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At HEAL Lab, we are focused on the issues related solely to health inequities. HEAL is based within Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine in Spokane. We use advanced geospatial and statistical methodologies to investigate disparities in health care, access to health care, and health outcomes from the general population to the zip code.

Our work includes helping researchers find the stories in their data. Through those stories, we help you identify root causes, thoughtfully consider the alternatives and ramifications, and craft solutions to address and reduce disparities in care.

Data Analysis

You’ve collected your data. Now what? How you handle it will determine the success of your work. We can help you maintain the integrity of your work by using the prescribed methodology – quantitative or qualitative – to test hypotheses, find patterns, and answer your research questions.

Report Writing

Often, we share our findings in reports that cover a broad topic within a narrow scope. Full of data that can be sliced and diced in a multitude of combinations, these reports become a basis for further research.

Preparing for Publication

One way we share information is through publishing our work. Our knowledge of the process, from writing the manuscript in the appropriate style to working with editors, can help you put your findings in front of a larger audience.

Data Visualization

Interactive data visualization helps users understand and explore the outcomes of your health research. By turning your data into clickable, colorful graphs, charts, and maps, you convey your findings in a way that reveals trends, patterns, and the stories you want to tell.