SOE 486/586: Applied Remote Sensing – From Drones to Satellites

Course Description

Use remote sensing to measure changes in forests, plants, wildlife, wildfire, crops, and geologic features. Develop skills in analyzing and applying data from satellites, drones, airplanes, and lidar; and relate these data to actual measures on the ground.

Prerequisites: Instructor approval required and previous or concurrent enrollment in SOIL_SCI 368 and/or SOIL_SCI 374.


Textbook: Wegmann, M., Leutner, B., & Dech, S. (Eds.) (2016). Remote sensing and GIS for ecologists: using open source software. Pelagic Publishing Ltd. Available at the Pullman Bookie, from Amazon, or at


  • R  and R-Studio
  • QGIS
  • Office 360 (including Excel)

Course Syllabus

For more information regarding this course, see the syllabus.