Volunteer for Research

Our research would not be able to happen without the help from our volunteers. If you would like to get involved, please review our current studies and learn how to get started:

Sleep Study

WSU Spokane Sleep and Performance Research Center.


4-day/3-night in-laboratory sleep study


Pays up to $910


  • Must be healthy, non-smoker, 18-40 years old with normal sleep schedule.

Call 509-358-7751

WSU’s IRB approved the study for human subjects.
Participants must meet inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Ready to Start?

Fatigue Tracking Sleep Study


4-day/3-night in-laboratory sleep study


Pays up to $835


  • Age 18–40 years old
  • Healthy, non-smoker
  • Normal sleep schedule

Call 509-358-7751

WSU IRB #19978

Ready to Start?

Postpartum Sleep Study

WSU Spokane Sleep and Performance Research Center


Must be 18+ years old,

a first-time mom OR
caregiving partner with first-time mom also enrolled in the study,

AND using a wearable device to track sleep.

Call 509-358-7751 or email spok.sleep@wsu.edu

WSU IRB #19586

This study has been certified Exempt by the WSU Human Research Protection Program. Participants must meet inclusion/exclusion criteria to be enrolled.

Ready to Start?

Shiftwork Study


36-hour in-laboratory sleep study


Pays up to $630


  • 20-55 years old
  • Healthy per your industry’s fit-for-duty standards
  • Work a day shift schedule or a stable night shift schedule (for at least 5 years)

Call 509-358-7751

WSU IRB #: 19406

Ready to Start?

Simulated Driving Impairment Study

WSU Spokane Sleep and Performance Research Center.


2-day/2-night in-laboratory sleep study


Pays up to $600


  • Must be healthy, non-smoker, 21-50 years old with normal sleep schedule and willing to consume alcohol, an opioid, or cannabis.

Call 509-358-7751

WSU’s IRB approved the study for human subjects.
Participants must meet inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Ready to Start?