Éva Szentirmai, MD, PhD

Sleep and Metabolism

Areas of Interest

Sleep, obesity, immune function, metabolism, neuromorphology

Research Scope

The regulation of sleep, feeding, body temperature and metabolism is integrated at the anatomical and functional levels and depends on the interactions among various brain circuits. The goal of our laboratory is to identify the neuronal circuitry that is involved in regulating these functions.

Research Focus

The purpose of our research is to understand how the brain uses metabolic and hormonal signals from the gastrointestinal tract, adipose tissues and the hypothalamus to control sleep and coordinate metabolism and vigilance. Specifically, we investigate the role of the hypothalamic ghrelin-neuropeptide Y-orexin circuit as well as the brown and white adipose tissues in the regulation of sleep-wake activity and metabolism.

Staff and Trainees

  • Erin Lynne Boland, B.Sc., M.S. (Laboratory manager)
  • Priyanka Bushana, B.Sc. (Graduate Student, Neuroscience)

Approaches Used

  • Sleep neurophysiology
  • Whole animal metabolic function
  • Body temperature, activity, feeding monitoring
  • Intracerebral application of drugs
  • Genetic knockouts
  • Neuromorphology (axonal tracing and immunohistochemistry)
  • Gene expression analysis

Grant Support

    • NHLBI


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