John Harrison, Ph.D.
Edward R. Meyer Professor, School of the Environment (SoE)
School of the Environment (WSU-System-wide)
School of the Environment (Vancouver Campus)
Fax: (360) 546-9064
Located in Life Sciences (VSCI) 230B
***We are actively recruiting for Fall 2025 – see DAMS DISES project site or contact John Harrison if interested in applying***
Skyler Flaska
Global Change and Watershed Biogeochemistry Lab and Field Manager
Ted Ballenger
Ph.D. Student
Abby Nesper
Research Technician
Daniella Magnusson
Undergraduate Researcher
Former Graduate Students
Rebecca Bellmore Ph.D. (Science Director at the Southeast Alaska Watershed Coalition)
Sofia D’Ambrosio Ph.D. (Proposal Consultant, WSU Office of Research)
Bridget Deemer Ph.D. (Research Ecologist, USGS)
Will Forney M.S. (Environmental Consultant)
Kara Goodwin M.S. (Physical Scientist on the Source Water Protection Team, US EPA)
Samantha (Sammi) Grieger M.S. (Ecosystems Science Post Masters, Pacific Northwest National Labs)
Allison Jacobs M.S. (Load Forecasting Analyst, Puget Sound Energy)
Sarah Kintner M.S. (Hydrogeologist, Hydrometrics Inc.)
Cody C. Miller M.S.
Reed Norton M.S.
Corey Ruder M.S. (Climate Corps Fellow, Strategic Energy Innovations)
Phil Steenstra M.S. (Major, US Army)
Former Postdoctoral Associates:
Dr. Genevieve Metson (Associate Professor, Docent, Linkoping University)
Dr. Michelle McCrackin (Science Policy Analyst, National Science Board)
Dr. Daniel Reed (Data Engineering Specialist, Green Shield Canada)
Dr. Dan Sobota (Senior Water Quality Analyst, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality)
GCWB Laboratory:
Rooms 18, 215, 216 & 218, Science and Engineering (VSCI) Building
School of the Environment
Washington State University, Vancouver Campus
Vancouver, WA 98686
Phone: (360) 546-9220