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Marc G Kramer Kramer Lab Site


Google Scholar Citations


Jackson, R. B., Lajtha, K., Crow, S. E., Hugelius, G., Kramer, M. G., & Piñeiro, G. (2017). The Ecology of Soil Carbon: Pools, Vulnerabilities, and Biotic and Abiotic Controls. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 48(1),419-445.

*J. Sanderman and MG Kramer. [2017]. Dissolved organic matter retention in volcanic soils with contrasting mineralogy: a column sorption experiment. Biogeochemistry. 135 (3),293-306

M.G. Kramer, K. Lajtha, A. Aufdenkampe. [2017] Natural abundance 15N and C/N soil depth trends controlled more by association with minerals than by microbial decay. Biogeochemistry Letters. 136 (3) 293-306

Lajtha, … 39 others including MG Kramer. 2017. Brave new world. Biogeochemistry DOI 10.1007/s10533-017-0316-y. Editorial Paper.

M.G. Kramer and OA Chadwick. 2016. Controls on carbon storage and weathering in volcanic ash soils across a high elevation climate gradient on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Ecology. 97 (9) 2384-2395.

*Machmuller, Megan B., Marc G. Kramer, Taylor K. Cyle, Nick Hill, Dennis Hancock, and Aaron Thompson. 2015. Emerging land use practices rapidly increase soil organic matter.” Nature communications 6:6995.

*M. Mobley, D. Richter, K.Lajtha, M.G. Kramer [2015]. Surficial gains and subsoil losses of soil carbon and nitrogen during secondary forest development. Global Change Biology. 21 (2) 986-996.

S.D. Frey1, S. Ollinger1,2, K. Nadelhoffer3, R. Bowden4, E. Brzostek5, A. Burton6, B.A. Caldwell7, S. Crow8, C.L. Goodale9, A.S. Grandy1, A. Finzi10, M.G. Kramer11, K. Lajtha7, J. LeMoine3, M. Martin2, W.H. McDowelll, R. Minocha12, J.J. Sadowsky1, P. Templer10, and K. Wickings1[2014]. Chronic nitrogen additions suppress decomposition and sequester soil carbon in temperate forests. Biogeochemistry Letters. 121(2), 305-316 ***Top 10 (Highly) Cited Paper in Biogeochemistry in 2016.

**Safeeq M. G. E. Grant2, M. G. Kramer3, and B. Staab3 [2014] A geohydrologic framework for characterizing summer streamflow sensitivity to climate warming in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 11(3).

*S. W Buettner; M. G Kramer; O.A Chadwick; A. Thompson. [2014]. Mobilization of colloidal carbon during iron reduction events in basaltic soils. Geoderma. 221, 139-145

Luce, C. B.Staab, M. G. Kramer, S. Wenger, D. Isaak, C. McConnell. [2014]. Sensitivity of Summer Stream Temperatures to Climate Variability in the Pacific Northwest. Water Resources Research. 50(4), 3428-3443

Lajtha K. K. Townsendb, M. G Kramerc, F. Petersonb, C.Swanstond, R. D. Bowdene, K. Nadelhoffer [2014]. Changes to Particulate and Mineral-Associated Soil Carbon after 50 Years of Detrital Manipulations. Biogeochemistry. 119(1-3), 341-360

Stine, P. Hessburg,T. Spies, M.G. Kramer, C. Fettig, A. Hansen, J. Lehmkuhl, K. O’Hara, K. Polivka, P. Singleton. S. Charnley, A. Meschel. 2014. The Ecology and Management of Moist Mixed-conifer Forests in Eastern Oregon and Washington; a Synthesis of the Relevant Biophysical Science and Implications for Future Land Management. USDA General Technical Report. US Forest Service.

Throop, H. L., Lajtha, K., and Kramer, M. (2013). Density fractionation and 13C reveal changes in soil carbon following woody encroachment in a desert ecosystem. Biogeochemistry, 112(1-3), 409-422.

**Sanderman, J., and Kramer, M. G. (2013). Differential production yet chemical similarity of dissolved organic matter across a chronosequence with contrasting nutrient availability in Hawaii. Biogeochemistry Letters, 113(1-3), 259-269.

