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Department of Psychology Psychopharmacology Lab

Dr. Craft’s Curriculum Vita


  • 1991 Ph.D. Experimental and Biological Psychology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • 1984 M.S. Zoology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh
  • 1981 B.S. Animal Science, University of Maryland, College Park

Grants (to Dr. Craft)

  • 9/1/21-5/15/22  Cannabis vapor treatment of inflammatory pain: blood sample analysis (PI), ADARP, WSU
  • 11/20/17-6/30/19 Cannabis vapor treatment of chronic inflammatory pain (PI), ADARP, WSU
  • 7/1/16-6/30/18 Marijuana Use: Health Benefits vs. Health Risks (lead PI), Grand Challenges Seed Grant Program, WSU
  • 9/15/12-8/31/18  Sex differences in cannabinoid dependence and analgesia (co-I with J. Wiley, PI), NIDA (R01)
  • 9/1/14- 8/31/16  Diversity supplement to R01 (mentor to N. Greene), NIDA
  • 7/1/10 – 12/31/12  Sex differences in cannabinoid analgesia: brain mechanisms (PI with R. Quock). ADARP, WSU
  • 6/1/10 – 5/31/11  Developing more effective analgesics for women in pain: Cannabinoid drugs (PI). Meyer Project Award, CLA, WSU
  • 1/1/09 – 6/30/09  Estradiol modulation of PAG neuron activity (PI with S. Ingram). Major Extramural Grant Devel. Award, CLA, WSU
  • 10/3/08 – 6/30/09  Shared Equipment Grant (co-I with B. Walker, J. Wright). ADARP, WSU
  • 9/1/08 – 12/31/10  Anabolic-androgenic steroids ameliorate pain via opioid activation (PI). ADARP, WSU
  • 1/1/07 – 8/31/08  Does opioid activation contribute to cannabinoid dependence? (PI). Peter F. McManus Charitable Trust
  • 1/21/05 – 12/31/07  Post-partum steroid withdrawal-induced depression (PI). NIMH (R03)
  • 4/1/02 – 3/31/04  Gonadal steroid modulation of opioid analgesia (PI). ADARP, WSU
  • 8/15/02 – 5/15/03  Opioid gene regulation of pain and stress (PI). Meyer Grant Development Award, CLA, WSU
  • 1/1/01 – 12/31/02  Sex differences in biodisposition of cannabinoids (co-I w/ J. Harding, A. Tseng). ADARP, WSU
  • 1/1/00 – 12/31/01  Sex differences in opioid-mediated signal transduction (co-PI w/ C. Ulibarri). ADARP, WSU
  • 6/1/96 – 12/31/01  Sex differences in behavioral effects of opioids (PI). NIDA (R29)
  • 1/1/96 – 12/31/96  Sex differences in behavioral effects of opioids (PI). ADARP, WSU
  • 7/1/94 – 6/30/95  Reinforcing and analgesic properties of delta opioids in the rat (PI). ADARP, WSU
  • 9/30/89 – 5/29/91  Kappa agonist activity in the morphine-tolerant monkey (PI). NIDA (NRSA-predoctoral)

Grants (to Trainees)

  • 1/1/21-5/15/21 M. Johnsen: Ensure consumption vs. noxious stimulus-evoked behaviors as measures of pain in female and male rats. Psychology Department Undergraduate Research Grant; Alcohol & Drug Abuse Research Program Undergraduate Research Grant, WSU.
  • 8/15/20-5/15/21 G. Rosales: CBD-THC interactions on pain in female vs. male rats. Auvil Award, Office of Undergraduate Research, WSU.
  • 5/16/20-12/31/20 I. McCaughran: Anxiolytic effects of THC and CBD in the rat. Undergraduate Summer Research Mini-grant, College of Arts & Sciences; Psychology Department Undergraduate Research Grant, WSU.
  • 5/16/20-8/15/20 H. Gogulski: Effect of adolescent cannabis exposure on pain-relieving effects of THC and CBD in adulthood. Marchionne Research Fellowship, Psychology Department, WSU.
