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M79 sequence

M79, a globular cluster. Labeled is an RR-Lyrae type variable "V6" and a reference star "2MASS"
M79, a globular cluster. Labeled is an RR-Lyrae type variable “V6” and a reference star “2MASS”. (michael allen)


A Lomb-Scargle Periodogram analysis of V6 suggests a period of variability of the star’s flux of 0.3348 days.
A Lomb-Scargle Periodogram analysis of V6 suggests a period of variability of the star’s flux of 0.3348 days. (michael allen)


Phasing the flux of V6 to a period of 0.3348 days yields a noisy but typical light curve of the star. From this period, the distance to the cluster can be determined.
Phasing the flux of V6 to a period of 0.3348 days yields a noisy but typical light curve of the star. From this period, the distance to the cluster can be determined. (michael allen)