Kramer, M. G., Sanderman, J., Chadwick, O. A., Chorover, J., & Vitousek, P. M. (2012). Long-­‐term carbon storage through retention of dissolved aromatic acids by reactive  particles  in  soil.  Global Change Biology, 18(8), 2594-2605.

**E. Spiotta, O.A.Chadwick, M.G. Kramer, M.Carriah (2011) Carbon delivery to deep mineral horizons in Hawaiian rain forest soils J. Geophys. Res., 116, G03011, doi:10.1029/2010JG001587

B. Richter, S. S. Andrews, S.Billings, C. A. Cambardella, N. Cavallaro, J. DeMeester, A. J. Franzluebbers, S. Grandy, S. Grunwald, J.Gruver, A. S. Hartshorn, H. Janzen, M. G. Kramer, J. K. Ladha, K. Lajtha, G. Liles, D. Markewitz, P. J. Megonigal, A. Mermut, C. Palm, C. Rasmussen, C. J. Richardson, D. A. Robinson, P. Smith, C Stiles, R. L. Tate, A. Thompson, A. J. Tugel, H. van Es, L. West, S. Wills, D. Yaalon, and T. M. Zobeck.(2011). Soils and human-soil relations are changing rapidly: Proposals from SSSA’s new Cross-Division Work Group on Soil Change. SSSAJ: Volume 75: Number 5 • November–December 2011.

**Ge, Shaokui; Smith, R, Kramer, M.G.; Carruthers, R., (2011 Dynamics of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and estimates in coastal northern California. Theoretical and Applied Climatology: 105(1-2):107-118, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-010-0368-6.

**Ge, Shaokui, R.I Carruthers, M. G. Kramer, J.H Everitt, G.L. Anderson. (2011). Multiple-level defoliation assessment with hyperspectral data: integrate continuum-removal absorption with red edge. Int. J. Remote Sensing. 32(21):6407-6422.

Kleber, Markus,Nico, P.,Plante, A.; Filley, T., Kramer, M. G.,Swanston, C.; Sollins, P. (2011) ) Old and stable soil organic matter is not necessarily chemically recalcitrant: implications for modeling concepts and temperature sensitivity. Global Change Biology. 17(2):1097–1107

**Robert Mikutta, K. Kaiser, N. Dörr, A. Vollmer, O. A. Chadwick , J. Chorover , M. G. Kramer ,G. Guggenberger. 2010. Mineral impact on organic nitrogen across a long-term soil chronosequence (0.3 4100 kyr). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 74(7):2142-2164.

Kramer, Marc G., K. Lajtha, G.Thomas, P. Sollins. 2009. Contamination effects on soil density fractions from high N or C content sodium polytungstate. Biogeochemistry 92:177–181.

Phillip Sollins, Marc G. Kramer, Christopher Swanston, Kate Lajtha, Timothy Filley. 2009. Sequential Density Fractionation across Soils of Contrasting Mineralogy: Evidence for both Microbial-and Mineral-Controlled Soil Organic Matter Stabilization. Biogeochemistry. 96:209–231.

**Robert Mikutta, G. Schaumann, D. Gildemeister, S. Bonnevillec, M.G. Kramer, J. Chorover, O.

Chadwick, G. Guggenberger. 2009. Biogeochemistry of mineral-organic associations across a long- term mineralogical soil gradient (0.3-4100 kyr), Hawaiian Islands. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 73(7):2034-2060.

Watson, Fred, T.. N. Anderson, M.G. Kramer, J. Detka, T. Masek, Simon Cornish, Steve Moore

.2009. Book Chapter “Effects of Wind, Terrain and Vegetation on Snowpack in Ecology of Mammals in Central Yellowstone, Springer Verlag. Ch5: 67-85.

Sollins, Phillip, C. Swanston, and M. Kramer. 2007. Stabilization and destabilization of soil organic matter – a new focus. Biogeochemistry 85:1-7.

Sollins, Phillip, C. Swanston, M. Kleber, T. Filley, M.G. Kramer, S.Crow, B. Caldwell, K. Lajtha, and R. Bowden. 2006. Organic C and N stabilization in a forest soil: evidence from sequential density fractionation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 38: 3313-3324.

