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Goldberg Lab Spatial Ecology and Conservation Genetics

WSU eDNA lab extraction protocol

Filter extraction protocol

Our assays

We have designed and validated probe-based qPCR assays for a number of species, many of them amphibians of western North America. Here is a list of those that are running that had not been published as of 2020 (hoping to update this soon). If you are working on these species and want to collaborate with us, you can find us at: wsu.ednalab at

Common nameLatin name
Asian clamCorbicula fluminea
California tiger salamanderAmbystoma californiense
Cascades frogRana cascadae
Coastal giant salamanderDicamptodon tenebrosus
Coastal tailed frogAscaphus truei
Columbia spotted frogRana luteiventris
Foothill yellow-legged frogRana boylii
Great Basin spadefootScaphiopus intermontana
Lake troutSalvelinus namaycush
Long-toed salamanderAmbystoma macrodactylum
Lowland leopard frogRana yavapaiensis
Narrow-headed gartersnakeThamnophis rufipunctatus
North American beaverCastor canadensis
Northern leopard frogRana pipiens
Northern Mexican gartersnakeThamnophis eques
Quagga musselDreissena bugensis
Riffle sculpinCottus gulosus
Rough skinned newtTaricha granulosa
San Diego fairy shrimpBranchinecta sandiegonensis
Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogRana sierrae
Signal crayfish (Sierra Nevada)Pacifastacus leniusculus
Southern torrent salamanderRhyacotriton variegatus
Versatile fairy shrimpBranchinecta lindahli
Virile crayfish (AZ and NM)Oronectes virilis
Western pond turtleActinemys marmorata
Western toadAnaxyrus boreas
Yangtze giant softshell turtleRafetus swinhoei
Zebra musselDreissena polymorpha