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Multi-Scale Land Surface Hydrology Hydro Lab


39) Adam, J.C., 2018. Increasing Resilience across the Food, Energy, and Water Sectors in the Columbia River Basin. AGU Webinars: The Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Connecting Science and Policy, Sep. 6.

38) Adam, J.C., 2018. Eco-Hydrologic Modeling Towards Sustainable Agricultural and Forested Landscapes. Washington State University School of the Environment Seminar, Pullman, WA, Mar 26.

37) Adam, J.C., 2017. Water Supply and Demand Forecast for the Columbia River Basin. Center for Environmental Law and Policy Conference. Seattle, WA, Dec. 14.

36) Adam, J.C., 2017. ColumbiaFEW: Increasing resilience across the food, energy, and water sectors in the Columbia River Basin. University of Montana Seminar, Missoula, MT, Oct 30.

35) Adam, J.C.,  2017. Integrated Modeling to Inform Agricultural and Natural Resource Management Decisions. WSU Center for Institutional Research Computing, Pullman, WA. Oct 24.

34) Adam, J.C., 2017. Water in 2035: Water Supply and Demand Forecast for the Columbia River Basin. American Water Resources Association – Washington. Seattle, WA, Oct 3, 2017.

33) Adam, J.C., 2017. Climate Change Impacts: Water Resources and Agriculture in the Columbia River Basin. Washington State Academy of Sciences. Seattle, WA, Sep. 14, 2017.

32) Adam, J.C., 2017. BioEarth: A regional Biosphere-relevant Earth system model to inform agricultural and natural resource management decisions (webinar). Jun. 26.

31) Adam, J.C., 2017. How much runoff originates as snow? A progression of studies using the VIC model. Washington State Water Availability Supply Committee (webinar). Jun. 16.

30) Hanan, E., Adam, J.C., Choate, J., Kolden, C., Liu, M., Tague, N, 2016. Simulating the effects of climate change on postfire carbon, nitrogen, and water balance in chaparral and mixed conifer watersheds. University of Idaho Department of Geography seminar. Moscow, ID, Nov. 30.

29) Hanan, E.J., C. Tague, J. Choate, M. Liu, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Combining remote sensing data with mechanistic carbon cycling models to project biogeochemical and hydrologic fluxes in disturbance prone watersheds. American Meteorological Society 31st Conference on Hydrology. Seattle, WA., Jan. 24.

28) Adam, J.C., 2016. Columbia Basin water and agriculture in a changing climate. USDA-ARS Liaison Committee Meeting, Pullman, WA. Oct 13.

27) Adam, J.C., R. Hull, C.L. Tague, and M.L. Liu, 2016. Where should fine-resolution heterogeneity be captured within Earth system models? Observations and Modeling Across Scales: Symposium in Honor of Eric Wood. Princeton University, Jun. 2-3.

26) Adam, J.C., et al., 2016. BioEarth: A regional biosphere-relevant Earth system model to inform agricultural and natural resource management decisions. Seminar given at PNNL, Richland, WA. Mar. 11.

25) Adam, J.C., et al., 2016. Columbia Basin water and agriculture in a changing climate, Agriculture in a Changing Climate: Implications for Educators, Industry, and Producers Workshop. Kennewick, WA, Mar. 9-11.

24) Adam, J.C., R.E. Hull, C.L. Tague, J. Reyes, and M.L. Liu, 2015. Where should fine-resolution spatial heterogeneity be captured within Earth System Models, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

23) Adam, J.C., 2015. Impacts of a changing climate on water resources availability and cropping systems. Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) Annual Meeting. Yakima, WA, Dec. 7.

22) Adam. J.C., and K. Rajagopalan, 2015. Direct and Indirect effects of climate change on cereal productivity in the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S., REACCH International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Nov. 13-14.

21) Adam, J.C., 2015. The Columbia River basin long-term water supply and demand forecast. American Water Resources Association-WA 2015 State Conference, Oct. 22.

20) Adam, J.C., 2015. Scientific inputs to managing natural and agricultural resources in a changing climate. WSU Extension Agricultural and Natural Resources Unit Summer Meeting, Spokane, WA, Jul 22.

19) Adam, J.C., K. Rajagopalan, C.O Stockle, G. Yorgey, C.E. Kruger, K. Chinnayakanahalli, R. Nelson, 2014. Assessing the impacts of climate change on agricultural production in the Columbia River basin: incorporating water management. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

18) Adam, J.C., C.L. Tague, M.L. Liu, E. Garcia, J. Reyes*, J. Choate, T. Mullis, R. Hull, J. Vaughan, A. Kalyanaraman, and T. Nguyen, 2014. Upscaling a catchment-scale ecohydrology model for regional-scale earth system modeling. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

17) Adam, J.C, C.L. Tague, M.L. Liu, E. Garcia, K. Rajagopalan, S. H. Chung, X. Jiang, J. Harrison, T. Nergui, A. Guenther, C. Miller, J. Reyes, J. Choate, E.P. Salathé, C.O. Stöckle, 2014. Climate Model Bias and Land Surface Heterogeneity: Two Factors that Impact the Usefulness of Earth System Models for Natural Resource Management. CUAHSI biennial colloquium, Shepherdstown, WV, Jul. 28-30.

16) Rajagopalan, K., and Adam, J.C., 2013.  Integrated Modeling over the Pacific Northwest Region for Sustainable Natural and Agricultural Resource Management.  Invited talk, AWRA Annual Water Resources Conference, Portland, OR, Nov. 4-7.

15) Adam, J.C., 2013. “Integrated Modeling for Sustainable Natural and Agricultural Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin,” Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Seminar, Richland, WA, Jul 19.

14) Adam, J.C., 2013. “Integrated Modeling for Sustainable Natural and Agricultural Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin,” Department of Agronomy Seminar, Purdue University, Purdue, IN, Apr. 15.

13) Adam, J.C., 2013. “Integrated Modeling for Sustainable Natural and Agricultural Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin,” University of Washington Earth and Space Sciences Seminar, Seattle, WA, Feb. 7.

12) Adam, J.C., C.O. Stockle, and C.E. Kruger, 2012. “Regional-Scale Earth System Models to Inform Land and Water Management Decisions: Limitations and Current Developments,” ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH, Nov 3-6.

11) Adam, J.C., 2012. “Direct and Indirect Impacts of Climate Change on Cropping Systems in Eastern Washington,” Water, Washington and the World: 5th Annual Meeting of the Washington State Academy of the Sciences, Seattle, WA, Sep 20.

