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Busch Lab Evolutionary Biology


We are biologists who seek to understand and explain biodiversity in an ever-changing world. Most of our projects dissect the causes and consequences of evolution, using plants as study systems (see the images above for exemplary species). We spend our time challenging hypotheses with simple models, analyses of DNA sequence variation, studies in natural populations, and experimental evolution.

We are particularly interested in how a population’s context influences its genetic variability and evolution. To make progress toward this goal, current work centers on these themes: 1) the evolution of mating systems, which directly impact the transmission of genetic material between parents and offspring; 2) the causes and consequences of variation in the number of gene copies (i.e. ploidy) carried by a plant; and 3) organismal responses to environmental change.

To prospective students:

Students with broad interests in biology, an independent streak, and curiosity in the feedback between theory and empirical work are always welcome. Feel free to email me about joining the lab — I am always happy to discuss ideas for projects. Check out the people page for more information on current projects and to see what alumni are up to now.

Find us on campus:

Eastlick 390 (The lab)

Eastlick 387 (Jeremiah’s office)