NCS, under the leadership of principal investigator Dr. Jessica Castner and faculty. You can imagine my sheer delight when I received the call from Dr. Castner a year later inviting me to support the institute as a junior faculty for the analytics portion of the workshop! Last week, I assisted the core faculty in facilitating the 2023 workshop. The event was hosted at Emory University.

During the three-day workshop, I had the opportunity to meet Dr. Gaea A. Daniel and hear about her research, as well as tour the Emory school of nursing bio-labs. All participants went and visited the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta campus. My neighborhood researcher heart was overjoyed to hear about some of the work being done to better understand Healthy Communities at the CDC. During the final day of the workshop, I enthusiastically listened as Dr. Jeremy Sarnat shared an overview of the work being done at the HERCULES Exposome Research Center. I returned home renewed and excited to resume my work!

Presentation dates: June 12-14, 2023

Presentation location: Atlanta, Georgia

National Rural Health Association (NRHA) Conference May 15-19

On May 17, Dr. Janessa Graves and I presented the progress and results of our “Antecedents to Geographic Disparities in Mental Health Care Access among Participants Enrolled in the National Institutes of Health All of Us Research Program” study. Our presentation was in San Diego!

This nine-month grant is wrapping up on June 30. As an early career researcher, it has been a wonderful experience for me to advance my coding in ‘R’ skills and be mentored through managing an NIH mini-grant. The analysis experience has been a valuable opportunity to learn the nuances and structure of a new national-level database.

Northwest Regional Primary Care Association (NWRPCA) Lunch and Learn Presentation

On May 7, 2023 I presented a lunch and learn, Addressing the Core Drivers of Escalating Chronic Illness.

For this presentation I overviewed the increasing healthcare cost and provided the perspective of the upstream lens to examine the core drivers of mortality and morbidity. I shared tactics that Community Health Centers can use to engage their geographic neighborhoods in cultivating healthy communities. I closed by sharing the preliminary insights I am gleaning from my inquiry using the All of Us NIH Research Program data. 

Thank you to the AHEC for Western Washington for inviting me!

Presentation location: Seattle, Washington

Graduation Day!

In the summer of 1999, I was awarded a summer research internship at a neuroscience lab at Washington State University. That summer, I lived with a Veterinary medicine student and a microbiology graduate who was starting medical school the following fall. It was one of the most formative periods of my life. For the first time, I felt like I was meeting my people. I remember once during weekly journal club, I asked a question, and the principal investigator looked at me and said, “Shawna, no one knows the answer to that! Perhaps you would like to spend the rest of your career finding out.” There we stood at the edge of knowledge; it was at that moment my soul knew I would become a scientist someday.

The next 24 years unfolded, and during that time I made countless responsible choices for my family’s benefit. Almost a quarter century later, I know I am late to the party -but here I am! To all of my colleagues who stand on the edge of knowledge daily and push forward, YOU are my people. It is one of my greatest joys in life to work with you!

Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 27-29, 2023

Dr. Janessa Graves and I presented a collection of four posters this week at the Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 27-29, 2023.

  • Beese, S., Carbone J., Graves JM. Use of the All of Us Research Program to examine allostatic load. Poster presentation, Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 27-29, 2023.

  • Graves JM, & Beese S. How Rural is All of Us? Identification & representation of rural participants in the NIH All of Us Research Program. Poster presentation, Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 27-29, 2023.

  • Graves JM, & Beese S. Self-reported mental health status and utilization among rural and non-rural participants of the All of Us Research Program. Poster presentation, Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 27-29, 2023.

  • Graves JM, Parrott KF, Beese S., Carbone J. Use of the NIH All of Us Research Program Researcher Workbench for Educational and Instructional Purposes. Poster presentation, Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 27-29, 2023

Food Security and Food Assistance in the Wake of COVID-19

Our initial research brief was just released and shared with state legislators and local agency stakeholders. The brief features a timely snapshot of the Washington State (WA) food environment as food assistance post-COVID policy is being settled. It has been an honor to collaborate with the team from the University of Washington (UW), School of Public Health on their fourth wave of the WA Food Security Survey.