10) Adam, J.C., 2012. “A Regional-Scale Earth System Model to Inform Land Management Decisions,” Annual Meeting of the America Association for the Advancement of the Sciences (AAAS), Vancouver, BC, Canada. Feb. 17.

9) Adam, J.C., 2012. “A Regional-Scale Earth System Model to Inform Natural and Agricultural Resource Management Decisions,” University of Idaho Climate Panorama Series, Moscow, ID, Feb 13.

8) Adam, J.C., 2011. Water and Sustainability in the Columbia Basin. Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources (CSANR) Advisory Committee Meeting, Ellensburg, WA, Dec. 13.

7) Chinnayakanahalli, K., J.C. Adam, C.S. Stockle, R. Nelson, M. Brady, K. Rajagopalan, M.E. Barber, S. Dinesh, K. Malek, G. Yorgey, C. Kruger, T. Marsh, and J. Yoder, 2011. Incorporating agricultural management into an earth system model for the Pacific Northwest region: Interactions between climate, hydrology, agriculture, and economics, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 6.

6) Adam, J.C., 2011. Columbia River Basin Water Supply and Demand Forecast for the 2030s, Idaho water Resources Research Institute Hydrology Seminar, Moscow, ID, Oct. 11.

5) Adam, J.C., 2011. Progress Towards Earth System Modeling of the Pacific Northwest Region, University of Idaho Climate Panorama Series, Moscow, ID, Apr. 20.

4) Adam, J.C., 2011. Earth System Modeling: A Framework for Interdisciplinary Research, WSU Soils Seminar, Pullman, WA, Jan 31.

3) Adam, J.C., 2010. Climate change impacts on Pacific Northwest Hydrology, WSU Biological Systems Engineering Seminar, Pullman, WA, Feb. 5.

2) Adam, J.C., 2009. Numerical modeling of the impacts of climate change on Pacific Northwest hydrology, WSU Chemical Engineering Seminar, Oct. 12.

1) Adam, J.C., and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2007. Application of the VIC model to explore the role of permafrost in observed Eurasian Arctic streamflow changes, Eurasian Hydroclimatology Workshop, Fairbanks, AK, Nov. 11-14.




159) Maureira, F., E. Ramos-Real, K. Rajagopalan, J.C. Adam, and C. Stockle, 2019. Implications of potential introduction of new high0value vegetable crops in the irrigated central Washington state. ASABE annual meeting, Boston, MA, Jul. 7-10.

157) Rajagopalan, K., J. Yoder, J. Abatzoglou, J.C. Adam, K. Allen, M. Brady, M.E. Barber, J. Cook, D. Haller, L. Kot, C.E. Kruger, M. Liu, B. Nijssen, J. Padowski, T. Peters, N. Pickering, C. Schuman, C. Stockle, G. Yorgey, and R. Young, 2018. Technology for Trade: A Conceptual Framework to Improve Water Use for Agriculture and Beyond. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10-14.

156) Niemeyer, R., C.L. Tague, J.C. Adam, C. Schnepf, and A. Perleberg, 2018. Forest thinning in dry forests: Improving the resilience of forest health and streamflow in the Pacific Northwest. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10-14.

155) Ren, N., E. Hanan, J. Hicke, C.L. Tague, M. Liu, C. Kolden, J. Abatzoglou, and J.C. Adam, 2018. Topographic controls on spatial patterns of hydrologic processes following mountain pine beetle infestation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10-14.

154) Yourek, M., J. Boll, M. Liu, M. Huang, C. Stockle, and J.C. Adam, 2018. Impacts of changes in land use and climate on the food-energy-water nexus – Part A: Downscaling land use/cover change scenarios to the Columbia River Basin. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10-14.

153) Malek, K., M. Yourek, R. Begum, M. Huang, K. Rajagopalan, M. Liu, J. Boll, C. Stockle, and J.C. Adam, 2018. Impacts of changes in land use and climate on the food-energy-water nexus – Part B: Application of downscaled land use/cover change scenarios in the Columbia River Basin. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10-14.

152) Hanan, E., N. Tague, R. Bart, M. Kennedy, M. Liu, C. Kolden, J. Abatzoglou, and J.C. Adam, 2018. Effects of forest management and climate change on wildfire activity in the Inland Northwest. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10-14.

151) Yourek, M., K. Rajagopalan, M. Liu, M. Huang, and J.C. Adam, 2018. Downscaling land-use/cover change scenarios from the Global Change Assessment Model to the Columbia River Basin. Northwest Climate Conference, Boise, ID, Oct 10-11.

150) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, M. Brady, and K. Rajagopalan, 2018. When should irrigators invest in more water-efficient technologies as an adaptation to climate change? Northwest Climate Conference, Boise, ID, Oct 10-11.

149) Ren, J., E. Hanan, C.L. Tague, R. Bart, M. Kennedy, M. Liu, C. Kolden, J. Abatzoglou, and J.C. Adam, 2018. Effects of fire suppression and climate change on wildfire activity in the Inland Northwest. Northwest Climate Conference, Boise, ID, Oct 10-11.

148) Hanan. E., C.L. Tague, R. Bart, M. Kennedy, M. Liu, C. Kolden, J. Abatzoglou, and J.C. Adam, 2018. Effects of fire suppression and climate change on wildfire activity in mixed-pine forests of the Inland Northwest. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Aug 5-10.

147) Padowski, J.C., Adam, J.C., Boll, J., Katz, S., McLarty, D. 2018. Building resilience in FEW systems through innovations in technology and institutions for coordinated resource management.  University Council on Water Resources, Pittsburgh PA, Jun 26-28.

146) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, A. Richey, B. Rushi, C. Stockle, J. Yoder, M. Barik, S.-Y. Lee, K. Rajagopalan, M. Brady, M. Barber, and J. Boll, 2017. Two Case Studies to Quantify Resilience across Food-Energy-Water Systems: the Columbia River Treaty and Adaptation in Yakima River Basin Irrigation Systems. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

145) Givens, J., J. Padowski, K. Malek, C. Guzman, R. Witinok-Huber, J. Boll, and J. Adam, 2017. Incorporating social system dynamics into the Food-Energy-Water system resilience-sustainability modeling process. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

144) Padowski, J., J. Adam, J. Boll, T. Fortenbery, J. Givens, M. Goldsby, S. Hampton, J. Harrison, S. Katz, C. Kruger, M. Liu, D. McLarty, C. Stockle and J. Yoder, 2017. Strategies to move from conceptual models to quantify resilience in FEW systems. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

143) Rajagopalan, K., J.C. Adam, K. Malek, C. Stockle, M. Liu, and M. Brady, 2017. Integrated Adaptive Scenarios for Agriculture: Synergies and Tradeoffs. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

142) Ren, J., E. Hanan, C.L. Tague, M. Liu, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Modeling the effects of drought events on forest ecosystem functioning historically and under scenarios of climate change. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

141) Robichaud, P.J.L., J.C. Adam, and J. Ren, 2017. Creating an Erosion Vulnerability Map for the Columbia River Basin to Determine Reservoir Susceptibility to Sedimentation Before and After Wildfires. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

140) Hanan, E.J., C.L. Tague, R. Bart, M. Kennedy, J. Abatzoglou, C. Kolden, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Effects of fire suppression under a changing climate in Pacific Northwest mixed-pine forests. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

139) Nguyen, T., H. Pham, M. Bachmann, C.L. Tague, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Soil and geologic controls on recharge and groundwater flow response to climate change: A case study of the Yakima River Basin. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Dec. 11-15.

138) Hanan, E.J., C.L. Tague, R. Bart, M. Kennedy, J. Abatzoglou, C. Kolden, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Effects of fire suppression and climate change on wildfire activity in the Pacific Northwest. Conference on Fire Prediction Across Scales. Columbia University. New York, NY, Oct.

137) Hanan, E.J., C.L. Tague, J. Choate, M. Liu, C. Kolden, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Using remote sensing to account for disturbance history in process-based, carbon cycling models. Conference on Fire Prediction Across Scales. Columbia University. New York, NY, Oct.

136) Liu, M., J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, K. Malek, K. Rajagopalan, M. Brady, 2017. Sensitivities of Agricultural Nitrogen and Water Use Efficiency to Climate Change and Climate Variability over the Pacific Northwest by Using with VIC-CropSyst Version 3. 8th Annual Northwest Climate Conference: Working Together to Build a Resilient Northwest. Tacoma, WA, October 9.

135) Malek, K. J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, M. Brady, K. Rajagopalan, and J. Yoder, 2017.  Downstream water availability consequences of investment in new irrigation technologies. 8th Annual Northwest Climate Conference: Working Together to Build a Resilient Northwest. Tacoma, WA, October 9.

134) Rushi, B. M. Bari. S.-Y. Lee, K. Rajagopalan, M. Brady, J. Petrie, M. Barber, J. Boll, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Columbia River Treaty Renegotiation: Potential Impacts on Agriculture, Hydropower and Flood Risk in the Context of an Altered Climate. 8th Annual Northwest Climate Conference: Working Together to Build a Resilient Northwest. Tacoma, WA, October 9.

133) Ren, J., E. Hanan, C. Kolden, J. Abatzoglou, C.L. Tague, M. Liu, and J. C. Adam, 2017. Assessing the relative contribution of climate change versus forest management in driving large wildfires. 8th Annual Northwest Climate Conference: Working Together to Build a Resilient Northwest. Tacoma, WA, October 9.

132) Nguyen, T., H. Pham, M. Bachmann, C.L. Tague, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Soil and geologic controls on recharge and groundwater flow response to climate change: A case study of the Yakima River Basin. 8th Annual Northwest Climate Conference: Working Together to Build a Resilient Northwest. Tacoma, WA, October 9.

131) Hanan, E.J., C.L. Tague, J. Choate, M. Liu, C. Kolden, and J.C. Adam, 2017. Accounting for disturbance history in watershed-scale models: using remote sensing to constrain carbon and nitrogen pool spin-up. Ecological Society of America (ESA). Portland, OR, Aug. 6-11.

130) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, M. Brady, C. Stockle, 2017, Downstream water availability consequences of investment on new irrigation technologies, American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Jul 16-19, Spokane, WA.

129) Nguyen, T.T., and J.C. Adam, 2017. Soil and geologic controls on recharge and groundwater flow response to climate change: A case study of the Yakima River Basin. MODFLOW and More Conference, Golden, CO, May 2017.

128) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, M. Brady, 2017. How Are Regional Water and Energy Cycles Affected by Improvements in Irrigation Efficiency? American Meteorological Society, Seattle, WA, Jan 22-26.

127) Hanan, E.J., C. Tague, J. Choate, and J.C. Adam, 2016. Combining remote sensing and watershed modeling for regional-scale carbon cycling studies in disturbance-prone systems. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 12-16.

126) Reyes, J.J., C.L. Tague, and J.C. Adam, 2016. Assessing the impact of parameter uncertainty in modeling grass biomass using a hybrid allocation strategy. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 12-16.

125) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, and M. Brady, 2016. Downstream consequences of switching to more efficient irrigation technologies. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 12-16.

124) Rushi, B.R., M. Barik, S.Y. Lee, K. Rajagopalan, M. Brady, J. Petrie, M. Barber, J. Boll and J.C. Adam, 2016. Columbia River Treaty renegotiation: Potential impacts on agriculture, hydropower and flood risk in the context of an altered climate. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 12-16.

123) Nguyen, T., C. Tague, and J.C. Adam, 2016. The role of catchment soil and geologic properties in governing mountain streamflow response to climate change. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 12-16.

122) Rabbani, G.A., J.C. Adam, W.J. Elliot, and H. Liu, 2016. Forest surface energy balance and evapotranspiration estimated from four eddy covariance towers. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 12-16.

121) Barik, M., B. Rushi, K. Malek, K. Rajagopalan, S. Hall, C. Kruger, M. Brady, C. Stockle, and J.C. Adam, 2016. Assessment of long-term irrigation water availability over the highly managed and economically important agricultural region of the Columbia River basin. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 12-16.

120) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, and M. Brady, 2016. How does climate change impact farmers’ investment decisions? 7th Annual Northwest Climate Conference, Stevenson, WA. Nov 14-16.

119) Rajagopalan. K, J.C. Adam and C.E. Kruger, 2016, Forecasting Water Supply and Demand for the Columbia River Basin and beyond. Skagit Ag Summit. Mt. Vernon, WA, March 2016.

