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Published Work



Disparities in Access to Opioid Treatment Programs and Office-Based Buprenorphine Treatment Across the Rural-Urban and Area Deprivation Continua: A US Nationwide Small Area Analysis

Value in Health. 10 October 2020
Solmaz Amiri, DDes | Michael G.McDonell, PhD | Justin T. Denney,PhD | Dedra Buchwald, MD | Ofer Amram,PhD

Objective: To measure access to opioid treatment programs (OTPs) and office-based buprenorphine treatment (OBBTs) at the smallest geographic unit for which the Census Bureau publishes demographic and socioeconomic data (ie, block group) and to explore disparities in access to treatment across the rural-urban and area deprivation continua across the United States.

Development of a vulnerability index for diagnosis with the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, in Washington State, USA

Health and Place. Vol. 64, July 2020
Ofer Amram | Solmaz Amiri | Robert B.Lutz | Rajan Bhardwaj | Pablo Monsivais

In this article, we demonstrate an empirical approach to developing a small-area COVID-19 vulnerability index using statistics on diagnoses in two counties from Washington State, USA, along with sociodemographic, occupational, and population health data.

The Need for GIScience in mapping COVID-19

Health & Place. 1 July 2020

Since first being tracked in China in late 2019, the effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus have shaped global patterns of morbidity and mortality, as well as exposed the strengths and limitations of health care systems and social safety nets. Without question, reporting of its impact has been bolstered in large part through near real-time daily mapping of cases and fatalitie

Environmental Correlates of Reaching a Centenarian Age

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 12 April 2020
Rajan Bhardwaj | Solmaz Amiri | Dedra Buchwald | Ofer Amram

Analysis of 144,665 Deaths in Washington State for 2011-2015

Objective: This study examined the association of several social and environmental factors on the likelihood of reaching centenarian age for older adults in Washington State. Methods: A survival analysis of reaching centenarian age for older adults aged 75 years and above was performed using Washington State mortality data from 2011−2015. Models were adjusted for sex, race, education, marital status, and neighborhood level social and environmental variables at the block group level. Geographic clusters of increased chance of becoming a centenarian were also mapped. 

Characteristics of place and the rural disadvantage in deaths from highly preventable causes

Social Science & Medicine. January 2020
Adam R. Roth | Justin T. Denney | Solmaz Amiri | Ofer Amram

Extensive research has documented higher mortality in rural parts of the United States compared to urban areas. Much of this work focuses on aggregate rates, documenting a rural mortality penalty that has been increasing over the last three decades. Advances in place-based analyses suggest the importance of community resources for individual mortality but have largely focused on urban spaces. We advance knowledge on rural-urban mortality disparities by focusing on differences for highly preventable causes of death. Using unique geocoded mortality records from Washington state, we match individual-level attributes with area-level measures of socioeconomic conditions to examine whether characteristics of place elucidate the rural mortality penalty. 


Access to Primary Care Physicians and Mortality in Washington State: Application of a 2-Step Floating Catchment Area

The Journal of Rural Health. 15 December 2019
Solmaz Amiri, DDes; Jonathan R. Espenschied, MD; John M. Roll, PhD; Ofer Amram, PhD

Objective: to measure access to primary care physicians (PCPs) using a 2-step floating catchment area and explore the associations between access to PCPs and mortality related to all cases, cancers, and heart disease in Washington state.

Estimated Residential Exposure to Agricultural Chemicals and Premature Mortality by Parkinson's Disease in Washington State

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 December 2018
Mariah Caballero | Solmaz Amiri | Justin T. Denney | Pablo Monsivais | Perry Hystad | Ofer Amram

This study aimed to examine the relationship between residential agriculturally-related exposures and PD-related mortality in Washington State. The study utilized advanced spatial analysis methods to combine routine geospatial data on agricultural land-use with accurate residential addresses to estimate and model individuals’ exposure to agricultural chemicals Atrazine, Diazinon, Glyphosate, and Paraquat, and premature mortality attributed to PD.