Interested in joining the lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant?
Undergraduate RAs in the Scott “Personality and Psychopathology and Assessment” lab are exposed to research at the intersection of personality science and psychopathology. We expect all RAs to attend one-hour weekly lab meetings, read and be prepared to discuss research articles in the areas of personality science and psychopathology, and to participate in various phases of the scientific process.
Typically, when students first enter the lab, RA’s assist with data collection, entry, and processing and assist in conducting ongoing studies in the lab. As students become more familiar with the research related to lab projects, have demonstrated sufficient responsibility and competence and interest in the lab, they can become involved in designing and conducting studies. Most undergraduate students enroll for 2 (6 hours a week) -3 (9 hours a week) credits in Psych 498 Research Participation.
Minimum requirements for joining the team are:
• Attendance at weekly one-hour lab meetings
• Interest in pursuing graduate education in Psychology
• Minimum commitment: 6 hrs/week (including .
Undergraduate RA duties are likely to include:
• Attending weekly one-hour lab meetings that include reading research articles, discussion of theory, study design and pilot testing, reviewing lab manuscripts, and practice for presentations (e.g., thesis defenses, conference talks)
• Data collection: Assisting with conducting on-going lab studies. For Fall of 2022 and Spring of 2023 semesters, that is likely to include conducting assessments of personality functioning and providing personality assessment feedback.
To apply to be a research assistant, please email Dr. Scott (, and include the following information in your email message: Year in College (e.g., freshman, sophomore, etc.), Undergraduate GPA, and Goals related to your Psychology Degree.