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Select Previous Research Activities


My past research has focused largely on bird and mammal species of conservation concern, and include topics on demography, habitat selection, determinants of space use, population status, and development of survey methodologies to inform long-term population monitoring. My past work on seabirds was also used to select and implement the preferred alternative for establishing the geographic boundary of a new US Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge. Additional results have contributed to conservation through informing federal environmental regulatory decisions relating to the Upper Klamath Basin Water Reclamation Project, federal listing of the distinct population segment of Peninsular bighorn sheep, protection of Peninsular bighorn sheep, and long-term population monitoring of the nation’s largest western burrowing owl population.


Burrowing Owl

a. Manning, J.A., C.S. Goldberg, P.H. Bloom, & S.E. Thomas. 2009. Diurnal space use and availability of breeding male burrowing owls during standardized surveys.

b. Manning, J.A. & S. Robinson. 2009. Spatial autocorrelation in male burrowing owl territory abundance.

c. Manning, J.A. & C.S. Goldberg. 2009. Development and validation of a stratified random sampling methodology with optimum allocation to survey for and estimate male burrowing owl territory abundance.


California Gnatcatcher, Least Bell’s Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Spotted Owl, Golden Eagle, and Mountain Quail

a. 1990-2018. Avian surveys of Palomar Mountain, San Luis Rey River Drainage, Santa Margarita River Drainage, Anza-Borrego Desert, and Rancho Cuyamaca State Parks, California.

b. 1994-1995. Riverside County Calif gnatcatcher study on the effects of nest parasitism.

c. 1989-1990. USFWS endangered and sensitive species surveys throughout SoCal. Developed southern spotted owl survey protocols and routes and conducted surveys throughout the Descanso, Trabuco, and Palomar Districts.


Bald Eagle

Manning, J.A. & W.D. Edge. 2002. Review of the relationships between bald eagle biology and federal environmental decisions on the Klamath Project. Pages 285-312 in W. Braunworth, Jr., T. Welch, & R. Hathaway, eds. Water allocation in the Klamath Reclamation Project, 2001: An assessment of natural resource, economic, social, and institutional issues with a focus on the Upper Klamath Basin. Oregon State University, SR1037, Corvallis.


Turkey Vulture

a. Manning, J.A. 1997. Status and biology of breeding turkey vultures in San Diego County, California.

b. Manning, J.A. 1997. Habitat characteristics of turkey vulture nests in San Diego County, California.


Seabirds and Waterfowl

a. Manning, J.A. 1995. Spatial distributions and abundances of seabirds and waterfowl across open-water habitats of San Diego Bay, California. Results used to inform establishment new National Wildlife Refuge.

b. Manning, J.A. 1995. Habitat associations of nesting Caspian tern, royal tern, elegant tern, Forester’s tern, gull-billed tern, and snowy plover. Results used to inform establishment of the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

c. Stadtlander, D., J. Konecny, J.A. Manning, and S. Wynn. 1993. Colonial seabirds and the Western Snowy Plover nesting in south and San Diego Bay.



a. Manning, J.A. 1994. Canada geese space use patterns and foraging activities in San Dieguito Valley and Lagoon, California.


Black Bears, Lynx, Gray Wolf, Coyote, San Juaquin Kit Fox, and Red Fox

a. 1988. Capture, radio collar, and tracking of black bear, lynx, coyote, and gray wolf on the USFWS Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska.

b. San Juaquin kit fox, coyote, and red fox capture, collar, and tracking in California Valley, California under contract with the Smithsonian Institution and the Nature Conservancy. Publications that came out of this work include: White et al. (1995, 1996, 2000; White and Ralls 1993, Ralls and White 1995, 2003).


Regional and Wildlife Conservation

a. Hoines, J. & J.A. Manning. 2016. Mojave and Colorado Deserts Biosphere Reserve 10-year Periodic Review. Final report to the United Nations Man and the Biosphere Program.

b. Manning, J.A. & W.D. Edge. 2002. Relationships between mule deer biology and federal environmental decisions on the Klamath Project. Pages 327-335 in W. Braunworth, Jr., T. Welch, & R. Hathaway, eds. Water allocation in the Klamath Reclamation Project, 2001: An assessment of natural resource, economic, social, and institutional issues with a focus on the Upper Klamath Basin. Oregon State University, SR1037, Corvallis.

c. Manning, J.A. & W.D. Edge. 2002. Review of the relationships between bald eagle biology and federal environmental decisions on the Klamath Project. Pages 285-312 in W. Braunworth, Jr., T. Welch, & R. Hathaway, eds. Water allocation in the Klamath Reclamation Project, 2001: An assessment of natural resource, economic, social, and institutional issues with a focus on the Upper Klamath Basin. Oregon State University, SR1037, Corvallis.

d. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Manning, J.A. et al.). 1998. Jeopardy conference opinion of the proposed Shadowrock Ventures project and its effects on the proposed endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon.