
Plant Enhancers: A Different Story

A new study our lab published in Nature Plants challenges the long-held assumption on how enhancers, key regulatory elements in gene expression, function in plants. It was discovered that unlike their counterparts in humans, enhancers in plants are rarely associated with unstable RNA transcripts. Enhancers are DNA sequences that can boost the activity of genes, […]

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Eva Rickard Wins SURCA Gray Award for Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Eva Rickard, a dedicated undergraduate researcher in our lab, recently impressed at the 2024 Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) at WSU. SURCA provides a platform for undergraduates to showcase their research endeavors. This year, the event featured 256 posters, with 66 in the Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology category, where Eva presented […]

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NAR Cancer paper in Collaboration with the Roberts lab

A recent collaboration with the Roberts lab has been published in NAR Cancer , revealing that disruption of the cell’s ubiquitin-proteasome system, achieved through FDA-approved drugs for cancer treatment, elevates APOBEC3A levels in breast cancer and multiple myeloma cells. APOBEC3A, known for its role as a cytidine deaminase, is associated with APOBEC-induced mutations observed across […]

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Congratulations Eva on her first place presentation!

Eva presented her research on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia at the CVM Research Symposium on November 2nd. It was a thrilling presentation about how she was able to identify transcription in brains and even identify specific transcription factor binding motifs associated with healthy brains versus those with Alzheimer’s disease. Her hard work and great presentation […]

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Congratulations, Bayley!

Congratulations to Bayley McDonald on the successful defense of her undergraduate and Honors theses — both with distinction!!

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Your Blood is a COVID-19 Oracle

Profiling nascent transcription in the immune cells found in our blood throughout acute COVID-19 infection not only revealed key regulatory networks underlying disease progression and thus prognosis of disease outcome, but also that the same transcription factor can have a distinct impact on disease outcome in different immune cell types. Based on these data, it […]

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New way to analyze DNA motifs

A new fun software (MEPP) to analyze DNA motifs in a distance-specific manner by Nathan from the Benner lab has been published in NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics (link: 10.1093/nargab/lqac075)

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How human cells become Zika virus factories

Uncovering a major clue toward developing a pan-flavivirus therapy fueled by csRNA-seq Read the news at or find the paper now published at Nature Communications (link:  doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33041-1)

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