  • 5/16/19-8/15/19 E. Skaanes: Does pain alter the rewarding effects of morphine? Undergraduate Summer Research Mini-grant, College of Arts & Sciences; Psychology Department Undergraduate Research Grant, WSU.
  • 8/16/18-5/15/19 A. Norvell: Does delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol relieve affective pain? Alcohol & Drug Abuse Research Program Undergraduate Research Grant & Psychology Undergrad Research Grant, WSU.
  • 5/16/17-8/15/17 S. Britch: Sex differences in CBD-THC analgesia in a model of persistent inflammatory pain. Summer Marchionne Research Fellowship, Psychology Dept, WSU.
  • 1/1/17-5/15/17 P. Spencer: Reversal of pain-induced place aversion by cannabinoids. Psychology Undergraduate Research Grant, WSU.
  • 5/16/16-5/15/17 C. Knox: Sex differences in opioid-cannabinoid interactions on chronic inflammatory pain. Psychology Undergraduate Research Grant, WSU; Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU.
  • 8/15/15-5/15/16 N. Greene: Cannabidiol modulation of THC tolerance. Auvil Research Scholarship, WSU
  • 1/1/15 – 5/15/15 N. Greene: Antagonism of JWH015-induced analgesia against CFA-induced pain; Psychology Undergraduate Research Award; Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 1/1/14 – 5/15/14 K. Hewitt: Sex differences in analgesic effects of NSAIDs. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 5/1/13-4/30/14 J. Cervenka: Sex differences in the rewarding and analgesic effects of morphine using a conditioned place preference procedure. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award; Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 5/16/13-8/15/13 A. Haas: Sex differences in antinociception produced by cannabidiol (CBD) – ∆9-THC combinations. Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program Graduate Fellowship, WSU
  • 5/16/12 – 8/15/12 A. McBride: Sex differences in THC-induced antinociception against chemotherapy-induced pain.  ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 5/16/11 – 8/15/11 A. McBride: Sex differences in brain site-specific cannabinoid analgesia. Summer Research Scholarship, Honors College, WSU
  • 5/1/11 – 5/15/12 R. Kandasamy: Sex differences in THC-induced peripheral antinociception against inflammatory pain. ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowship; Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU; Auvil Scholar Fellowship
  • 5/1/10 – 8/15/10 T. Collins: Methadone potentiation of THC antinociception. SURF award, Program in Pharm/Tox, and McNair Program, WSU
  • 6/1/10 – 8/15/10 C. Kobialka: Progesterone vs. estradiol modulation of THC antinociception. SURF award, Program in Pharm/Tox, WSU
  • 8/15/09 – 8/14/10 A. Wakley: Sex differences in behavioral effects of i.c.v. THC. ADARP Graduate Fellowship, WSU
  • 6/1/09 – 8/8/09 C. White: Effects of antidepressant medications in normally cycling female rats. SURF award, Program in Pharm/Tox, WSU
  • 5/15/09 – 8/15/09 J. Laggart: Sex differences in CB2-receptor mediated analgesia. ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 1/1/09 – 5/15/09 J. Laggart: Prevention of postpartum anhedonia with acute vs. chronic anti-depressant medication. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 8/15/08 – 8/14/11 A. Wakley: ARCS Fellowship, Center for Reproductive Biology, WSU
  • 6/1/08 – 8/8/08 J. Schmidt: Sensitivity to stress and antidepressants in postpartum rats. SURF award, Program in Pharm/Tox, WSU
  • 8/15/08 – 12/15/08 J. Rogers: Effect of sucrose habituation on sucrose preference in postpartum rats. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 5/15/08 – 8/15/08 B. Navarre: Positive mood effects of oxytocin vs. prolactin. Center for Integrated Biotechnology Summer Fellowship, WSU
  • 1/1/08 – 5/15/08 M. Kostick: Effect of prolactin on depression-like behaviors in ovariectomized female rats. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 5/15/07 – 5/15/08 M. Kostick: Opioid modulation of cannabinoid analgesia. Center for Integrated Biotechnology Summer Fellowship, SURF and ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowships, WSU
