Bioethics Education and Outreach


Educational activities at the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine include education of medical students (with Bioethics Faculty receiving awards for medical school curriculum development), as well as educational outreach in furtherance of WSU’s land-grant mission. The latter includes the innovative Certificate in Medical Ethics offered in cooperation with Kaiser Permanente and taught by faculty with extensive clinical ethics consultation experience. This program includes simulated ethics consultation experience utilizing professional actors and practicing health professionals, and is designed to make available affordable internet-based education targeted to ethics committees members and practicing health professionals, with the idea of extending this sorely needed educational opportunity to regions that would otherwise lack access to such education.

The Bioethics Grand Rounds series is also offered through a web-based format, and makes access to prominent national experts on visible bioethics topics available to medical students, faculty, and regional health professionals, free-of-charge.

Certificate in Medical Ethics

Bioethics Grand Rounds

Public Speaking and Outreach

  • Regional and National Service
  • Academic Conferences and Colloquia Presentations
  • Non-Academic Public Speaking Events
  • Media Interviews

Partnerships and Collaborations

  • HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
  • Kaiser Permanente Regional Ethics Program of Northern California