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Department of Psychology Youth Personality & Behavior Lab

Sample Publications

(* indicates graduate student; ** indicates undergraduate student)

Self-perception and Personality in Relation to Youth Behavioral Problems

*Kim, H., & Barry, C. T. (in press). The moderating effect of intolerance of uncertainty on the relation between narcissism and aggression. Current Psychology.

*Wilde, Z. C., **Underwood, J. J., Barry, C. T., *Murphy, M. B., *Gray, T. A., & **Briggs, J. M. (in press).  Correlates of adolescent and parent-reported grit in a sample of at-risk adolescents. Current Psychology.

*Kim, H., Barry, C. T., **Fowler, A. N., *Halter, B. M., & *Radcliffe, S. L. (2023). An experimental manipulation of social uncertainty to explore the relation between vulnerable narcissism and proactive aggression. Personality and Individual Differences, 208, 112204.

Barry, C. T., *Sidoti, C. L., & **Wong, M. Y. (2021). Peer perceptions of communal narcissism and communalism in at-risk adolescents. Journal of Individual Differences, 42(2), 99-106.

**Underwood, J. J., Barry, C. T., & Charles, N. E. (2021). The interplay between vulnerable and grandiose narcissism, emotion dysregulation, and distress tolerance in adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 179.

Barry, C. T., *Anderson, A. C., & Charles, N. E. (2019). Dimensions of adolescent narcissism: A variable-centered vs. person-centered approach. Journal of Individual Differences, 40, 149-155.

Social Media Engagement and Behavior in Relation to Self-perception and Mental Health

Barry, C. T., *Smith, E. E., *Murphy, M. B., *Halter, B. M., & **Briggs, J. (2023). JOMO: Joy of missing out and its association with social media use, self-perception, and mental health. Telematics and Informatics Reports, 10

Mousavi, S. Z., Barry, C. T., & **Halter, B. M.  (2023).  Relations of adolescent knowledge of COVID-19, social media engagement, and experiences during quarantine/lockdown with well-being.  Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32, 110-121. 

Barry, C. T., Moran-Miller, K., *Levy, H. F., & *Gray, T. A. (2022). Social media engagement, perceptions of social media costs and benefits, and well-being in college student-athletes. Journal of American College Health.

Barry, C. T., & **Wong, M. Y. (2020). Fear of missing out (FoMO): A generational phenomenon or an individual difference? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 2952-2966.

Barry, C. T., *McDougall, K. H., *Anderson, A. C., **Perkins, M. D., *Lee-Rowland, L., **Bender, I., & Charles, N. E. (2019). ‘Check your selfie before you wreck your selfie’: Personality ratings of users as a function of self-image posts. Journal of Research in Personality, 82.

Barry, C. T., *Reiter, S. R., **Anderson, A. C., **Schoessler, M. L., & **Sidoti, C. L. (2019). ‘Let me take another selfie:’ Further examination of the relation between narcissism, self-perception, and Instagram posts.  Psychology of Popular Media Culture

Evidence-based Assessment in Children and Adolescents

Charles, N. E., *Floyd, P. N., *Bulla, B. A., Barry, C. T., & Anestis, J. C. (in press). PAI-A predictors of treatment response in a DBT-A-informed intervention. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

Grassetti, S. N., *Tennity, C., Charles, N., Turner, E. A., & Barry, C.T. (in press). Parenting practices and callous unemotional traits predict behavioral infractions at military-style youth challenge academies. Current Psychology.

Frick, P. J., Barry, C. T., & Kamphaus, R. W. (2020). Clinical assessment of child and adolescent personality and behavior (4th edition). New York: Springer.