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Courses at Washington State University

SOE 441 — Population ecology and conservation. 4 Credits (This required wildlife majors course is taught yearly in the fall).

SOE 492 — Field ecology and island biogeography in biosphere reserves of Baja California, Mexico. 3 Credits (Summers).

ENVRSCI 590 — Analysis of animal populations: program MARK and mark-recapture data. 2 Credits (Spring 2016).

Previous Courses and Workshops at University of Idaho

WLF 543 — Analysis and management of animal populations: modeling, estimation, and decision making. Co-instructed with E.O. Garton. 3 credits (Fall 2009).

Workshop — Estimating “true” numbers of birds and mammals using closed-population models in Program MARK (Lecturer in E.O. Garton’s 1-week workshop) (Fall 2005).

Workshop — Estimating “true” numbers of birds and mammals present during a study: the application of closed-population models using Program MARK (Lecturer in E.O. Garton’s 1-week workshop) (Spring 2005).