118) Reyes, J.J., C.L. Tague, C. Kruger, K.A. Johnson, and J.C. Adam. 2016. Integrated response of grassland biomass along co-varying gradients of climate and grazing management using an eco-hydrologic model. Poster at the Agriculture in a Changing Climate Workshop, Kennewick, WA, Mar 9-11

117) Allen, E., J. Stephens, G. Yorgey, C. Kruger, S. Ahamed, J. Adam, 2016. What do Agricultural Decision-Makers in the Northwest US Need to Know about Climate Change? Pacific Northwest Agriculture in a Changing Climate Conference. Kennewick WA, March 9-11.

116) Malek. K, J. C. Adam, , C. Stockle, M. Brady, 2016, When Should Irrigators Invest in More Water Efficient Technology, Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association, Kennewick, WA, January 12-13.

115) Nguyen, T., and J.C. Adam, 2015. Impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge and streamflow in headwater catchments in the Yakima River basin. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

114) Nergui, T., R.D. Evans, J.C. Adam, and S.H. Chung, 2015. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-induced modulations in precipitation and nitrogen wet deposition rates in the continental United States. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

113) Richey, A., J. Richey, and J.C. Adam, 2015. Assessing the use of remote sensing and crop growth model to improve modeled streamflow in Central Asia. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

112) Reyes, J.J., C.L. Tague, C.E. Kruger, K.A. Johnson, and J.C. Adam, 2015. Integrated response of grassland biomass along co-varying gradients of climate and grazing management using an eco-hydrologic model. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

111) Li, D. M. Wrzesien, M. Durand, J.C. Adam, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2015. How much of the streamflow in the U.S. originates as snow? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

110) Barik, M., M.L. Liu, C.O. Stockle, J. Abatzoglou, and J.C. Adam, 2015. Is snowpack drought an increasing threat in the Pacific Northwest? American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

109) Barik, M., M. Liu, K. Malek, K. Rajagopalan, B. Rushi, R. Nelson, C. Kruger, M. Brady, C. Stockle, and J.C. Adam, 2015. Modeled crop yield response to various types of drought events in the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, Nov. 3-5.

108) Baret, Q., S.H. Chung, J.C. Adam, and V. Walden, 2015. Impact of aerosols from wildfires on crop growth in the Pacific Northwest, PNW Science Climate Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, Nov. 3-5.

107) Reyes, J.J., C.L. Tague, C.E. Kruger, K.A. Johnson, and J.C. Adam, 2015. Coupled response of grassland biomass to changes in climate and grazing management using an eco-hydrologic model. Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, Nov. 3-5.

106) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, C.O. Stockle, and M.P. Brady, 2015. When would irrigators invest in more water-efficient technologies as an adaptation to climate change? Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, Nov. 3-5.

105) Rajagopalan, K., J.C. Adam et al., 2015. Indirect impacts of climate change through changes in water availability on agricultural production in the Columbia River basin. Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, Nov. 3-5.

104) Rushi, B., M. Barik, K. Rajagopalan, S.L. Lee, M. Brady, J. Petrie, M. Barber, and J.C. Adam, 2015. The impacts of the Columbia River Treaty scenarios on agriculture, hydropower production, and flood risk in a future climate. Northwest Climate Science Conference, Coeur d’Alene, ID, Nov. 3-5.

103) Baxter, H., T. Nguyen, J.C. Adam, M. Barik, M. Barber, A. Hossain, 2015. Impacts of future changes on low flow in highly-connected river-aquifer systems: A case study of the Spokane River and the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. Northwest Scientific Association, Pasco, WA, Apr. 1-4.

102) Baxter, J., J.C. Adam, T. Nguyen, M. Barik, A. Hossain, and M.E. Barber, 2015. Spokane River low flow trends and modeling in a changing environment, Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Conference, Henderson, NV, Jun. 16-18.

101) Reyes, J., J.C. Adam, and C.L. Tague, 2015. Assessing environmental controls on biomass in grasslands using an eco-hydrologic model. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Aug 9-14.

100) Malek, K., S. Claudio, J. Adam, R. Nelson, and M. Brady, 2015. When would irrigators invest in more water-efficient technologies as an adaptation to climate change? ASABE annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, Jul. 26-29

99) Rajagopalan, K., K. Malek, M. Barik, M.L. Liu, R. Nelson, C.O. Stockle, C.E. Kruger, M.P. Brady, and J.C. Adam, 2015. Food for thought: strategies for sustainable agricultural production in the Columbia River basin in an altered future. NOAA Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW), Mar 24-26, 2015.

98) Liu, M. K. Malek, J.C. Adam, C.O. Stockle, K. Rajagopalan, and R. Nelson, 2014. Changing water and nitrogen use efficiency over agricultural lands of the inland Pacific Northwest during the 21th century: implications for adaptation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

97) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, J. Yoder, M. Brady, and C. Stockle, 2014. Informing sustainable irrigation management strategies in response to implementation of Washington State’s Yakima Basin Integrated Plan (YBIP). American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

96) Reyes, J.J., C.L. Tague, J.S. Choate, and J.C. Adam, 2014. Eco-hydrologic modeling of rangelands: Evaluating a new carbon allocation approach and simulating ecosystem response to changing climate and management regimes. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

95) Chandrasekharan, B., K. Rajagopalan, K. Malek, M. Brady, J.C. Adam, and C.O. Stockle, 2014. A comparative study of spatial aggregation methodologies under the BioEarth framework. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

94) Rajagopalan, K., K. Chinnayakanahalli, R. Nelson, C. Stockle, C. Kruger, M. Brady, and J.C. Adam, 2014. Food for thought: crop yields in the Columbia River basin in an altered future. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Nov 2-4.

93) Adam, J.C., J.C. Stephens, S.H. Chung, M.P. Brady, R.D. Evans, C.E. Kruger, B.K. Lamb, M.L. Liu, C.O. Stöckle, J.K. Vaughan, K. Rajagopalan, J.A. Harrison, C.L. Tague, A. Kalyanaraman, Y. Chen, A. Guenther, F.Y. Leung, L.R. Leung, A.B. Perleberg, J. Yoder, E. Allen, S. Anderson, B. Chandrasekharan, K. Malek, T. Mullis, C. Miller, T. Nergui, J. Poinsatte, J. Reyes (presenting), J. Zhu, J.S. Choate, X. Jiang, R. Nelson, J.H. Yoon, G.G. Yorgey, K.J. Chinnayakanahalli, A.F. Hamlet, B. Nijssen, V. Walden, 2014. BioEarth: A regional biosphere-relevant earth system model to inform agricultural and natural resource management decisions. PNW Science Climate Conference, Seattle, WA, Sep. 9-10.

