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Storfer Lab Join Us

Joining the lab

I have an active lab group composed of postdocs, graduate students and undergraduate students (see the Personnel page for more information). I am looking for motivated students to begin graduate studies in Spring or Fall, 2024. Our application deadline for Spring is September 1 and Fall is January 10, 2024. For information on how to apply, please go to The Graduate Program in the School of Biological Sciences is very active, with over 70 graduate students. All students are offered funding (either via a Teaching or Research Assistantship) upon acceptance to the program.

Email prior to applying is encouraged – please feel free to contact me at: if you are interested. I am also always looking for dedicated undergraduates to conduct independent research projects. Several previous undergraduate students have become authors on scientific publications, with numerous former students having won awards at WSU.

My general philosophy for advising students is to be the central part of a support network with the goal of helping my students succeed in whatever career they choose.  Some ask whether I am “hands on” or “hands off.” Instead of having a blanket advising style, I will give students the independence they need. Some students may need more guidance and attention than others, and thus, I tailor my advising to the needs of individuals. Anyone who works with me knows that I have an “open door policy,” and I am most often available to discuss ideas or answer questions.