  • 3/1/07 – 5/15/07 C. Martensen: Caffeine and amphetamine supersensitivity following REM sleep deprivation in male rats. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 1/1/07 – 12/31/07 M. Kostick: Postpartum depression in gonadally intact female rats. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 5/15/06 – 5/15/07 B. Navarre: Sucrose preference in female rats with ovarian hormone withdrawal-induced depression. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 5/15/06 – 8/11/06 B. Navarre: Reward sensitivity during the post-partum period. ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 1/1/05 – 12/31/05 J. Sumner: Gonadal hormone modulation of nociception, morphine antinociception and reproductive behavior in male rats. ADARP Graduate Fellowship, WSU
  • 1/1/05 – 5/15/05 M. Leitl: Effect of pentobarbital anesthesia on hormonal modulation of nociception and opioid antinociception in male rats. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 5/1/03 – 4/30/04 E. Stoffel: Reward sensitivity during pregnancy and postpartum. National Institute on Drug Abuse Pre-doctoral NRSA
  • 5/16/03 – 5/15/04 K. Kelley: Anti-depressant reversibility of postpartum hormone withdrawal-induced depression. Psychology Undergraduate Research Award, WSU
  • 5/15/03 – 8/15/03 B. Inman: Sex differences in endogenous and exogenous opioids’ effects on inflammatory pain. ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 8/15/02 – 5/15/03 J. Mann-Jones: NMDA antagonist modulation of opioid analgesia. ADARP Graduate Fellowship, WSU
  • 8/15/02 – 5/15/03 E. Matthaei: Inflammatory pain and opioid analgesia in male vs. female rats. Psychology and ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowships, WSU
  • 5/27/02 – 8/2/02 J. Clark: Sex differences in morphine’s effect on locomotor activity. ADARP Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 4/01/01 – 12/31/02 A. Tseng: Sex differences in cannabinoid-induced antinociception. National Institute on Drug Abuse Pre-doctoral NRSA
  • 10/1/97 – 12/31/01 S. Bernal: Sex differences in antinociceptive effects of mixed agonist/antagonists. National Institute on Drug Abuse Graduate Minority Supplement to R29
  • 10/1/97 – 5/30/98 T. Walpole: Involvement of specific opioid receptors in sex differences in morphine analgesia. Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 10/1/96 – 12/31/96 R. Milholland: Sex differences in stimulant-induced antinociception. Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU
  • 10/1/95 – 5/30/96 R. Milholland: Sex differences in electrical brain stimulation. Howard Hughes Undergraduate Research Fellowship, WSU


  1. Howard JL, Pollard GT, Craft RM, Rohrbach KW: Metoclopramide potentiates d-amphetamine-induced hypermotility and stereotypy in rat. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 27:165-169, 1987.
  2. Craft RM, Howard JL, Pollard GT: Conditioned defensive burying as a model for identifying anxiolytics. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 30:775-780, 1988.
  3. Craft RM, Howard JL: Cue properties of oral and transdermal nicotine in the rat. Psychopharmacology 96:281-284, 1988.
  4. Craft RM, Picker MJ, Dykstra LA: Differential cross-tolerance to opioid agonists in morphine-tolerant pigeons responding under a schedule of food presentation. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 249:386-393, 1989.
  5. Craft RM, Dykstra LA: Differential cross-tolerance to opioid agonists in morphine-tolerant squirrel monkeys responding under a shock titration schedule. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 252:945-952, 1990.
  6. Picker MJ, Negus SS, Craft RM: Butorphanol’s efficacy at mu and kappa opioid receptors: Inferences based on the schedule-controlled behavior of non-tolerant and morphine-tolerant rats and on the responding of rats under a drug discrimination procedure. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 36:563-568, 1990.
  7. Craft RM, Dykstra LA: Agonist and antagonist activity of kappa opioids in the squirrel monkey: I. Antinociception and urine output. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 260:327-333, 1992.
  8. Craft RM, Dykstra LA: Agonist and antagonist activity of kappa opioids in the squirrel monkey: II. Effect of chronic morphine treatment. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 260:334-342, 1992.
  9. Picker MJ, Craft RM, Negus SS, Powell KR, Mattox SR, Jones SR, Hargrove BK, Dykstra LA: Intermediate efficacy mu opioids: Examination of their morphine-like stimulus effects and response rate-decreasing effects in morphine-tolerant rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 263:668-681, 1992.
