Spring Semester 2018
- January 8: We are pleased to again welcome Alexis Rogel (Civil Engineering, Sophomore) into the Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Lab. He has been awarded an AT&T Research Scholarship to conduct undergraduate research for the spring semester on stream water quality.
Special thanks to the Office of Multicultural Student Services, J. Manuel Acevedo (Director), and the Team Mentoring Program for facilitating these opportunities.
Fall Semester 2017
More cold weather sampling
December 16: Researchers, Raul and Christian, of the WHWQ Lab work on setting up the ISCO automatic sampler to collect data over the snowy break.
Danielle Adams successfully defends her Master’s thesis! Congrats
November 13: Danielle presented her work on evaporation quantification in the water balance of the Palouse agroecological region.
Watershed Sampling Station (continued)
October 17: Undergraduate Researchers (Marco, Alyssa, Jesus, Raul) and the WHWQ Lab work on installing pvc for the stilling well and the solar panel for the ISCO automatic sampler.
Watershed Sampling Station
September 28: Ryan Boyland (Palouse Conservation District) and Dr. Erin Brooks (University of Idaho) helped us move a research sampling station from Moscow, Idaho to Paradise Creek in Pullman, WA. It took a lot of elbow grease and a Ford F-250!
Field Research!
September 22: We’re getting ready for field work and analysis of stream water quality patterns. Stay tuned for more updates on the Sloan Water Chemistry Lab and stream sampling.
- September 12: We are pleased to welcome Alyssa Resurreccion (Civil Engineering, Sophomore) into the Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Lab. She has been awarded a Boeing Cyber Grant Research Scholarship to conduct undergraduate research for the fall semester on stream water quality.
- September 19: We are pleased to welcome Alexis Rogel (Civil Engineering, Sophomore) into the Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Lab. He has been awarded a Boeing Cyber Grant Research Scholarship to conduct undergraduate research for the fall semester on stream water quality.
- September 20: We are pleased to welcome Jesus Policarpo (Computer Science Sophomore) into the Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Lab. He has been awarded a Boeing Cyber Grant Research Scholarship to conduct undergraduate research for the fall semester on stream water quality.
- September 20: We are also pleased to welcome Marco Meza (Material Science Engineering Sophomore) into the Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Lab. He will be conducting undergraduate research for the fall semester on precipitation variability.
Special thanks to the Office of Multicultural Student Services, J. Manuel Acevedo (Director), and the Team Mentoring Program for facilitating these opportunities.