Kao, David, M.G. Kramer A. Love J. Dungan and A. Pang. 2005. Visualizing distributions from multi-return lidar data to understand forest structure. Special issue on Geovisualization with The Cartographic Journal. 41(1): 1-14.

DeGayner, Eugene, M.G. Kramer, J. G. Doerr, M. J. Robertsen. 2005. Windstorm disturbance effects on forest structure and black bear dens southeast Alaska. Ecological Applications. 15(4):1306-1316.

Kramer, Marc, G., R.S. Sletten, P. Sollins. 2004. Soil carbon dynamics along a windthrow disturbance sequence in southeast Alaska. Ecology. 85(8): 2230-2244.

Harcombe Paul, A., S. Greene, M.G. Kramer, T. Spies, S. Acker, T. Valentine. 2004. The influence of fire and windthrow dynamics on a coastal spruce hemlock forest in Oregon, USA, based on aerial photographs spanning 40 years. Forest Ecology and Management. 194: 71-82.

Kramer, Marc G., P. Sollins, R.S. Sletten, P. Swart. 2003. N isotope fractionation and measures of organic matter alteration during decomposition. Ecology. 84(8): 2021-2025.

Kramer, M, C. Potter, D. Des Marias, and D. Peterson. (2003). New Insight: A Martian waterway of ancient lakes and discontinuous rivers. Eos. 84(1): 1,6.

Cabrol, N. A., E. A. Grin, M. H. Carr, B. Sutter, J. M. Moore, J. D. Farmer, R. Greeley, D. J. Des Marais, M. G. Kramer, H. Newsom, C. Barber, I. Thorsos, K. L. Tanaka, N. G. Barlow, D. A. Fike,

L. Urquhart, B. Grigsby, F. D. Grant, and O. de Goursac. 2003. Exploring Gusev Crater with MER A: Review of Science Objectives and Testable Hypotheses. JGR-Planets: Special Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission Issue. vol. 108, noE12, pp. ROV17.1-ROV17.21 (2 p.)

Kramer, Marc G., A.J. Hansen, M. Taper, and E. Kissinger. 2001. Abiotic controls on windthrow and forest dynamics in a coastal temperate rainforest, Kuiu Island, southeast Alaska. Ecology. 82(10): 2749-2768.

Caouette, John P., M.G. Kramer, and G.J. Nowacki. 2000. Deconstructing the volume-based paradigm in the Tongass National Forest: Analysis of Timber Volume and Timber Volume. General. Technical. Report. PNW-GTR-120. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.

Bormann, Bernard.T., and M.G. Kramer. 1998. Can ecosystem process studies contribute to new management strategies in coastal Pacific Northwest and Alaska? Northwest Science 72(2): 77-83.

Nowacki, G.J., and M.G. Kramer. 1998. The effects of wind disturbance on temperate rain forest structure and dynamics of southeast Alaska. Review Paper: General. Technical. Report. PNW-GTR- 421. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.http:


Chaderjian, Neal, C. Jasim U. Ahmad, Marc G. Kramer, and Terry Holst. 2006. Navier-Stokes simulation of local winds over the Earth’s Topography. Sept. NAS Technical Report, NAS-06-015.

Kramer, Marc G., M. Taper. Development and application of a spatially explicit model to understand windthrow at the regional scale. 2000. [Paper] in proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling (GIS/EM4): Problems, Prospects and Research Needs. Banff, Alberta, Canada, September 2–8.

Completion of 17 Climate Change Action Plans For Forests in the Pacific Northwest. Kramer, M.G. and R6 US Forest Service. 2012.


Kramer, Marc G. 2008.The use of very high resolution Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to detect gas pipeline intrusion activity. White Paper for British Petroleum.

Kramer, Marc G. 2007. Contributing author on. “Recommendations for Research on Extreme Weather Impacts on Infrastructure.” UCAR

Kramer, M.G, 1992. GIS of an Urban Forest in Physical, Biological, and Social Aspects of Environment Issues in the Bay Area. University of California, Berkeley, Department of Environmental Sciences vol. I pp. 13-27.