  10. Craft RM, Porreca F: Therapeutic potential of capsaicin-like molecules: Treatment parameters of desensitization to capsaicin. Life Sci 51:1767-1775, 1992.
  11. Craft RM, Dykstra LA: Morphine antagonizes U50,488’s effects in a squirrel monkey shock titration procedure. Eur J Pharmacol 234:199-207, 1993.
  12. Craft RM, Carlisi V, Mattia A, Herman RM, Porreca F: Behavioral characterization of the acute excitatory and desensitizing effects of intravesical capsaicin and resiniferatoxin in the rat. Pain 55:205-215, 1993.
  13. Craft RM, Porreca F: Temporal parameters of desensitization to intravesical resiniferatoxin in the rat. Physio Behav 56:479-485, 1994.
  14. Craft RM, Porreca F: Tetracaine attenuates irritancy without attenuating desensitization produced by intravesical resiniferatoxin in the rat. Pain 57:351-359, 1994.
  15. Craft RM, Cohen SM, Porreca F: Long-lasting desensitization of bladder afferents following intravesical resiniferatoxin or capsaicin in the rat. Pain 61:317-323, 1995.
  16. Craft RM, Henley SR, Haaseth RC, Hruby VJ, Porreca F: Opioid antinociception in a rat model of visceral pain: systemic vs. local drug administration. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 275:1535-1542, 1995.
  17. Craft RM, Stratmann JA: Discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in female versus male rats. Drug Alcohol Depend 42:27-37, 1996.
  18. Craft RM, Kalivas PW, Stratmann JA: Sex differences in discriminative stimulus effects of morphine in the rat. Behav Pharmacol 7:764-778, 1996.
  19. Stratmann JA, Craft RM: Electrical brain stimulation in female versus male rats: no sex differences using a threshold procedure. Drug Alcohol Depend 46:31-40, 1997.
  20. Bartok RE, Craft RM: Sex differences in opioid antinociception. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 282:769-778, 1997.
  21. Boyer JS, Morgan MM, Craft RM: Sex differences in antinociception produced by morphine microinjections in the rostral ventromedial medulla. Brain Research 796:315-318, 1998.
  22. Craft RM, Morgan CL, Bernal SA: Reinforcement frequency, but not gender, determines sensitivity to discriminative stimulus effects of morphine. Behav Pharmacol 796:315-318, 1998.
  23. Craft RM, Kruzich PJ, Boyer JS, Harding JW, Hanesworth JM: Sex differences in discriminative stimulus and diuretic effects of the kappa opioid agonist U69,593 in the rat. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 61:395-403, 1998.
  24. Craft RM, Milholland RB: Sex differences in cocaine- and nicotine-induced antinociception in the rat. Brain Research 809:137-140, 1998.
  25. Craft RM, Heideman LM, Bartok RE: Effect of gonadectomy on discriminative stimulus effects of morphine in female and male rats. Drug Alcohol Depend 53:95-109, 1999.
  26. Craft RM, Stratmann JA, Bartok RE, Walpole TI, King SJ: Sex differences in development of morphine tolerance and dependence in the rat. Psychopharmacology 143:1-7, 1999.Craft RM, Heideman LM, Bartok
  27. Craft RM, Ulibarri CM, Raub DJ: Kappa opioid agonist-induced diuresis in female vs. male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 65:53-59, 2000.
  28. Craft RM, Stoffel EC, Stratmann JA: Effects of chronic morphine treatment on responding for intracranial stimulation in female vs. male rats. Exp Clin Psychopharm 9:198-208, 2001.
  29. Craft RM, Bernal SA: Sex differences in opioid antinociception: Kappa and mixed action agonists. Drug Alcohol Depend 63:215-228, 2001.
  30. Barrett AC, Cook CD, Terner JM, Craft RM, Picker MJ: Importance of sex and relative efficacy at the mu opioid receptor in the development of tolerance and cross-tolerance to the antinociceptive effects of opioids. Psychopharmacology 158:154-164, 2001.
