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Busch Lab Publications

Published papers
Tisinai, S.L. and J.W. Busch. 2024. Weak response to selection on stigma-anther distance in a primarily selfing population of yellow monkeyflower. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291:20240586.

Busch, J.W., S. Bodbyl-Roels, S. Tusuubira, and J.K. Kelly. 2022. Pollinator loss causes rapid adaptive evolution of selfing and dramatically reduces genome-wide genetic variability. Evolution 76:2130-2144.

Koski, M.H., L.F. Galloway, and J.W. Busch. 2022. Hybrid breakdown is elevated near the historical cores of a species range. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289:20220070.

Hilpman, E.T. and J.W. Busch. 2021. Floral traits differentiate pollination syndromes and species but fail to predict the identity of floral visitors to Castilleja. American Journal of Botany 108:2150-2161.

Prior, C.J. and J.W. Busch. 2021. Selfing rate variation within species is unrelated to life-history traits or geographic range position. American Journal of Botany 108:2294-2308.

Prior, C.J., N.C. Layman, M.H. Koski, L.F. Galloway and J.W. Busch. 2020. Westward range expansion from middle latitudes explains the Mississippi River discontinuity in a forest herb of eastern North America. Molecular Ecology 29:4473-4486.

McCulloch, J.B., J.P. Owen, N.C. Hinkle, B.A. Mullens and J.W. Busch. 2020. Genetic structure of northern fowl mite (Megostigmata: Macronyssidae) populations among layer chicken flocks and local house sparrows (Passeriformes: Passeridae). Journal of Medical Entomology 57:122-130.

Koski, M.H., N.C. Layman, C.J. Prior, J.W. Busch and L.F. Galloway. 2019. Selfing ability and drift load evolve with range expansion. Evolution Letters 3:500-512.

Koski, M.H., L.F. Galloway and J.W. Busch. 2019. Pollen limitation and autonomous selfing ability interact to shape variation in outcrossing rate across a species range. American Journal of Botany 106:1240-1247.

Chisholm, P.J., J.W. Busch and D.W. Crowder. 2019. Effects of life history and ecology on virus evolutionary potential. Virus Research 265:1-9.

Layman, N.C. and J.W. Busch. 2018. Bottlenecks and inbreeding depression in autotetraploids. Evolution 72:2025-2037.

Layman, N.C., M.T.R. Fernando, C.R. Herlihy and J.W. Busch. 2017. Costs of selfing prevent the spread of a self-compatibility mutation that causes reproductive assurance. Evolution 71:884-897.

Grossenbacher, D.L., Y. Brandvain, J. Auld, M. Burd, P.O. Cheptou, J.K. Conner, A.G. Grant, S. Hovick, J.R. Pannell, A. Pauw, T. Petanidou, A. Randle, R. Rubio de Casas, J.Vamosi, A. Winn, B. Igic, J.W. Busch, S. Kalisz and E.E. Goldberg. 2017. Self-compatibility is over-represented on islands. New Phytologist 215:469-478.

Koski, M.H., D.L. Grossenbacher, J.W. Busch and L.F. Galloway. 2017. A geographic cline in the ability to self-fertilize is unrelated to the pollination environment. Ecology 98:2930-2939.

Busch, J.W. and L.F. Delph. 2017. Evolution: Selfing takes species down Stebbins’s blind alley. Current Biology 27:R61-R63.

Dixon, A.L. and J.W. Busch. 2017. Common garden test of range limits as predicted by a species distribution model in the annual plant Mimulus bicolor. American Journal of Botany 104:817-827.

Harder, L.D., M.A. Aizen, S.A. Richards, M.A. Joseph and J.W. Busch. 2016. Diverse ecological relations of male gametophyte populations in stylar environments. American Journal of Botany 103:484-497.

Pannell, J.R., J. Auld, Y. Brandvain, M. Burd, J.W. Busch, P.O. Cheptou, J.K. Conner, E.E. Goldberg, A.G. Grant, D.L. Grossenbacher, S. Hovick, B. Igic, S. Kalisz, A. Pauw, T. Petanidou, A.M. Randle, R. Rubio de Casas, J. Vamosi and A. Winn. 2015. The scope of Baker’s Law. New Phytologist 208:656-667.

Bills, J.W., E.H. Roalson, J.W. Busch and P.B. Eidesen. 2015. Environmental and genetic correlates of allocation to sexual reproduction in the circumpolar plant Bistorta vivipara (Polygonaceae). American Journal of Botany 102:1174-1186.

Norton, N.A., M.T.R. Fernando, C.R. Herlihy and J.W. Busch. 2015. Reproductive character displacement shapes a spatially structured petal color polymorphism in Leavenworthia stylosa. Evolution 69:1191-1207.

