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Terry, C. E., Liebzeit, J. A., Purvis, E. M., and W. W. Dowd. In review. Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on metabolism and activity of the copepod Tigriopus californicus. bioRxiv


Gleason, L. U. , F. J. Fekete, R. L. Tanner, and W. W. Dowd. 2023. Multi-omics reveals largely distinct transcript- and protein-level responses to the environment in an intertidal mussel. J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb245962


Dowd, W. W., and G. N. Somero. 2023. Oxidative stress effects are not correlated with differences in heat tolerance among congeners of Mytilus. J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb.246033


Denny, M. W., and W. W. Dowd. 2022. Elevated salinity rapidly confers cross-tolerance to high temperature in a splash-pool copepod. Integr. Organ. Biol. 4:obac037


Tanner, R. L., Gleason, L. U., and W. W. Dowd. 2022. Environment-driven shifts in inter-individual variation and phenotypic integration within subnetworks of the mussel transcriptome and proteome. Mol. Ecol. 31: 3112-127.


Denny, M. W., and W. W. Dowd. 2022. Physiological Consequences of Oceanic Environmental Variation: Life from a Pelagic Organism’s Perspective. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 14: 25-48.


Dinh, K. V., Cuevas-Sanchez, A. Y., Buehl, K. S., Moeser, E. A., and W. W. Dowd. 2020. Heat tolerance and thermal preference of the copepod Tigriopus californicus are insensitive to ecologically relevant dissolved oxygen levels. Sci. Rep. 10:18885.


Dowd, W. W., and M. W. Denny. 2020. A series of unfortunate events: Characterizing the contingent nature of physiological extremes using long-term environmental records. Proc. R. Soc. B. 287:20192333.


Tanner, R. L., and W. W. Dowd. 2019. Inter-individual physiological variation in responses to environmental variation and environmental change: integrating across traits and time. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A: Mol. Integr. Physiol. 238:110577.


Miller, L. P., and W. W. Dowd. 2019. Repeatable patterns of small-scale spatial variation in intertidal mussel beds and their implications for responses to climate change. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A: Mol. Integr. Physiol. 236:110516.


Dowd, W. W., and A. G. Jimenez. 2019. High-shore mussels, Mytilus californianus, have larger muscle fibers with lower aerobic capacities than low-shore con-specifics. Mar. Biol. 166:22.


Miller, L. P., and W. W. Dowd. 2019. Dynamic measurements of black oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) predation on mussels (Mytilus californianus). Invert. Biol. 138:61-73.


Riggs, C. L., Summers, A., Warren, D., Nilsson, G., Nilsson, S. L., Dowd, W. W., Milton, S., and J. E. Podrabsky. 2018. Small noncoding RNA expression and extreme vertebrate anoxia tolerance. Front. Genet. 9:230.


Gleason, L. U., Strand, E., Hizon, B., and W. W. Dowd. 2018. Plasticity of thermal tolerance and its relationship with growth rate in juvenile mussels (Mytilus californianus). Proc. R. Soc. B. 285: 20172617.


Gleason, L. U., Miller, L. P., Winnikoff, J., Somero, G. N., Yancey, P. H., Bratz, D., and W. W. Dowd. 2017. Thermal history and gape of individual Mytilus californianus correlate with oxidative damage and thermoprotective osmolytes. J. Exp. Biol. 220: 4292-4304.


Miller. L. P., and W. W. Dowd. 2017. Multimodal in situ datalogging quantifies inter-individual variation in thermal experience and persistent origin effects on gaping behavior among intertidal mussels (Mytilus californianus). J. Exp. Biol. 220: 4305-4319.


Williams, C. W., Buckley, L. B., Sheldon, K. S., Vickers, M., Pörtner, H.-O., Dowd, W. W., Gunderson, A. R., Marshall, K. E., and J. Stillman. 2016. Biological impacts of thermal extremes: mechanisms and costs of functional responses matter. Integr. Comp. Biol. 56: 73-84.