  31. Tseng AH, Craft RM: Sex differences in antinociceptive and motoric effects of cannabinoids. Eur J Pharmacol 430:41-47, 2001.
  32. Craft RM, Tseng AH, McNiel DM, Furness MS, Rice KC: Receptor-selective antagonism of opioid antinociception in female vs. male rats. Behav Pharmacol 12:591-602, 2001.
  33. Craft RM: Sex differences in drug- and non-drug-induced analgesia. Life Sci 72:2675-88, 2003.
  34. Stoffel EC, Ulibarri CM, Craft RM: Gonadal steroid hormone modulation of nociception, morphine antinociception and reproductive indices in male and female rats. Pain 103:285-302, 2003.
  35. Craft RM, McNiel DM: Agonist/antagonist effects of nalbuphine, butorphanol and (-)-pentazocine in male vs. female rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 75:325-245, 2003.
  36. Craft RM: Sex differences in opioid analgesia: ‘from mouse to man.’ Clin J Pain 19:175-186, 2003.
  37. Tseng AH, Craft RM: CB1 receptor mediation of cannabinoid behavioral effects in male and female rats. Psychopharmacology 172:25-30, 2004
  38. Craft RM, Morgan MM, Lane DA: Estradiol dampens reflex-related activity of on- and off-cells in the rostral ventromedial medulla of female rats. Neuroscience 125:1061-1068, 2004.
  39. Craft RM, Mogil JS, Aloisi AM: Sex differences in pain and analgesia: the role of gonadal hormones. Eur J Pain 8:397-411, 2004.
  40. Tseng AH, Harding JW, Craft RM: Pharmacokinetic factors in sex differences in Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced behavioral effects in rats. Behav Brain Res 154:77-83, 2004.
  41. Stoffel EC, Craft RM: Ovarian hormone withdrawal-induced “depression” in female rats. Physio Behav 83:505-513, 2004.
  42. Stoffel EC, Ulibarri CM, Folk JE, Rice KC, Craft RM: Gonadal hormone modulation of mu, delta and kappa opioid antinociception in male and female rats. J Pain 6:261-274, 2005.
  43. Craft RM, Lee DA: NMDA antagonist modulation of morphine antinociception in female vs. male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 80:639-649, 2005.
  44. Craft RM: Sex differences in behavioral effects of cannabinoids. Life Sci 77:2471-2478, 2005.
  45. Craft RM, Leitl MD: Potentiation of morphine antinociception by pentobarbital in female vs. male rats. Pain 121:115-125, 2006.
  46. Krivsky JA, Stoffel EC, Sumner JE, Inman BC, Craft RM: Role of ventral tegmental area, periaqueductal gray and parabrachial nucleus in morphine’s discriminative stimulus effects in the rat. Behav Pharmacol 17:259-270, 2006.
  47. Sumner JE, Ulibarri C, Craft RM: Testosterone modulation of reproductive indices vs. morphine antinociception in adult male rats. Life Sci 79:2119-2127, 2006.
  48. Craft RM, Clark JA, Hart SP, Pinckney MK: Sex differences in the effects of morphine on locomotor activity. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 85:850-858, 2006.
  49. Bernal SA, Morgan MM, Craft RM: PAG mu opioid receptor activation underlies sex differences in morphine antinociception. Behav Brain Res 177:126-133, 2007.
  50. Craft RM: Modulation of pain by estrogens. Pain 132: S3-S12, 2007.
  51. Greenspan JD, Craft RM, LeResche L, Arendt-Nelson L, Berkley KJ, Fillingim RB, Gold MS, Holdcroft A, Lautenbacher S, Mayer EA, Mogil JS, Murphy AZ, Traub RJ, and the Consensus Working Group of the Sex, Gender and Pain SIG of the IASP.  Studying sex and gender differences in pain and analgesia:  A consensus conference report.  Pain 132: S26-S45, 2007.
  52. Craft RM, Leitl MD: Gonadal hormone modulation of the behavioral effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in male and female rats. Eur J Pharmacol 578:37-42, 2008.
