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The Nutrition and Gut Microbiome Lab Contributing to research and academic progression in -omics
Updated Cranberry Juice & Microbiome Study!

Now recruiting females 18 years of age and older

A Pictorial of the Study

Updated cranberry study flyer

Cranberry juice study design

The study design

45 days total

  • Two 15-day study arms/dietary periods of either cranberry juice or placebo
  • One 15-day washout period
  • Sample collections before and after each study arm/dietary period
    • 2 before/baseline samples
    • 2 after/post-diet samples
    • Total of 4 sample collections

cranberry placebo juices

The experimental beverages (8 fluid ounce bottles)

  • Cranberry juice and placebo
  • Low-calorie/low-sugar drinks
  • Randomized by a three-digit code on the bottle caps
  • Double-blinded study (neither researchers nor participants know which bottle is which drink) 

Study Description

Cranberry juice has long been consumed by indigenous peoples for various health purposes to more recently, preventing or treating urinary tract infections (UTIs)–a common holistic approach. While many studies have been done on cranberry juice, extracts, powders, and the sort, it is still not yet fully understood how cranberry juice can prevent or treat UTIs.

Our updated study on cranberry juice and its effects on the gut and vaginal microbiome as well as urinary metabolites has now expanded its inclusion criteria!

Previously focusing on postmenopausal women (not having a menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months), we can now take a wider range of women from ages 18 years and older!

We will be investigating the before and after effect of cranberry juice to better understand how it impacts UTIs as a preventative measure. We require participants to provide stool, vaginal swabs, and urine samples in order to complete the investigation before and after they consume the experimental beverages.

If interested, please fill out and complete our online Qualtrics survey 

Exclusion criteria:

  1. Have been on antibiotics in the last 90 days (we can wait until it has been long enough since your last antibiotic treatment to begin our study if you are interested)
  2. Are pregnant or trying to become pregnant
  3. Have a BMI less than 18 or greater than 35
  4. Have a history of significant digestive or metabolic conditions (we will work with you to determine if this is a factor for your participation)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I get UTIs often. Can I participate?

A: Yes! You are still eligible for participation.

Q: I am vegan. Can I participate?

A: Yes! You are still eligible for participation. Our experimental beverages are plant-based.

Q: How much juice will I have to drink?

A: Participants will need to drink one 8-fl oz bottle of juice a day for each study arm/dietary period. Each dietary period is 15 days long; so, participants will drink a total of 15 bottles of juice for each study arm. This is a total of 30 bottles of 8-fl oz beverage for the entire study.

Q: Will this take a lot of my time?

A: We do not anticipate so. Previous participants have shared that the study was easy for them and did not take much time!

Q: How can I sign up?

A: We have a Qualtrics survey that all potential participants must complete to determine eligibility. From there, our researchers will arrange a meeting with you to review details of the study, complete final screening and paperwork, and answer any of your questions.

Q: I live in [a different city]. Can I participate?

A: We would love for you to participate! You can participate if you live in or near Pullman or Spokane for logistic purposes.