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CE 460 Engineering Hydrology: 
This course introduces the fundamental principles of surface water hydrology and engineering design applications. Emphasis is placed on components of the hydrologic cycle; conceptual models; watershed characteristics; probability/statistics in data analysis; hydrographs; computer models; and design applications.


CE 498 Environmental Water Quality: 
This is a non-point source pollution class that introduces the principles of surface and groundwater quality, engineering pollution control applications, and water quality monitoring. Emphasis is placed on receiving water quality, sources, transport and control of pollutants
CE 560 Advanced Hydrology:
Principles of the hydrologic cycle including conservation laws, precipitation, fluid mechanics of lower atmosphere, evaporation, fluid mechanics of free surface flow, overland flow, stream flow routing, fluid mechanics in porous media, infiltration and unsaturated flow, groundwater outflow and base flow, stream flow generation and catchment response, and elements of frequency analysis in hydrology.
 Figures from Brooks, Boll, McDaniel, 2004 WRR: Contour map of hillslope plot in Troy, Idaho demonstrating drainage of sloping land. Wells identified with a circle were read hourly. Wells identified with a cross were read during site visits.