  53. Craft RM, Ulibarri C, Leitl MD, Sumner JE: Dose- and time-dependent estradiol modulation of morphine antinociception in adult female rats. Eur J Pain 12:472-479, 2008.
  54. Sell SL, Craft RM, Seitz, PK, Stutz SJ, Cunningham KA, Thomas ML: Estradiol-sertraline synergy in ovariectomized female rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology 33:1051-1060, 2008.
  55. Craft RM: Sex differences in analgesic, reinforcing, discriminative and motoric effects of opioids. Exp Clin Psychopharm 16:376-385, 2008.
  56. Craft RM, Ulibarri C: Sexual differentiation of rat reproductive vs. opioid antinociceptive systems. Gender Med 6:209-224, 2009.
  57. Navarre BM, Laggart JD, Craft RM: Anhedonia in postpartum rats. Physio Behav 99:59-66, 2010.
  58. Craft RM, Kostick ML, Rogers JA, White CL, Tsutsui KT: Forced swim test behavior in postpartum rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 96:402-412, 2010.
  59. Wakley AA, Craft RM: Antinociceptive and motoric effects of intracerebroventricular Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in female vs. male rats. Behav Brain Res 216:200-206, 2011.
  60. Tsutsui KT, Wood RI, Craft RM: Anabolic-androgenic steroid effects on nociception and morphine antinociception in male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 99:500-508, 2011.
  61. Wakley AA, Craft RM: THC-methadone and THC-naltrexone interactions on discrimination, antinociception, and locomotion in rats. Behav Pharmacol 22:489-97, 2011.
  62. Craft RM, Wakley AA, Tsutsui KT, Laggart JD: Sex differences in cannabinoid receptor antagonism of antinociception produced by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and CP55,940 in the rat. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 340:787-800, 2012.
  63. Terrill A, Garofalo JP, Soliday E, Craft RM. Multiple roles and stress burden in women: A conceptual model of heart disease risk. J Appl Biobehav Res 17(1):4-22, 2012.
  64. Craft RM, Marusich JA, Wiley JL:  Sex differences in cannabinoid pharmacology: A reflection of differences in the endocannabinoid system?  Life Sci 92:476-481, 2013.
  65. Craft RM, Kandasamy R, Davis SM: Sex differences in anti-allodynic, anti-hyperalgesic and anti-edema effects of THC in the rat. Pain 154:1709-1717, 2013.
  66. Marusich JA, Lefever TW, Antonazzo KR, Craft RM, Wiley JL: Evaluation of sex differences in cannabinoid dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend 137:20-28, 2014.
  67. Wakley AA, McBride AA, Vaughn LK, Craft RM: Cyclic ovarian hormone modulation of supraspinal THC-induced antinociception and cannabinoid receptor binding in the female rat. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 124:269-277, 2014.
  68. Wakley AA, Wiley JL, Craft RM: Sex differences in antinociceptive tolerance to THC. Drug Alcohol Depend 143:22-28, 2014.
  69. Wakley AA, Wiley JL, Craft RM: Gonadal hormones do not alter the development of antinociceptive tolerance to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in adult rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 133:111-121, 2015.
  70. Marusich JA, Craft RM, Lefever TW, Wiley JL: The impact of gonadal hormones on cannabinoid dependence. Exp Clin Psychopharm 23:206-216, 2015.
  71. Henricks AM, Berger AL, Lugo JM, Baxter-Potter LN, Bieniasz KV, Craft RM, McLaughlin RJ: Sex differences in alcohol consumption and alterations in nucleus accumbens endocannabinoid mRNA in alcohol-dependent rats. Neuroscience 335:195-206, 2016.
  72. Craft RM, Haas AE, Wiley JL, Yu Z, Clowers BH: Gonadal hormone modulation of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced antinociception and metabolism in female versus male rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 152:36-43, 2017.
  73. Wiley JL, Lefever TW, Marusich JA, Craft RM: Comparison of the discriminative stimulus and response rate effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and synthetic cannabinoids in female and male rats. Drug Alcohol Depend 172:51-59, 2017.
  74. Britch SC, Wiley JL, Yu Z, Clowers BH, Craft RM: Cannabidiol-delta-9-tetrahydrocannbinol interactions on acute pain and locomotor activity. Drug Alcohol Depend 175:187-197, 2017.
