Welcome to the PIS@WSU Program
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The Murdock Partners in Science @ WSU (PIS@WSU) program engages secondary science teachers in authentic and innovative research experiences in an active research lab located one of three WSU campuses (Vancouver, Tri-Cities, Spokane) or two WSU Research and Extension Centers (Puyallup, Prosser). While working side-by-side over two consecutive summers with a WSU Research Mentor, as well as with their graduate students, postdocs and technical staff, Partner Teachers gain new knowledge and build a scientific identity that allows them to guide their students toward building their own science identity and learning. More broadly, the PIS@WSU program supports collaborations between science teachers and academic scientists toward new discoveries and the advancement of science, with the goal that both groups will grow professionally in the process.
The PIS@WSU Program is supported by a grant from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust.
About the PIS@WSU Program
Teacher Partners in the PIS@WSU Program spend ~8 weeks full time each summer over two consecutive years engaging in research activities with a WSU faculty member in their lab. These activities could include field work and laboratory experiments, data collection and compilation, quantitative analysis and interpretation of results, and communicating findings to research peers. Throughout the two summers, Teacher Partners will be immersed in the day-to-day operation of an active academic research group, ranging from formal discussions during lab meetings and/or reading groups to informal conversations among like-minded colleagues.
In addition to the two summers of research, Teacher Partners will participate in two conferences each year hosted by the Murdock Charitable Trust in Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR. The January “Research Symposium” brings Partners in Science (PIS) teachers and mentors together from around the Pacific Northwest to share research findings through poster and oral presentations. The August “Teaching Practices Conference” provides PIS teachers the opportunity to share ideas with each other and learn best practices for translating their research experience into their teaching of science and scientific inquiry.
Benefits of the PIS@WSU Program for Teachers
The PIS@WSU Program will provide Teacher Partners with the following:
- A $6,500 stipend each summer for two summers
- Travel, lodging and meal expenses to attend two Murdock PIS conferences in Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR each year
- The opportunity to conduct discovery research with a WSU faculty Research Mentor and graduate students in their lab
- Active mentorship in research
- Potential to contribute to a scientific publication
- Supportive opportunities for professional development
- Option to apply for up to $7,500 to purchase research-related equipment and supplies for their school after completing the two-year program
- Access to a network of fellow teacher researchers
Eligibility and Criteria for Selection as a Teacher Partner
We encourage applications from science teachers who:
- Currently hold a full-time position at an accredited middle or high school in Washington, Oregon or Idaho.
- Earned a BS or BA degree in a natural science-related discipline (or a BS or BA degree of any type plus 3 years’ experience teaching science classes at the middle or high school level).
- Demonstrate experience using inquiry-based pedagogies and/or show a strong interest in developing their own scientific knowledge and experience in order to improve such classroom approaches.
- Demonstrate evidence of commitment to professional development (e.g., past participation in workshops, trainings, summer programs, etc.).
- Provide a positive statement of support from their current principal to participate in the program.
- Can commute 1 hour or less (one-way) on a ~daily basis to one of the WSU campuses (Vancouver, Tri-Cities, Spokane) or research center locations (Puyallup, Prosser) for the entirety of both 8-week summer sessions (actual frequency of commuting may vary depending on the needs of the summer research project).
How to Apply
Link to application coming soon.
Due date for the online application AND receipt of principal support statement is May 10, 2024.