92) Baxter, H., T. Nguyen, M. Barber, A. Hossain, and J.C. Adam, 2014. Impacts of future changes on groundwater recharge and low flow in highly-connected river-aquifer systems: A case study of the Spokane River and the Spokane Valley-Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. PNW Science Climate Conference, Seattle, WA, Sep. 9-10.

91) Malek, K., C.O. Stockle, J.C. Adam, R. Nelson, K. Chinnayakanahalli, and K. Rajagopalan, 2014. Impacts or irrigation management on water and energy fluxes over the Yakima River basin. PNW Science Climate Conference, Seattle, WA, Sep. 9-10.

90) Rajagopalan, K., K. Chinnayakanahalli, R. Nelson, C. Stockle, C. Kruger, M. Brady, and J.C. Adam, 2014. Food for thought: crop yields in the Columbia River basin in an altered future. PNW Science Climate Conference, Seattle, WA, Sep. 9-10.

89) Reyes, J.J. M. Liu, C.L. Tague, J.S. Choate, R.D. Evans, K.A. Johnson, and J.C. Adam, 2014. Eco-hydrologic modeling of rangelands: Evaluating a new carbon allocation approach and incorporating grazing impacts on ecosystem processes. PNW Science Climate Conference, Seattle, WA, Sep. 9-10.

88) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, C.O. Stockle, and R. Nelson, 2014. How does irrigation management change water and energy fluxes to the atmosphere. AMS conference on mountain meteorology, Portland, OR, Aug. 18-22.

87) Malek, K., C.O. Stockle, J.C. Adam, R. Nelson, and K. Chinnayakanahalli, 2014. Impacts or irrigation management on water and energy fluxes over the Yakima River basin. ASABE annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, Jul. 13-16.

86) Rajagopalan, K., Chinnayakanahalli, K.J., Nelson, R., Stockle, C., Kruger C., Brady, M., Adam, J.C., 2013.  Food for thought: crop yields in the Columbia River basin in an altered future.  American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9-13.

85) Reyes, J.J., M. Liu, C.L. Tague, J.S. Choate, R.D. Evans, K.A. Johnson, and J.C. Adam, 2013. Incorporating grazing into an eco-hydrologic model: Simulating coupled human and natural systems in rangelands. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9-13.

84) Adam, J.C., J.C. Stephens, S.H. Chung, M.P. Brady, R.D. Evans, C.E. Kruger, B.K. Lamb, M.L. Liu, C.O. Stöckle, J.K. Vaughan, K. Rajagopalan, J.A. Harrison, C.L. Tague, A. Kalyanaraman, Y. Chen, A. Guenther, F.Y. Leung, L.R. Leung, A.B. Perleberg, J. Yoder, E. Allen, S. Anderson, B. Chandrasekharan, K. Malek, T. Mullis, C. Miller, T. Nergui, J. Poinsatte, J. Reyes (presenting), J. Zhu, J.S. Choate, X. Jiang, R. Nelson, J.H. Yoon, G.G. Yorgey, K.J. Chinnayakanahalli, A.F. Hamlet, B. Nijssen, 2013. BioEarth: A regional biosphere-relevant earth system model to inform agricultural and natural resource management decisions. 4th annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Portland, OR, Sep. 5-6.

83) Reyes, J.J., M. Liu, C.L. Tague, J.S. Choate, R.D. Evans, K.A. Johnson, and J.C. Adam, 2013. Incorporating grazing into an eco-hydrologic model: Simulating coupled human and natural systems in grasslands. Poster presented at the 4th annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Portland, OR, Sep. 5-6.

82) Nergui, T., B.K. Lamb, R.D. Evans, J.C. Adam, and S.H. Chung, 2013. Correlations between inter-annual climate variability and nitrogen wet deposition in the United States. Poster presented at the 4th annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Portland, OR, Sep. 5-6.

81) Mullis, T., M. Liu, A. Kalyanaraman, J.K. Vaughan and J.C. Adam, 2013. Demonstration of Kepler workflows for efficient management of eco-hydrological model simulations over the Pacific Northwest region.  Poster presented at the 4th annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Portland, OR, Sep. 5-6.

80) Liu, M., J.C. Adam, et al., 2013. “Uncertainties in impact studies of future climate change on natural and agricultural ecosystems by using modeled climate data with bias correction,” Ecological Science of America (ESA), Minneapolis, MN, Aug. 4-9.

79) Liu, M., J.C. Adam, C. Tague, 2013. “Zooming out from small patches and watersheds to regions: What is missing out in the modeling world?” Ecological Science of America (ESA), Minneapolis, MN, Aug. 4-9.

78) Malek, K., C. Stockle, J.C. Adam, R. Nelson, and K. Chinnayakanahalli, 2013. Impacts of climate change and irrigation management strategies on soil moisture, evapotranspiration, irrigation water availability, and crop productivity,” American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Kansas City, MO, Jul. 24.

77) Adam, J.C., K. Rajagopalan, K. Chinnayakanahalli, M. Brady, C. Stockle, and C. Kruger, 2013. “Integrated modeling for natural and agricultural resource management,” University Coalition on Water Resources (UCOWR), Lake Tahoe, NV, Jun. 11.

76) Orr, C.H., J.C. Adam, A. Beall, M.E. Barber, and T. Nguyen, 2012. “Using linked models to study interactions between water use decisions and climate change-driven watershed processes in the Pacific Northwest region,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2-7.

75) Gould, G., J.C. Adam, C. Warren, M.E. Barber, J. Wagenbrenner, P. Robichaud, and K. Cherkauer, 2012. “Large-Scale Simulation of the Effects of Climate Change on Runoff Erosion Following Extreme Wildfire Events,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2-7.

74) Liu, M., J.C. Adam, R.D. Evans, Z. Zhu, and R.B. Myneni, 2012. “Responses of terrestrial water cycles to changes in climate and phenology over the Conterminous U.S. during 1983-2011,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2-7.

73) Rajagopalan, K. K. Chinnayakanahalli, J.C. Adam, K. Malek, R. Nelson, C. Stockle, M. Brady, S. Dinesh, M.E. Barber, G. Yorgey, and C. Kruger, 2012. “Integrated Modeling to Assess the Impacts of Changes in Climate and Socio Economics on Agriculture in the Columbia River Basin,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2-7.