  75. Craft RM, Greene NZ, Wakley AA: Antinociceptive effects of JWH015 in female and male rats. Behav Pharmacol 29:280-289, 2018.
  76. Cooper ZD, Craft RM: Sex-dependent effects of cannabis and cannabinoids: A translational perspective. Neuropsychopharmacology 43:34-51, 2018.
  77. Kandasamy R, Dawson CT, Craft RM, Morgan MM: Anti-migraine effect of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the female rat. Eur J Pharmacol 818:271-277, 2018.
  78. Berger AL, Henricks AM, Lugo JM, Wright HR, Warrick CR, Sticht MA, Morena M, Bonilla I, Laredo SA, Craft RM, Parsons LH, Grandes PR, Hillard CJ, Hill MN, McLaughlin RJ: The lateral habenula directs coping styles under conditions of stress via recruitment of the endocannabinoid system. Biol Psychiatry 84:611-623, 2018.
  79. Greene NZ, Wiley JL, Yu Z, Clowers BH, Craft RM: Cannabidiol modulation of antinociceptive tolerance to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Psychopharmacology 235:3289-3302, 2018.
  80. Gartstein MA, Benjamin CP, Lavine L, Craft RM, Wharton AS: External mentor program: A pathway to career advancement for women in STEM. ADVANCE Journal, 2018. doi: 10.5399/osu/ADVJRNL.1.1.1
  81. Farquhar CE, Breivogel CS, Gamage TF, Gay EA, Thomas BF, Craft RM, Wiley JL: Sex, THC, and hormones: Effects on density and sensitivity of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in rats. Drug Alcohol Depend 194:20-27, 2019.
  82. Craft RM, Britch SC, Buzitis N, Clowers BH: Age-related differences in Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced antinociception in female and male rats. Exp Clin Psychopharmacology 27:338-347, 2019.
  83. Cuttler CB, Spradlin A, Cleveland MJ, Craft RM:  Short- and long-term effects of cannabis on headache and migraine. J Pain 21:722-730, 2020.
  84. Brewer AL, Shirachi DY, Quock RM, Craft RM: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment of paclitaxel-induced neuropathic pain in male and female rats. Behav Pharmacol 31:61-72, 2020.
  85. Britch SC, Goodman AG, Wiley JL, Pondelick AM, Craft RM:  Antinociceptive and immune effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or cannabidiol in male versus female rats with persistent inflammatory pain. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 373:416-428, 2020.
  86. Cuttler C, LaFrance EM, Craft RM:  A large-scale naturalistic examination of the acute effects of cannabis on pain. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res (Oct. 2020)
  87. Craft RM, Hewitt KA, Britch SC: Antinociception produced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in female vs male rats. Behav Pharmacol 32:153-169, 2021.
  88. Tang Y, Wolk B, Britch SC, Craft RM, Kendall DA:  Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of the selective cannabinoid CB2 receptor agonist ABK5. J Pharmacol Sci 145:319-326, 2021.
  89. Wang AY, Malavasi L, Craft RM: Evaluation of bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension efficacy in single-use vials up to five days of multiple use. Vet Anaesth Analg 48:956-961, 2021.
  90. Britch SC, Craft RM:  No antinociceptive synergy between delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine in male and female rats with persistent inflammatory pain. Behav Pharmacol 32:630-639, 2021.
  91. Gogulski HY, Craft RM:  Adolescent THC exposure: Effects on pain-related, exploratory, and consummatory behaviors in adult male vs. female rats. Psychopharmacology 239:1563-1578, 2022.
  92. Britch SC, Craft RM:  Cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol interactions in male and female rats with persistent inflammatory pain. J Pain 24:98-111, 2023.
  93. Craft RM:  Burrowing behavior as an index of inflammatory pain in male vs. female rats. Behav Pharmacol (in press). doi: 10.1097/FBP.0000000000000711


Craft RM: Role of sex hormones in pain and analgesia. In: Pain in Women, Chin ML, Fillingim, RB, Ness T (eds.). New York: Oxford University Press (2012).