Submission of UGT sequences for naming

Sequence requirements

  1. Only amino acid (cDNA) sequences obtained from sequencing mRNA (such as by cDNA cloning, RT-PCR, or RNAseq) can be named.  mRNA sequences obtained solely by gene prediction computer software from genome sequences are not sufficient and will not be named.
  2. Submitted sequences must contain the conserved UGT protein sequence domain. This can be checked at this web site:
  3. At least 350 amino acid residues (minimum) must be submitted to enable unambiguous comparisons with existing UGT sequences.
  4. Organism genus and species information must be provided to facilitate analysis using the appropriate Kingdom group and to differentiate allelic variants (same species) from orthologous genes (different species).

Format for submission

Please download the UGT Sequence Submission Form here and provide the following information (corresponding to the columns):

  1. *A temporary unique name for each UGT (the name you currently use for this UGT; e.g. Felis_catus_UGT1)
  2. *Organism scientific name (genus/species)
  3. Common  name used for the organism
  4. Nucleotide ID (NCBI Genbank cDNA number) if known; otherwise leave blank
  5. Protein ID (NCBI Genbank protein number) if known; otherwise leave blank
  6. Gene ID (NCBI Genbank gene number) if known; otherwise leave blank
  7. Submitter or researcher name
  8. Submission date
  9. Any comments
  10. Sequence length (needs to be at least 350 aa); shorter sequences will not be named
  11. *Amino acid sequence (in one cell – no spaces – no line returns – no stop codon)

*Required information

Leave cell empty if any information is unknown.

Submit sequences by email

Send file with a brief request message to Dr Michael Court.

You will normally receive an acknowledgment of receipt within ~2 working days.

Most requests are completed within 1 to 2 weeks.  For a large number of sequences (>30) it will take longer.

Please note that this is done on a volunteer basis as a service to the scientific community and so your patience is greatly appreciated.