72) Nergui, T., N. Thomas, M. Liu, B.K. Lamb, J.C. Adam, and S.H. Chung, 2012. “Evaluating Inter-Annual Climate Variability of Nitrogen Wet Deposition in the United States Using Wavelet Analysis,” AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2-7.

71) Adam, J.C., K. Rajagopalan, C.O. Stockle, C.E. Kruger, M.P. Brady, M.E. Barber, K.J. Chinnayakanahalli, G.G. Yorgey, R.L. Nelson, S. Dinesh, K. Malek, J. Yoder, S. Chung, J.K. Vaughan, F. Leung, B.K. Lamb, R.D. Evans, J. Harrison, J. Stephens, A. Guenther, A. Kalyanaraman, L.R. Leung, M. Liu, C.L. Tague, A.B. Perleberg, Y. Chen, T.M. Norton, X. Jiang, and J. Zhu, 2012. “BioEarth: A Regional-Scale Earth System Model to Inform Land and Water Management Decisions,” ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Cincinnati, OH, Nov 3-6.

70) Barber, M.E., J.C. Adam, M. Brady, K. Chinnayakanahalli, S. Dinesh, C. Kruger, T. Peters, K. Rajagopalan, C. Stockle, J. Yoder, and G. Yorgey, 2012. “Climate Change Impacts on 2030 Water Supply and Demand in the Columbia River Basin,” 3rd Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Boise, ID, Oct. 1-2.

69) Kruger, C.E., J.C. Adam, A. Carter, E. Whitefield, and S. Eigenbrode, 2012. “Leaders of large regional agricultural projects: Panel discussion on agriculture and climate change in the Pacific Northwest,” 3rd Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Boise, ID. Oct. 1-2.

68) Adam, J.C., M.E. Barber, M.P. Brady, C.O. Stockle, C.E. Kruger, K. Chinnayakanahalli, K. Rajagopalan, G.G. Yorgey, R. Nelson, K. Malek, and S. Dinesh, 2012. “Regional-Scale Integrated Modeling Applications for Sustainable Land and Water Resource Management”, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of the Hydrologic Sciences (CUAHSI) 3rd Biennial Colloquium on Hydrologic Science and Engineering, Boulder, CO, Jul. 14-19.

67) Rajagopalan, K., K.J. Chinnayakanahalli, J.C. Adam, R.L. Nelson, C.O. Stockle, M.P. Brady, K. Malek, S. Dinesh, M.E. Barber, G.G. Yorgey, and C.E. Kruger, 2012. “Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Columbia River Basin Agriculture through Integrated Modeling,” Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, Seattle, WA, Jul. 12-13.

66) Liu, M., J.C. Adam, Z. Zhu, and R.B. Myneni, Responses of Terrestrial Water Cycles to Changes in Phenology in North America during 1981-2010,” Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, Seattle, WA, Jul. 12-13.

65) Adam, J.C., K. Rajagopalan, C.O. Stockle, C.E. Kruger, M.P. Brady, M.E. Barber, K.J. Chinnayakanahalli, G.G. Yorgey, R.L. Nelson, S. Dinesh, K. Malek, J. Yoder, S. Chung, J.K. Vaughan, F. Leung, B.K. Lamb, R.D. Evans, J. Harrison, J. Stephens, A. Guenther, A. Kalyanaraman, L.R. Leung, M. Liu, C.L. Tague, A.B. Perleberg, Y. Chen, T.M. Norton, X. Jiang, J. Zhu, and J. Yoon, 2012. “Understanding Biogeochemical cycling in the context of climate variability using a regional Earth system modeling framework,” NSF EaSM-1 PI Meeting, Washington, DC, Jul 9-11.

64) Adam, J.C., M.E. Barber, and C.E. Kruger, 2012. “Regional-Scale Integrated Modeling to Inform Land and Water Management Decisions in an Altered Climate: Current Developments”, Idaho National Laboratories Mountain West Water Institute (MWWI) “Water Ways and Means”, Idaho Falls, ID, May 15.

63) Yorgey, G.G., C.E. Kruger, J.C. Adam, K.J. Chinnayakanahalli, K. Rajagopalan, M.E. Barber, M.P. Brady, R.L. Nelson, C.O. Stockle, S. Dinesh, K. Malek, J. Yoder, and T.L. March, 2011. Forecasting water supply and demand in the Columbia River Basin. Washington State Horticultural Association Annual Meeting, Dec 7-9.

62) Rajagopalan, K., K. Chinnayakanahalli, J.C. Adam, C.S. Stockle, R. Nelson, M. Brady, M.E. Barber, S. Dinesh, K. Malek, G. Yorgey, C. Kruger, T. Marsh, and J. Yoder, 2011. Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Columbia River Basin Agriculture through Integrated Crop Systems, Hydrologic, and Water Management Modeling, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 6.

61) Adam. J.C., K. Rajagopalan, K. Chinnayakanahalli, C.S. Stockle, R. Nelson, M. Brady, M.E. Barber, S. Dinesh, K. Malek, G. Yorgey, C. Kruger, T. Marsh, and J. Yoder, 2011. Columbia River Basin Water Supply and Irrigation Demand Forecast for the 2030s, Water in the Columbia Basin: Sharing a Limited Resource, Stevenson, WA, Nov. 2-4.

60) Rajagopalan, K., K. Chinnayakanahalli, J.C. Adam, C.S. Stockle, R. Nelson, M. Brady, M.E. Barber, S. Dinesh, K. Malek, G. Yorgey, C. Kruger, T. Marsh, and J. Yoder, 2011. Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Irrigation Demand and Water Availability in the Yakima River Basin, Water in the Columbia Basin: Sharing a Limited Resource, Stevenson, WA, Nov. 2-4.

59) Malek, K., J.C. Adam, K. Rajagopalan, K. Chinnayakanahalli, C.S. Stockle, R. Nelson, M. Brady, M.E. Barber, S. Dinesh, G. Yorgey, C. Kruger, T. Marsh, and J. Yoder 2011. Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Columbia River Basin Agriculture through Integrated Crop Systems, Hydrologic, and Water Management Modeling, Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Seattle, WA, Sep 13-14.

