Grizzly digging for army cutworm moths on talus slopes in Glacier National Park. Moths may be an important, but little studied, component of Grizzly diet. We are seeking to understand this relationship. This video taken by graduate student Erik Peterson, and funded by the Glacier Park Conservancy.
White-lipped peccaries visiting a water hole in northern Guatemala. This species is one of the most vulnerable to human disturbance. Work in Guatemala is helping to elucidate vulnerability fo this species to hunting, and methods for monitoring. Video taken by graduate student Lucy Perera-Romero, and credit goes to WSU, Wildlife Conservation Society, OMYC (Organization de Manejo y Conservacion), and CONAP (Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas).
As part of collaborative work that is being led by Trent University, we are GPS-collaring lynx and bobcat in southern British Columbia, just across the border with Washington. As the climate warms, the niche ecology of bobcats and lynx may change. We are examining how lynx and bobcat partition space and use their landscape in winter and summer. We will also use the data on movement from the collars to examine transboundary connectivity. Video of a lynx by Arthur Scully (Trent University graduate student).
A restful sleep and lazy day for this Baird’s tapir. Thanks to the cooperative efforts of the indigenous Pech Tribal Federation; federal Instituto de Conservación Forestal officer Marcio Martinez; NGO Panthera-Honduras; and WSU MSEC Lab’s Travis King and field assistant Hefer Avila Palma we were able to capture this incredible video of this Endangered species. As part of the larger ongoing efforts of Ph.D. student Travis King’s research on “Camera Trapping as a Basis for Multi-Species Assessment of Corridor Health and Connectivity in Honduras” this video from the Tribal protected lands of El Carbon National Park shows the effective and ongoing conservation actions of the Pech within the region. Let’s work for many more restful sleeps.
In collaborations with the Wildlife Conservation Society-Guatemala, we are placing cameras on waterholes to look at species use and interactions within these key natural features. In the top video, a northern tamandua (anteater) ponders taking a swim, then thinks better of it. In the bottom, a a large male jaguar approaches a waterhole, and marks his entrance on the way.