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Marcelo Diversi's Research Site Department of Human Development


Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2018). Betweener autoethnographies: A path toward social justice. New York: Routledge.

Winner of the National Communication Association, Division of Ethnography, 2019 Book of the Year Award

Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2009). Betweener talk: Decolonizing knowledge production, pedagogy, and praxis. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Winner of the National Communication Association, Division of Ethnography, 2010 Book of the Year Award

Betweener Talk

Peer-reviewed Publications (Selected)

Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (in press).  Authoethnography as acts of resistance against narratives of hatred. Qualitative Inquiry.

Wyatt, J., & Diversi, M. (in press). Introduction to the special issue, Trump, Brexit and the Rise of the Global Right: Qualitative Researchers Respond. International Review of Qualitative Research.

Rodgers, K., Tarimo*, P., McGuire, J., & Diversi, M. (2018). Motives, barriers, and ways of             communicating in mother-daughter sexuality communication: A qualitative study of college women in Tanzania. Sex Education, 18, 626-639.

Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2017). Autoethnography manifesto. International Review of Qualitative Research, 10, 39-43.

Roulette, J., Hill, L., Diversi, M., & Overath, I. (2017). Cultural adaptations of the Strengthening Families Program 10-14: A qualitative evaluation. Health Education Journal, 76, 169-181.

Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2016).  Performing betweener autoethnographies against persistent Us/Them essentializing: Leaning on a Freirean pedagogy of hope. Qualitative Inquiry, 22, 581-587.

Diversi, M. (2016). The ever-shifting excuses for demonizing Black people in America. Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies, 16, 245-252.

Giardina, M., Denzin, N., Brinkmann, S., Diversi, M., Mendoza, M., Poulos, C., & St. Pierre, E. (2015). A Conversation about the Past, Present, and Future of Qualitative Inquiry.  In N. K. Denzin & M. D. Giardina (Eds.), Qualitative Inquiry – Past, Present, and Future. Walnut Creek, CA: LeftCoast Press.

Diversi, M. (2014). Damming the Amazon: The postcolonial march of the wicked West.  Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies, 14(3), 242-246.

Moreira, C., & Diversi, M. (2014). The coin will continue to fly: Dismantling the myth of the Lone Expert. Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies, 14(4), 298-302.

Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2013). Real world: Classrooms as decolonizing sites against neoliberal narratives of the Other. Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies, 13, 469-473.

Lewis, P., Montgomery, H. M., Campbell, C., Ritenburg, H., & Diversi, M. (2013). Initiating a new story.  International Review of Qualitative Research, 6, 478-486.

Cunningham, M., & Diversi, M. (2013). Aging out: Youths’ perspectives on foster care and the transition to independence.  Qualitative Social Work, 12, 587-602.

Moreira, C., & Diversi, M. (2013). Betweeners speak up: Challenging knowledge production through collaborative writing and visceral knowledge in decolonizing times. International Review of Qualitative Research, 5, 399-406.

Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2013). Migrant stories: Searching for healing in autoethnographies of Diaspora. To appear in M. Weems (Ed.), Writings of healing and resistance: Empathy and the imagination intellect (pp. 135-146), Cultural Critique Series. New York: Peter Lang Publisher.

Diversi, M., & Moreira, C. (2012). Decolonizing constructions of childhood and history: Interrupting narratives of avoidance to children’s questions about social injustice. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 25(2), 189-203.

Diversi, M., & Henhawk, D. (2012). Indigenous qualitative inquiry: (Re)Awakening, together, from a long colonizing slumber. International Review of Qualitative Research, 5, 51-72.

Moreira, C, & Diversi, M. (2011).  Missing bodies: Troubling the colonial landscape of American academia. Text and Performance Quarterly, 31, 229-248. Winner of the National Communication Association, Division of Ethnography, 2012 Best Journal Article Award

Moreira, C., & Diversi, M. (2010). When janitors dare to become scholars: A betweeners’ view of the politics of knowledge production from decolonizing street-corners. International Review of Qualitative Research, 2, 457-474.

Diversi, M., & Finley, S. (2010).  Special Issue on Critical Homelessness (Guest Editors). Cultural Studies and Critical Methodologies.

Finley, S., & Diversi, M. (2010).  Critical homelessness: Expanding narratives of inclusive democracy. Cultural Studies and Critical Methodologies, 10, 4-13.

Diversi, M., & Finley, S. (2010).  Poverty pimps in the academy: A dialogue about subjectivity, reflexivity, and power in decolonizing production of knowledge. Cultural Studies and Critical Methodologies, 10, 14-17.

Veissiere, S., & Diversi, M. (2009).  Popular education, hegemony and street children in Brazil: Towards an ethnographic praxis. In A. Abdi & D. Kapoor (Eds.), Global perspectives on adult education. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan Publishing.

Diversi, M. (2008).  Young and strapped in America: Learning through a short story about a Latino youth finding meaning in Tupac’s rap. In P. Liamputtong & J. Rumbold (Eds.) Knowing differently: Arts-based and collaborative research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Diversi, M. (2007). A professor’s fortunate suggestion: An essay on the transformative power of interpretive epistemologies. Qualitative Inquiry, 13, 1117-1188.

Diversi, M. (2006). Street kids in Nikes: In search of humanization through the culture of consumption. Cultural Studies and Critical Methodologies, 6, 370-390.