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As curators for three decades worth of past medical and performance data from the Ironman World Championship (Kona, HI), EPPL personnel are tasked with it’s management and safekeeping.  This work is carried out utilizing the EPPL’s Global Triathlon Safety Database, and represents over 2,000 man-hours of effort in collaboration with Dr. Douglas Hiller.  As one of the world’s more robust longitudinal performance-based data sets on elite athletes, we aim to apply this information to improve ultra-endurance safety worldwide. If you are interseted in learning more about this project, please contact Ryan Hudgins. 


Triathalon Event Advanced Medical Mapping

The TEAMM project aims to develop a user-friendly mapping system that provides critical safety information for training events across the USA. The idea was inspired by the cusses of Athletic Training Location and Services (ATLAS), which influences 48 out of 50 states to revise safety polices concerning Athletic Training services in high schools. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Jasneet Najir. 

Influence of Training Protocol on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in College Students

This project is examining the effects of treadmill running interval training weekly frequency on cardiorespiratory fitness and psychological sustainability in insufficiently active college students. Participants are stratified into either a once-per-week “blocked” group or a thrice-per-week “periodic” group, where both groups are matched on weekly exercise volume, that is, enough to meet physical activity guidelines. The study comprises a six-week intervention with pre- and post- VO2max testing in the weeks before and after, respectively. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Will Yaku.

The influence of Pre-Competition Anxiety on Ironman Triathletes

This project seeks to discover how type of training (indoor vs outdoor) and past adverse experiences (musculoskeletal injury and hydration illnesses) influence pre-competition anxiety in Ironman triathletes. Our underlying assumption is that pre-competition anxiety is related to adverse cardiac events (arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death). Specifically, I will be putting a major influence on the swim leg of the race, as this is when most deaths in triathlon occur. The driving force behind this project is to create a safer environment for athletes and the sport that I love.If you are interested in learning more, please contact Ryan Hudgins. 



PHONE  (509) 335-9658   •   EMAIL  •   LOCATION  Smith Gym 70, Pullman, WA 99164