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Cougs rep sports medicine event

TNWACSMhe impact of sports medicine in the Pacific Northwest headlined this year’s annual meeting for the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Northwest Chapter. The event was Feb. 27-28 in Bend, Oregon. Headlining College of Education success was Amanda McMahon, who was awarded the Outstanding Master’s Student Presentation award for her presentation “Physical Activity-Related Discussion between Pregnant Women and Prenatal Healthcare Providers.”

Various EPPL members attended the meeting, where they heard from world-renowned physical activity epidemiologist, Dr. Steven Blair, as well as the 2012 Olympic decathlon gold medalist, Ashton Eaton.

This year’s national ACSM meeting will occur in May where Dr. Connolly and Amanda will be presenting their work.



Amanda McMahon with Dr. Connolly. Amanda won an award for outstanding presentation.
Amanda McMahon with Dr. Connolly. Amanda won an award for outstanding presentation.
Amanda McMahon delivering her presentation on physical activitiy of pregnant women.
Amanda McMahon delivering her presentation on physical activitiy discussions between pregnant women and prenatal healthcare providers.