58) Chung S., J.C. Adam, R. Gonzalez-Abraham, B.K. Lamb, 2011. Introduction of a New Earth System Modeling Framework for Understanding Biogeochemical Cycling in the Pacific Northwest: BioEarth Overview and Initial Nitrogen Deposition Analyses, Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference, Seattle, WA, Sep 13-14.

57) Reyes, J.J., J.C. Adam, C.L. Tague, J.S. Choate, J.K. Vaughan, S.H. Chung, and B.K. Lamb, 2011. Modeling impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial ecosystems: Linking ecology, hydrology and atmospheric processes. 3rd iLEAPS Science Conference. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Sep. 19-23.

56) Reyes, J.J., J.C. Adam, C.L. Tague, and J.S. Choate, 2011. Building a biosphere-relevant Earth system modeling framework: Modeling impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the terrestrial biosphere. 96th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, Aug 7-12.

55) Reyes, J.J., J.C. Adam, C.L. Tague, and J.S. Choate, 2011. Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial ecosystems: Implications for climate change. Gordon Research Conference, Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology, and Geochemistry. Lewiston, ME, Jul 11-15.

54) Adam, J.C., and J.M. Johnston, 2011. Predicted Changes of the Relative Magnitude of Water Storage Capacity in Seasonal Snowpack to Artificial Reservoirs at the Global Scale, UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, Boulder, CO, Jul. 11-15.

53) Van Wie, B.J., et al., 2011. Multi-Disciplinary Project-Based Paradigm that Uses Hands-on Desktop Learning Modules and Modern Learning Pedagogies, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Vancouver, B.C. Canada, Jun 26-29.

52) Guenther, A., et al., 2011. Progress Towards Earth System Modeling of the Pacific Northwest Region, Regional Earth System Modeling and Analysis Symposium, Beijing China, May 20.

51) Rajagopalan, K., K. Chinnayakanahalli, S. Dinesh, J.C. Adam, M.E. Barber, R. Nelson, C. Stockle, M. Brady, and G. Yorgey, 2011. An integrated modeling framework to study the impacts of climate change on irrigated agriculture. Regional Approaches to Climate Change Annual Meeting, May 9.

50) Vaughan, J.K., et al., 2011. A New Project – An Earth Systems Modeling Framework for Understanding Biogeochemical Cycling in the Context of Climate Variability, 1st INTERFACE Meeting on How DO We Improve Earth System Models? Captive Island, FL, Feb 28- Mar 3.

49) Van Wie, B.J., et al., 2011. Multi-Disciplinary Project-Based Paradigm that Uses Hands-on Desktop Learning Modules and Modern Learning Pedagogies, NSF TUES Workshop, Washington D.C., Jan 27-28.

48) Karlovits, G.S., and J.C. Adam, 2011. Probabilistic Climate Change Analysis for Stormwater Runoff in the Pacific Northwest, American Meteorological Society (AMS) 25th Conference on Hydrology, Seattle, WA, Jan 25.

47) Karlovits, G.S., and J.C. Adam, 2010. Monte Carlo Simulation to Characterize Stormwater Runoff Uncertainty in a Changing Climate, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 13-17.

46) Ottenbreit, E., J.C. Adam, M.E. Barber, J. Boll, and J.L. Ullman, 2010. Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change and Agricultural Management Practices on Surface Erosion in a Dryland Agricultural Basin, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 13-17.

45) Bartolini, E., J.C. Adam, and P. Claps, 2010. Global Snow Cover: Comparison of Modeling Results with Satellite-Derived Snow Cover Maps, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 13-17.

44) Chinnayakanahalli, K.J., J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, R. Nelson, and M.E. Barber, 2010. A Coupled Hydrological and Process-Based Crop Dynamics Model for Studying Climate Change Impacts on Water resources and Agricultural Production, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 13-17.

43) Karlovits, G.S., and J.C. Adam, 2010. Uncertainty Analysis of Climate Change Effects on Runoff for the Pacific Northwest, WSU Water Forum, Spokane, WA, Nov. 4-5.

42) Ottenbreit, E., J.C. Adam, M.E. Barber, J. Boll, and J.L. Ullman, 2010. Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change on Suspended Sediment and Erosion in a Dryland Agricultural Basin, WSU Water Forum, Spokane, WA, Nov. 4-5.

41) Chinnayakanahalli, K.J., J.C. Adam, C. Stockle, R. Nelson, and M.E. Barber, 2010. A Coupled Hydrological and Process-Based Crop Dynamics Model for Studying Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Water Resources, WSU Water Forum, Spokane, WA, Nov. 4-5.

40) Adam, J.C., K.J. Chinnayakanahalli, C. Stockle, and M.E. Barber, 2010. Climate Change Impacts on Water Supply and Irrigation Water Demand in the Columbia River Basin, UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, Jul. 13-15.

39) Lopes, T., M.E. Barber, J.C. Adam, and B. Muhunthan, 2010. Impacts of Spatial and Temporal Precipitation Distributions on Stormwater Runoff, UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, Jul. 13-15.

38) Ottenbreit, E., J.C. Adam, M.E. Barber, J. Boll, and J.L. Ullman, 2010. Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Suspended Sediment in the Potlatch River Basin, UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, Jul. 13-15.

37) Barik, M., and J.C. Adam, 2010. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping to Inform Land-use Management in an Altered Climate, Steve Burges Retirement Symposium, Seattle, WA, Mar. 24-26.

36) Van Wie, J., J.C. Adam, and J.L. Ullman, 2010. Hydrologic modeling of conservation farming practices on the Palouse, Steve Burges Retirement Symposium, Seattle, WA, Mar. 24-26.

35) Barik, M., and J.C. Adam, 2010. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping to Inform Land-use Management in an Altered Climate, WSU Academic Showcase, Pullman, WA, Mar. 25.

34) Van Wie, J., J.C. Adam, and J.L. Ullman, 2010. Hydrologic modeling of conservation farming practices on the Palouse, WSU Academic Showcase, Pullman, WA, Mar. 25.

33) Rawlins, M.A., M. Steele, M.M. Holland, J.C. Adam, et al, 2010. Analysis of the Arctic System for freshwater cycle intensification: observations and expectations, State of the Arctic Conference: At the Forefront of Global Change, Miami, FL, Mar. 16-19.

32) Adam, J.C., W.W. Budd, R.D. Evans, K.A. Johnson, C.K. Keller, B.K. Lamb, N.P. Lovrich, W.L. Pan, S.D. Stehr, 2009. NSPIRE Nitrogen Systems: Policy-oriented Integrated Research and Education. Workshop on N Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity, Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 16-18.

