John Bishop
Ecological Research at Mount St. Helens
Dr. John Bishop
Professor of Biological Sciences
Arts and Sciences
Biological Sciences
Phone: 360-546-9612
Office: VSCI 230
Support Staff: Andrea Hanmann
Research Interests
Response of populations, communities, and ecosystems to catastrophic disturbance
My work on this topic is focused on the plants, animals, and soils of the primary successional Pumice Plain of Mount St. Helens. Much of this work is focused on herbivore effects on keystone plant colonists, such as a Lupin (Lupinus lepidus var. lobbii, and its specialist lepidopterna herbivores), and Willows (Salix sitchensis) and cascading effects on community and ecosystem development.
Click here to view the PBS Newshour video about our work at Mount St. Helens
NSF’s Science Nation video about our work on willows at Mount St. Helens
Mount St. Helens: Rising From the Ashes