
Publications in Refereed Journals and Book Chapters

  1. Zhao, J.*, Lee, J.Y., Yan, G., and Ma, F.* (2024). “Quantifying the role of homeowners and flood insurance in tornado-impacted community resilience: a survey and simulation-based approach.” Natural Hazards, 120, 7435-7459.
  2. Ghasemi, H., Lee, J.Y., Nowak, S.A. (2024). “A new generation of DCR by introducing reliability-survivability safety measure.” Structures, 62, 106154.
  3. Jonnalagadda, V.*, Lee, J.Y., Zhao, J.*, and Ghasemi, S.H.* (2023). “Quantification and reduction of uncertainty in seismic resilience assessment for a roadway network.” Infrastructures, 8(9), 128.
  4. Zhao, Y., Yan, G., Dang, J., van de Lindt, J., Lee, J.Y., LaDue, D., and Shivers, C. (2023). “Understanding tornadic wind effects on manufactured or mobile homes through high-fidelity CFD.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 149(12), 0423179.
  5. Zhao, J.*, Lee, J.Y., Camenzind, D., Wolcott, M.P., Lewis, K.C., and Gillham, O. (2023). “Multi-component resilience assessment framework for a supply chain system.” Sustainability, 15(7), 6197.
  6. Ma, F.*, Lee, J.Y., Camenzind, D., and Wolcott, M.P. (2022). “Probabilistic wildfire risk assessment methodology and evaluation of a supply chain network.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 82, 103340.
  7. Zhao, J.* and Lee, J.Y. (2022). “Effect of connected and autonomous vehicles on supply chain performance.” Transportation Research Record, 2677(3), 402-424.
  8. Lee, J.Y., Ma, F.*, and Li. Y. (2022). “Understanding homeowner proactive actions for managing wildfire risks.” Natural Hazards, 114(2), 1525-1547.
  9. Soltani, M.H., Ghasemi, S.H.*, Soltani, A., Lee, J.Y., Nowak, A.S., and Jalilikhani, M. (2022). “State-of-the-art reliability analysis of structural drift control corresponding to the critical excitations.” Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26(7), 3300-3016.
  10. Ghasemi, S.H.* and Lee, J.Y. (2021). “Measuring instantaneous resilience of a highway bridge subjected to earthquake events.” Transportation Research Record, 2675(9), 1681-1692..
  11. Ghasemi, S.H.* and Lee, J.Y. (2021). “Reliability-based indicator for post-earthquake traffic flow capacity of a highway bridge.” Structural Safety, 89, 102039.
  12. Wilson, A.W.*, Phillips, A.R., Motter, C.J., Lee, J.Y., and Dolan, J.D. (2021). “Seismic loss analysis of buildings with post-tensioned cross-laminated timber walls.” Earthquake Spectra, 37(1), 324-345.
  13. Tomar, A., Burton, H.V., Mosleh, A., and Lee, J.Y. (2020). “Hindcasting the functional loss and restoration of the Napa water system following the 2014 earthquake using discrete-event simulation.” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(4), 04020035.
  14. Nouri, F., Ghasemi, S.H.*, and Lee, J.Y. (2020). “System reliability analysis of the scoliosis disorder.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorder, 21(1), 1-12.
  15. Zhao, J.*, Lee, J.Y., Li, Y., and Yin, Y-J. (2020). “Effect of catastrophe insurance on disaster-impacted community: quantitative framework and case studies.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 43, 101387.
  16. Burton, H.V., Lee, J.Y., Moradi, S., and Dastmalchi, S. (2019). “Multi-objective performance-based design optimization of a controlled rocking steel braced frame system.” Resilient Structures and Infrastructure, pp. 243-268.
  17. Lee, J.Y., Burton, H.V., and Lallemant, D. (2018). “Adaptive decision framework for civil infrastructure exposed to evolving risks.” Procedia Engineering, 212:435-442.
  18. Lee, J.Y., Burton, H.V., and Lallemant, D.  (2018). “Adaptive decision-making for civil infrastructure systems and communities exposed to evolving risks.” Structural Safety, 75: 1-12.
  19. Lee, J.Y. and Ellingwood, B.R. (2017). “A decision model for intergenerational life-cycle risk assessment of civil infrastructure exposed to hurricanes under climate change.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 159: 100-107.
  20. Ellingwood, B.R. and Lee, J.Y. (2016). “Managing risks to civil infrastructure due to natural hazards: communicating long-term risks due to climate change.” In Risk Analysis of Natural Hazards: Interdisciplinary Challenges and Integrated Solutions, pp. 97-112. Risk, Governance, and Society, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-22126-7.
  21. Ellingwood, B.R. and Lee, J.Y. (2016). “Life cycle performance goals for civil infrastructure: intergenerational risk-informed decisions.” Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12(7): 822-829.
  22. Lee, J.Y. and Ellingwood, B.R. (2015). “Ethical discounting for civil infrastructure decisions extending over multiple generations.” Structural Safety, 57:43-52.

Publications in Conference Proceedings

  1. Jonnalagadda, V.* and Lee, J.Y. (2023). “Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in transportation system resilience assessment: a dynamic Bayesian network approach.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 2023.
  2. Ma, F.* and Lee, J.Y. (2023). “An integrated framework for wildfire evacuation in a damaged transportation network.” Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Dublin, Ireland, July, 2023.
  3. Ma, F.* and Lee, J.Y. (2022). “Probabilistic wildfire risk assessment for a supply chain system.” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Shanghai, China, September, 2022.
  4. Zhao, J.* and Lee, J.Y. (2022). “Multi-component resilience assessment framework for transportation systems.” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, Shanghai, China, September, 2022.
  5. Ghasemi, S.H.*, Lee, J.Y., Jalayer, M., Hosseini, P., and Khajehshahzanian, P. (2021). “Work-zone crash severity analysis: development and use of the joint distribution of crash-related variables.” Proceedings of the 100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January, 2021.
  6. Lee, J.Y., Zhao, J.*, Li, Y., and Yin, Y-J. (2019). “Quantitative impact of catastrophe risk insurance on community resilience.” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, May, 2019.
  7. Lee, J.Y., Ellingwood, B.R., Burton, H.V., and Ma, F.* (2019). “Dynamic risk assessment of resilient infrastructure systems under uncertain conditions.” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, May, 2019.
  8. Lee, J.Y., Tomar, A., and Burton, H.V. (2018). “A framework for water distribution system exposed to seismic events and evolving conditions.” Proceedings of the 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, June, 2018.
  9. Lee, J.Y., Burton, H.V., and Lallemant, D. (2017). “Adaptive decision framework for civil infrastructure exposed to evolving risks.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Building Resilience (ICBR), Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2017.
  10. Lee, J.Y. and Ellingwood, B.R. (2015). “Ethical discounting for intergenerational life-cycle risk assessment.” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP12), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July, 2015.
  11. Lee, J.Y. and Ellingwood, B.R. (2014). “Impacts of climate change on long-term risk to building structures exposed to hurricanes.” Proceedings of the 2014 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI), McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, August, 2014 (First prize, ASCE/EMI Probabilistic Methods Committee student paper competition).
  12. Lee, J.Y. and Ellingwood, B.R. (2013). “Intergenerational risk-informed decision framework for civil infrastructure.” Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR), Columbia University, New York, NY, June, 2013.