31) Rawlins, M.A., M. Steele, M.M. Holland, J.C. Adam, et al, 2009. Analysis of the Arctic System for freshwater cycle intensification: observations and expectations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

30) Van Wie, J., and J.C. Adam, 2009. Modeling the widespread adoption of conservation farming, Palouse Basin Water Summit, Pullman, WA, Oct. 6.

29) Van Wie, J., J.C. Adam, and J.L. Ullman, 2009. Hydrologic modeling of conservation farming practices on the Palouse, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

28) Barik, M., and J.C. Adam, 2009. Impacts of land use management and climate change on landslide susceptibility over the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 14-18.

27) Barik, M., C. Jordan, T. Lopes, J.C. Adam, M. Barber, and B. Muhunthan, 2009. Analysis of long-term land cover and climate change effects on slope stability, Water and Land Use in the Pacific Northwest: Integrating Communities and Watersheds, Stevenson, WA, Nov. 4-6.

26) Barik. M., and J.C. Adam, 2009. Assessment of the impacts of climate and land cover change on landslide susceptibility, Water and Land Use in the Pacific Northwest: Integrating Communities and Watersheds, Stevenson, WA, Nov. 4-6.

25) Adam,  J.C., and J. Van Wie, 2009. Climate change impacts on Pacific Northwest Hydrology: Implications for Agriculture and Water Resources, Water and Land Use in the Pacific Northwest: Integrating Communities and Watersheds, Stevenson, WA, Nov. 4-6.

24) Weedon, G.P. S. Gomes, P. Viterbo, H. Osterle, J.C. Adam, N. Bellouin, and O. Boucher, 2009. New global meteorological sub-daily forcing dataset for land-surface- and hydrological-models spanning the twentieth century. Royal Meteorological Society Conference, Reading, UK, June 29-July 2.

23) Barber, M., R. Mahler, and J. Adam, 2009. Climate Change and Western Prior Appropriation Water Laws in the United States: Compatible or Conflict? Water Policy 2009 – International Conference at CULS, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-26.

22) Tan, A., J.C. Adam, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2008. Trends in Eurasian Arctic runoff timing and their relationship to snow cover changes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 15-19.

21) Tan, A., J.C. Adam, M.C. Serreze, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2008. The Sensitivity of Eurasian Arctic Runoff Changes to Snow Cover Related Surface Energy Flux Variations, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 27-30.

20) Adam, J.C., and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2007. Application of the VIC model to explore the role of permafrost in observed Eurasian Arctic streamflow changes, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 5-9.

19) Rawlins, M.A., J.C. Adam, C.J. Vorosmarty, M.C. Serreze, L.D. Hinzman, M. Holland, and A. Shiklomanov, 2007. An intensified Arctic water cycle? Trend analysis of the Arctic System Freshwater Cycle: Observations and expectations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 10-14.

18) Adam, J.C., I. Haddeland, F. Su, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2006. Simulation of Reservoir Effects on Seasonal and Annual Streamflow for the Lena, Yenisei, and Ob Rivers. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 11-15.

17) Lettenmaier, D.P., J.C. Adam, and T. Barnett, 2006. Sensitivity of snow-dominated hydrologic regimes to global warming. EGU Annual Meeting Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2-7.

16) Adam, J.C., F. Su, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2005. Exploring the effects of precipitation changes on the variability of pan-Arctic river discharge. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 5-9.

15) Adam, J.C., T.P. Barnett, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2005. Impacts of a warming climate on water availability in snow-dominated regions. US Climate Change Science Program Workshop Abstracts, Arlington, VA, Nov. 14-16.

14) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, and L.C. Bowling, 2005: Exploring the contributing effects of climate and land surface changes on the variability of pan-Arctic river discharge and surface albedo. 1st Climate and Cryosphere International Science Conference Abstracts, Beijing, China, Apr. 11-15.

13) Su, F., J.C. Adam, L.C. Bowling, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2005: Hydrological simulations for the pan-Arctic drainage system. 1st Climate and Cryosphere International Science Conference Abstracts, Beijing, China, Apr. 11-15.

12) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, E. Clark, and E.F. Wood, 2005. Correction of global precipitation products for systematic bias and orographic effects. 85th AMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, San Diego, CA, Jan. 8-14.

11) Su, F., J.C. Adam, K.E. Trenberth, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2005. Evaluation of surface water fluxes of the pan-Arctic land region with a land surface model and ERA-40 reanalysis. 85th AMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, San Diego, CA, Jan. 8-14.

10) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, E.A. Clark, and E.F. Wood, 2005. Correction of global precipitation products for orographic effects. 5th International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle Abstracts, Orange County, CA, Jun. 19-23.

9) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, and L.C. Bowling, 2004. Exploring the role of land surface changes on the variability of pan-Arctic discharge. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 13-17.

8) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, E.A. Clark, and E.F. Wood, 2004. Correction of global precipitation products for orographic effects. 8th International Conference on Precipitation Abstracts, Vancouver, BC, Aug. 8-11.

7) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, E.A. Clark, and E.F. Wood, 2004. Correction of global precipitation products for orographic effects. 84th AMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, Seattle, WA, Jan. 11-15.

6) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, L.C. Bowling, 2004. Model-based estimation of river flows to the Arctic Ocean. AGU, CGU, and SEG Joint Meeting Abstracts, Montreal, Quebec, May 17-21.

5) Su, F., J.C. Adam, D.P. Lettenmaier, and L.C. Bowling, 2003. Streamflow simulations of the terrestrial Arctic domain. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 8-12.

4) Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, and L.C. Bowling, 2003. Simulated water and energy fluxes of the pan-Arctic land region. 1st Study of Environmental Arctic Change Open Science Meeting Abstracts, Seattle, WA, Oct. 27-30.

3) Adam, J.C., and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2002. Bias correction of global gridded precipitation for solid precipitation undercatch. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 6-10.

2) Maurer, E.P., A.W. Wood, J.C. Adam, B. Nijssen, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2001. Derived continental U.S. land surface hydrologic fluxes and state variables, 1950-2000. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 10-14.

1) Mullis, J.C., and M.A. Edwards, 1997. The interrelationships between ammonia and manganese removal during nitrification.  Proceedings of the CSCE/ASCE Environmental Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Jul. 22-26.