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The MOVE Lab Motion Tracking Virtual Environments (MOVE) Lab

Welcome to the MOVE Lab



Directed by Dr. Dene Grigar, The MOVE (Motion Tracking, Virtual Environment) Lab explores combining sensor-based physical computing with virtual and augmented reality technologies for education, business, communication, and art.

To learn more about the MOVE Lab:
To read the MOVE Lab Blog:


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Grigar, Dene. “MOOs and Participatory Media.” Forthcoming in Social Media Archaeology and Practice. Ed. Judy Malloy. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Book in production.

Oppegaard, Brett & Dene Grigar. “The Interrelationships of Digital Storytelling Mobile Media.” The Mobile Story: Narrative Practices with Locative Technologies. NY, NY: Routledge, 2013. 17-33.

Grigar, Dene, Joesph Tabbi, Matt Kirschenbaum, Michael Angelo Tata, Davin Heckman, Anna Gibbs, & Maria Angel. “E-Ject: On the Ephemeral Nature, Mechanisms, and Implications of Electronic Objects.” Proceedings of the Digital Arts and Culture Conference 2009. UC Irvine, CA: eScholarship.

Grigar, Dene. “Hyperlinking in 3D Multimedia Performances.” Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres. Ed. Jörgen Schäfer and Peter Gendolla. Bielefeld, Germany: Transaction Publishers, March 2010.

Grigar, Dene & Steve Gibson.  “Motion Tracking Technology, Telepresence, and Collaboration”.  Hyperrhiz 03, Summer 2007.

—.  “Found in Space: The Mindful Play Environment Is Born.  LabLit.


Creative Works:

Curlew. With Greg Philbrook. An interactive, multimedia poem about one man’s encounter with the forces of nature. It involves three versions: a three-wall projection for a black box environment for live performance; a single monitor for gallery installations; and an app-book environment for tablets.My archival site:

“Things of Day and Dream.” With Jeannette Altman. Live interactive, multimedia poem created with sensor-based, motion-tracking technologies.

Rhapsody Room. With Jeannette Altman. Live interactive, multimedia environment that explores language and digital poetry.

Virtual DJ. With Dr. Steve Gibson (U Victoria, Fine Art). Performance-installation involving sensor-based motion tracking technology.

When Ghosts Will Die. With Steve Gibson. A performance-installation that ulitizes interactive, multimedia technologies to tell the story about the dangers of nuclear proliferation. Archival site (Maintained by Steve Gibson):


Commercialization Projects:

“Drowsy Driver App.” PIs: Hans Van Dongen, Sleep Lab, WSU Spokane; Sandip Roy, Electrical Engineering, WSU Pullman; Michael Ebinger, WSU Spokane, WSU University Center for Innovation.

iSci: Interactive Technology for Immersive Environments. With Dr. Alexander Dimitrov (WSUV, Mathematics). An interactive learning environment involving a Kinect Sensor, Wii Remote, a Falcon Game Controller, and an iPad used for teaching fundamentals of chemistry, grades 6-12. My archival site:


DH Projects:

“Evolving the Botanic Garden.” An interpretative app for the Devonian Botanic Garden’s New Islamic Garden, Edmonton, Canada. PIs: Dr. Hussein Keshani, University of British Columbia Okanagan; Dr. Lee Foote, University of Alberta; Dr. Dene Grigar, WSUV; Dr. Constance Crompton, University of British Columbia Okanagan; Shiraz Allibhai, The Aga Khan Trust for Culture.

“Grand Emporium of the West.” Fort Vancouver Mobile. With Dr. Brett Oppegaard. Digital narratives developed for the iPhone and Android environments focusing on the history of the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Archival site (maintained by Brett Oppegaard): Link to the app in the Apple App Store:

“A Villager’s Tale.” Fort Vancouver Mobile. With Dr. Brett Oppegaard (WSUV, CMDC). Digital narratives for the iPhone and Android environments focusing on the history of the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. My Archival site: Archival site (maintained by Brett Oppegaard):



$198,259. Funded. 2014 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). PIs: Hussein Keshani, University of British Columbia (UBCO); Constance Crompton, UBCO; Lee Foote, Devonian Botanic Garden; Dene Grigar, WSUV; Shiraz Allibbai; Aga Khan Trust for Culture. “Evolving the Botanic Garden: Digital Environmental and Cultural Interpretation at the Edmonton Devonian Botanic Garden’s New Islamic Garden.” OGRD-122703-001.

$19418. Funded. 2012 National Endowment for the Humanities “We the People.” PIs: Brett Oppegaard and Dene Grigar. “The Grand Emporium of the West.” OGRD-114730-004.

$50000. Funded. 2011 National Endowment for the Humanities Start Up Grant. PIs: Dene Grigar and Brett Oppegaard. “A Villager’s Tale,” for the Fort Vancouver Mobile Project. OGRD-114730-003.

$19,912. Funded. 2010 Historic Promotions Grant. PIs: Dene Grigar and Brett Oppegaard. “The Fort Vancouver Mobile Project.” OGRD-113965 005.


Undergraduate Research:

Amanda Wolcott, Connor Goglin, Matt Lyons, Randy Luttrell, Holly Stassens, and Megan Essman. “T1VR.” Spring 2016. The project won 2nd Place. 2016 Student Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (SURCA) at Washington State University.

Amalia Vacca, Michael Keck et al. “Life Renewed.” Fall 2015. An interactive augmented-reality installation for the Mount St. Helens Science & Learning Center at Coldwater Station. The project was awarded 1st Place, 2015 Student Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities (SURCA) at Washington State University, Pullman; 1st Place Undergraduate Research Award, Washington State University Vancouver.

Jason Clarke, Hunter Crawford, Natalya Gruntkovsky, Jacob Holthalter, Madi Kozacek, Michael Langlois, Kerri Lingo, Chad McClure, Brian McGovern, Margerete Strawn. “Autovation.” An interactive augmented-reality installation for the Oregon Museum for Science & Industry (OMSI); September 2011-May, 2012.

Hunter Crawford, Natalya Gruntkovsky, Michael Langlois, Kerri Lingo, Anaya Martella, Chad McClure, Artem Popov, Kathleen Schultheis, Margerete Strawn. “Dick Hannah Customer Care App.” May-August 2011.

Samantha Goeltze, Nicholas Hill, Aaron May and Geoff Wallace. “Media Scare.” Awarded “Honorable Mention” at the 2010 International Digital Media & Arts Association Student Showcase. Vancouver, Canada. November 2010.

Laura Franklin, Ryan Hicks, Ben Hook, Zach Jepson, Phil MacArthur, Bryce Van Hoosen. VJFleet Team. An interactive, sensor-based art. Won the “2009 WSUV Undergraduate Research Award.”



“Virtual Haunting: WSUV Research Takes Video Gaming to the Next Level”.  The Columbian. 5 Jun 2011.

“All Hands on the Holodeck.  The Columbian. 16 Apr. 2007.

“Dene Grigar Shows Off MOVE Lab at WSU Vancouver.  The Columbian. 16 Apr. 2007.

Virtual DJ. “Networked Music Review.” Turbulence. 2 Oct. 2007.


Noted Artists and Scholars who have worked in the MOVE Lab include Steve Gibson (U of Newcastle, UK), Justin Love (Victoria, B.C.), Julie Andreyev (Emily Carr U, Vancouver, B.C.), Simon Lysander Overstall (Emily Carr U, Vancouver, B.C.), and Will Bauer (Edmonton, ON)



Technical Specialist: Greg Philbrook, B. A.