Jimenez, A. G., Alves, S., Dallmer, J., Njoo, E., Roa, S., and W. W. Dowd. 2016. Acclimation to elevated emersion temperature has no effect on susceptibility to heat-induced, acute lipid peroxidation in an intertidal mussel (Mytilus californianus). Mar. Biol. 163:1-10.


Jimenez, A. G., Jayawardene, S., Dallmer, J., Alves, S., and W. W. Dowd. 2015. Micro-scale environmental variation amplifies physiological variation among individual mussels. Proc. R. Soc. B. 20152273.


Protopapadakis, L., Penttila, K., and W. W. Dowd. 2015. Testing a non-lethal method for determining the sex of California halibut, Paralichthys californicus, in non-spawning condition. Fish. Manag. Ecol. 22:432-435.


Dowd, W. W., King, F. A., and M. W. Denny. 2015. Thermal variation, thermal extremes, and the physiological performance of individuals. J. Exp. Biol. 218, 1956-1967.


Jayasundara, N., Tomanek, L., Dowd, W. W., and G. N. Somero. 2015. Proteomic analysis of cardiac response to temperature acclimation in the eurythermal goby fish, Gillichthys mirabilis. J. Exp. Biol. 218: 1359-1372.


Dowd, W. W., Felton, C. A., Heymann, H. M., Kost, L. E., and G. N. Somero. 2013. Food availability, more than body temperature, drives correlated shifts in ATP-generating and antioxidant enzyme capacities in a population of intertidal mussels (Mytilus californianus). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 449: 171-185.


Dowd, W. W., and G. N. Somero. 2013. Behavior and survival of Mytilus congeners following episodes of elevated body temperature in air and seawater. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 502-514.


Dowd, W. W. 2012. Challenges for biological interpretation of environmental proteomics data in non-model organisms. Integr. Comp. Biol. 52: 705-720.


Denny, M. W., and W. W. Dowd. 2012. Biophysics, environmental stochasticity, and the evolution of thermal safety margins in intertidal limpets. J. Exp. Biol. 215:934-947.


Dowd, W. W. 2011. Dogfish Rectal Gland. In: Farrell, A.P., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, volume 2, pp. 1429-1436. San Diego: Academic Press.


Denny, M. W., Dowd, W. W., Bilir, L., and K. Mach. 2011. Spreading the risk: Small-scale body temperature variation among intertidal organisms and its implications for species persistence. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 400:175-190.


Dowd, W. W., Renshaw, G. M. C., Cech, J. J., Jr., and D. Kültz. 2010. Compensatory proteome adjustments imply tissue-specific structural and metabolic reorganization following episodic hypoxia or anoxia in the epaulette shark. Physiol. Genomics 42:93–114.


Dowd, W. W., Harris, B. N., Cech, J. J., Jr., and D. Kültz. 2010. Proteomic and physiological responses of leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) to salinity change. J. Exp. Biol. 213:210-224.


Matey, V., Wood, C. M., Dowd, W. W., Kültz, D. and P. J. Walsh. 2009. Morphology of the rectal gland of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) shark in response to feeding. Can. J. Zool. 87:440-452.


Dowd, W. W., Wood, C. M., Kajimura, M., Walsh, P. J., and D. Kültz. 2008. Natural feeding influences protein expression in the dogfish shark rectal gland: A proteomic analysis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. D: Genomics & Proteomics 3:118-127.


Dowd, W. W., Brill, R. W., Bushnell, P. G., and J. A. Musick. 2006. Estimating consumption rates of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, using a bioenergetics model. Fish. Bull. 104:332-342.


Dowd, W. W., Brill, R. W., Bushnell, P. G., and J. A. Musick. 2006. Standard and routine metabolic rates of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus), including the effects of body mass and acute temperature change. Fish. Bull. 104:323-331.