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To prospective members

Open positions:

We are always looking for new members. Please contact Prof. Luo if you are interested in getting involved in any of the current research work. Generally, there are three motivations for joining MIAR: improvement of academic experiences, especially for those who want to work in academia in the future; improvement of industry experiences, as most of our work involves design, fabrication, and programming, which are essential skills for those seeking industry jobs; and entrepreneurial opportunity: if your research prototypes have potential on the market, Prof. Luo will help you commercialize them. Prof. Luo hopes everyone in MIAR will succeed. But robot development is very tedious, and requires basic knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and even material engineering and bioengineering. If you decide to pursue your dream in MIAR, please let Prof. Luo know.

PhD students:

Before sending an email, please take a look at Prof. Luo’s research and note down your thoughts (For example: I can solve this problem better; Dr. Luo’s robots can be used in this field). PhD students should be self-motivated.

If you are a current WSU student, please send Prof. Luo your resume, and so that an in-person meeting can be arranged.

If you are not a WSU student, the email should include a copy of your CV, proposed project summary, and your motivation for working in the MIAR lab. If Prof. Luo does not respond to your email, it may mean that your background does not fit current lab projects, or that there is no funding.

If you can self-fund, please write it in your email.

Master students:

MIAR lab does not typically fund master students, but it depends on the funding situation. If you want to gain more research experience (first author publication) in robotics, please do not hesitate to contact Prof. Luo.

Undergraduate Students:

I don’t accept undergraduates unless they have completed ME 401, Mechastonics.

Postdoctoral Research

Sorry, MIAR lab does not have any available positions at this time. However, we are open to submissions of collaborative research proposals. If interested, please contact Prof. Luo.

Visiting Position

If you can self-fund and share a common interest in soft robotics, please contact Prof. Luo.