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WSUV Health and Social Psychology Research Lab
WSU Vancouver Campus

WHSPR Lab is a small but mighty group of research psychologists at the WSU Vancouver campus. The members of WHSPR Lab are interested in studying preventive health behavior from a social psychological perspective. Current research areas include:

  • cognitive and affective predictors of health behaviors (physical activity, tobacco use, cannabis use…)
  • investigating the links between physical activity and alcohol/cannabis use
  • techniques for communicating risk information (e.g., cigarette graphic warnings)
  • positive and negative reactions to health communications
  • perceptions and knowledge surrounding ambiguous health behaviors such e-cigarettes and cannabis use

Undergraduate students who are interested in research experience should contact Dr. Magnan ( directly for availability.

Dr. Magnan is considering applications for the Fall 2023 cohort of the WSU Experimental Psychology doctoral program. A successful applicant will have clear research ideas, research experience in psychology, strong letters of recommendation, and ideas about how they will contribute to Dr. Magnan’s program of research. 

More information on the WSU Experimental Psychology graduate program can be found here:



2018-2019 WHSPR Lab members. From left: David Ramsay, Bethany Shorey Fennell, Kiana Tanaka, Renee Magnan (Not present: Eric Malain)



2017-2018 WHSPR Lab members. From left: Thomas Hefter, Kiana Tanaka, Renee Magnan, Bethany Shorey Fennell (Not present: Eric Malain)
WHSPR Lab Members 2016-2017 From Left: Thomas Hefter, Mary Nelson, Bethany Shorey Fennell, Renee Magnan, & Alena Kryvanos (Not present: Kiana Tanaka)