Villanea, F.A., K.N. Safi and J.W. Busch. 2015. A general model of negative frequency dependent selection explains global patterns of human ABO polymorphism. PLoS One 10(5):e0125003.

Pawlak, A.R., R.N. Mack, J.W. Busch and S.J. Novak. 2015. Invasion of Bromus tectorum (L.) into California and the American Southwest: rapid, multi-directional and genetically diverse. Biological Invasions 17:287-306.

Busch, J.W., T. Witthuhn and M. Joseph. 2014. Fewer S-alleles are maintained in plant populations with sporophytic as opposed to gametophytic self-incompatibility. Plant Species Biology 29:34-46.

Igic, B. and J.W. Busch. 2013. Is self-fertilization an evolutionary dead end? New Phytologist 198:386-397.

Dixon, A.L., C.R. Herlihy and J.W. Busch. 2013. Demographic and population-genetic tests provide mixed support for the abundant centre hypothesis in the endemic plant Leavenworthia stylosa. Molecular Ecology 22:1777-1791.

Linksvayer, T.A., J.W. Busch and C.R. Smith. 2013. Social supergenes of super-organisms: do supergenes play important roles in social evolution? BioEssays 35:683- 689.

Herman, A.C., J.W. Busch and D.J. Schoen. 2012. Phylogeny of Leavenworthia S-alleles suggests unidirectional mating system evolution and enhanced positive selection following an ancient population bottleneck. Evolution 66:1849-1861.

Busch, J.W. and W.J. Werner. 2012. Population structure has limited fitness consequences in the highly selfing plant Leavenworthia uniflora (Brassicaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 173:495-506.

Busch, J.W. and L.F. Delph. 2012. The relative importance of reproductive assurance and automatic selection as hypotheses for the evolution of self-fertilization. Annals of Botany 109:553-562.

Busch, J.W. 2011. Demography, pollination, and Baker’s law. Evolution 65:1511-1513.

Busch, J.W., S. Joly and D.J. Schoen. 2011. Demographic signatures accompanying the evolution of selfing in Leavenworthia alabamica. Molecular Biology and Evolution 28:1717-1729.

Busch, J.W. and L. Urban. 2011. Insights gained from 50 years of studying the evolution of self-compatibility in Leavenworthia (Brassicaceae). Evolutionary Biology 38:15-27.

Before 2011
Busch, J.W., C.R. Herlihy, L. Gunn and W.J. Werner. 2010. Mixed mating in a recently derived self-compatible population of Leavenworthia alabamica (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 97:1005-1013.

Busch, J.W., S. Joly and D.J. Schoen. 2010. Does mate limitation in self-incompatible species promote the evolution of selfing? The case of Leavenworthia alabamica. Evolution 64:1657-1670.

Schoen, D.J. and J.W. Busch. 2009. The evolution of dominance in sporophytic self-incompatibility systems. II. Mate-availability and recombination. Evolution 63:2099-2113.

Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, J.W. Busch, W.J. Werner et al. 2009. Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 May 2009-31 July 2009. Molecular Ecology Resources 9:1460-1466.

Busch, J.W., J. Sharma and D.J. Schoen. 2008. Molecular characterization of Lal2, an SRK-like gene linked to the S-locus in the wild mustard Leavenworthia alabamica. Genetics 178:2055-2067.

Busch, J.W. and D.J. Schoen. 2008. The evolution of self-incompatibility when mates are limiting. Trends in Plant Science 13:128-136.

Schoen, D.J. and J.W. Busch. 2008. On the evolution of self-fertilization in a metapopulation. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169:119-127.

Anderson, I.A. and J.W. Busch. 2006. Relaxed pollinator-mediated selection weakens floral integration in self-compatible taxa of Leavenworthia (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 93:860-867.

Busch, J.W. 2006. Heterosis in an isolated, effectively small, and self-fertilizing population of the flowering plant Leavenworthia alabamica. Evolution 60:184-191.

Busch, J.W. 2005. Inbreeding depression in self-incompatible and self-compatible populations of Leavenworthia alabamica. Heredity 94:159-165.

Busch, J.W. 2005. The evolution of self-compatibility in geographically peripheral populations of Leavenworthia alabamica (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany 92:1503-1512.

Busch, J.W., M. Neiman and J.M. Koslow. 2004. Evidence for maintenance of sex by pathogens in plants. Evolution 58:2584-2590.

Cipollini, D.F., J.W. Busch, K. Stowe, E. Simms and J. Bergelson. 2003. Genetic variation and relationships of constitutive and herbivore-induced glucosinolates, trypsin inhibitors, and herbivore resistance in Brassica rapa. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29:285-302.