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Illumina Sequencing



Workflow of Typical Sequencing Projects Performed at the Core



Pricing Information and Options

Library Preparation

(all prices are per sample)

Application TypeExamples of Reagents/KitsPrice
RNA-seq Library/mRNATruSeq RNA Prep v2$168
RNA-seq Library/Total RNATruSeq Stranded Total with Ribo-zero$221
small RNA LibraryTruSeq small RNA$207
Low Input RNA (10 pg) LibrarySMARTer$290
ChIP-seq LibraryTruSeq ChIP$184
Whole Genome LibraryTruSeq Nano$141
Exome LibraryNextera Rapid Capture Exome$256
Methylation LibraryEpiGome Methyl-Seq$200
Moleculo LibraryTruseq Synthetic Long-Read DNA Library
Prep Kit; TruSeq Synthetic Long-Read DNA
Barcode Kit
Amplicon-based LibraryPlease inquirePlease inquire
De Novo Sequencing LibraryPlease inquirePlease inquire
Other LibrariesPlease inquirePlease inquire

Quant/QC of Libraries and Nucleic Acids

Application TypeReagentsPrice
Library Quant by qPCR (per sample)Kapa Library Quantification Kit$30
DNA/RNA Quant Qubit (per sample)Qubit Assay Reagents$5
Library QC (per sample)Fragment Analyzer Reagents$10


Illumina Novaseq Sequencing

1 billion reads per laneLane$2,540
Please inquire about other sequencing options

Illumina Hiseq Sequencing

380 million reads per laneLane$2,140
Please inquire about other sequencing options

Illumina NextSeq Sequencing

High Output v2 kit
400 million reads per run
Single Read 1x75 bpRun$2,039
Single Read 1x150 bpRun$3,939
Paired-End 2x75 bpRun$3,947
Paired-End 2x150 bpRun$6,306
Mid Output v2 kit
130 million reads per run
Single Read 1x150 bpRun$1,489
Pair-End Read 2x75 bpRun$1,499
Pair-End Read 2x150 bpRun$2,389

As a reminder, it is best practice to plan for a 3% to 5% yearly rate increase when proposing studies and submitting grants.