About Our Lab
The Adolescent Health & Wellness Lab conducts high quality research in the areas of pediatric pain, social development, and overall health and well-being. Our current research efforts are primarily focused on the identification of social risk and protective factors associated with the chronic pain experience in adolescence. We also have ongoing projects related to cannabis use in adolescents and young adults with and without chronic pain. The ultimate goal of our research is to generate knowledge that can be translated into innovative and effective interventions for children and adolescents with pain and their families.
**Dr. Fales is currently recruiting graduate students for the Experimental Psychology doctoral program on the WSU Vancouver campus. Interested applicants should have a stated interest in conducting research with young people (children, adolescents, and young adults) as well as interests related to health psychology (e.g., chronic pain, sleep, and physical activity). First generation and under-represented students are strongly encouraged to apply. Please note that our Experimental Psychology doctoral training program does not prepare students for a career in clinical psychology.